SAP Message /EACA/CUST001 - Invalid program state during assignment of components to the acc.instance

An undefined program state has arisen during assignment of componentsto the accounting instance. Processing cannot be continued.
Diagnosis tools:
DIAG1 = '&V1&'
DIAG2 = '&V2&'
DIAG3 = '&V3&'
DIAG4 = '&V4&'

In OSS, look for references to error message /EACA/CUST001
. The problem might already be known.
Create an OSS message with the following information:

  • How did this error come about?

  • Give the following information:
    Transaction code
    Menu path
    Program executed
    • Make all necessary entries in the required selection screen or dialog
    • boxes. This will ensure that the problem is clearly defined.
      • Take a note of the values of the diagnosis tools DIAG1 to DIAG4 (see
      • above).
        • If this error message appears as a short dump, specify the system and
        • the application server.