SAP Message WXP566 - Infocube &3 does not contain key figure field &2

You want to use the BW system for providing actual data. This meansthat the actual data is taken from the info cubes for all key figuresthat have assignments to info cube fields. The info cube fields thathave been assigned exist in the relevant info cubes.
This is not true of info cube &V3&: key figure &V1& is assigned to info
cube field &V2&. This field is not, however, used in the info cube.This means that no actual data can be taken from info cube &V3& forthis key figure.

If you want to take actual data for key figure &V1& from info cube &V3&
for your planning, you must include info cube field &v2& and update theactual data for this fey figure to the info cube.