SAP Message WWP1023 - Worklist contains too many entries

The number of entries (&V1&) in your worklist exceeds the maximumnumber of parameters stated on the selection screen for Generalsettings. You can improve system performance by limiting the maximumnumber of entries.

To maintain your settings for the Planning Workbench, choose one of thefollowing options:
Choose the button "Maintain settings" in the application toolbar forthe worklist.
Select transaction WWP2.
You then have two options for changing your settings, thus removing theproblem:
Restrict your selection
Choose the tab page of the application you want (for example, onlineplanning) where you can then limit the selection criteria for yourworklist.
Increase the maximum number of entries:
Select the General settings tab page, where you can thenincrease the maximum number of parameters. The maximum number ofentries depends on your system performance.