Diagnosis The system received a SAML assertion, which is not trusted by the SAPsystem. Procedure The SAML assertion (issuer &V3&) is using a X.509 certificate (&V1&&V2&)for signing, which was not trusted by the SAP system. To trus the issuerof the SAML assertion, obtain the certificate of the SAML issuer, andimport it into the System PSE. Please ensure user mapping has been maintained. Please refer to the SAP documentation and note 1254821. SAML Issuer: &V3& Certificate DN: &V1&&V2& If you use report RSUSREXTID for maintaing the mapping, the following information if usefull: Type of External ID:SA Prefix of External Name: &V4&Name of Issuer: &V1&&V2&Procedure for System Administration |