SAP Message WRMA_BCT_1227 - No plants assigned to RMA distribution chain &2 / &3

For the plant &V1&, you have specified that the system shall determinethe cost allocation targets by using the RMA distribution chain. Thesystem detected that no additional store is assigned to the RMAdistribution chain &V2&/&V3&.

System Response
The current system settings prevent the system from performing the costallocation, or cause it to perform the cost allocation for the sourcestore only.

There are two possible causes for this situation:
Cause 1: You have not updated the master data in the SAP BW, or you havedone so incorrectly. Check whether you have performed the master dataupload correctly, and whether the system is correctly updating theattributes Cost Allocation Sales Organization (0RMA_VKORG) andCost Allocation Distribution Channel (0RMA_VTWEG).
Cause 2: You have not assigned any plants to the RMA distribution chainin SAP ERP. You can make the assignment to the RMA distribution chain byusing the fields CAL Sales Org. (RMA_VKORG) and CAL DistribnChnl (RMA_VTWEG) in the view Valuation/Inventory Management.