Diagnosis The InfoProvider required for the negative inventory value check was notfound in the system. This RMA-specific check is used during the RMA rawdata processing within the cost allocation. System Response If you do not specify an InfoProvider, the negative inventory valuecheck fails and the system terminates the RMA process. Procedure You must decide whether you generally require a negative inventory valuecheck. If you do not use the RMA cost allocation in the entire RMAenvironment, using the negative inventory value check does not makesense. If this is the case, deselect the indicator CAL: CheckNegative Balance> and store the settings. If you require the cost allocation and the negative inventory valuecheck, select a suitable InfoProvider that contains inventoryinformation at least on the level plant/object/period. You may use the following example settings for the Customizing: Field REF_CUBE = 0RMA_MP01 Field REF_CHANM = 0RT_RMCNDTA Field REF_CHAVAL = ENIN Field REF_KYFNM1 = 0RMA_INVPV |