SAP Message WRF_PRC_CTR120 - There is inconsistent data for SAP EM in purchase order &1

There is inconsistent data for SAP EM in purchase order &V1&.

System Response
In addition to this message, which can be defined in Customizing, thesystem normally issues another that describes the problem in moredetail. However, the message that you define in Customizing determinesthe message category for the more detailed message. This makes itpossible to save a purchase order even though the data for SAP EMis inconsistent. Messages of the message category A or Eprevent the purchase order from being saved.

If you do not want to prevent the purchase order from being saved forSAP EM due to the inconsistent data, you must change the messagecategory in Customizing to I or W. To do so, carry out thefollowing activity in Customizing for seasonal procurement:Define Characteristics of System Messages. Theapplication area to use is WRF_PRC_CTR.