SAP Message WRF_FOLUPART046 - &: Two-level cycle exists

You defined in Customizing that the system runs a check for two-levelcycles for the follow-up type of a follow-up/replacement materialrelationship. The system detected a two-level cylcle when creating thefollow-up relationship.
A two-level cycle exists when the follow-up/replacement material of afollow-up/replacement material relationship is the original material ina second follow-up/replacement material relationship, and thefollow-up/replacement material in this second follow-up/replacementmaterial relationship is the original material of the first. Inaddition, both relationships have to have the same follow-up typenumber.
Example A
Follow-up/repl. mat. rel. 1,,Original material:,,,,1000
,,Follow-up/repl. mat.:,,,,2000
,,Follow-up type no.:,,,,01
Follow-up/repl. mat. rel. 2,,Original material:,,,,2000
,,Follow-up/repl. mat.:,,,,1000
,,Follow-up type no.:,,,,01
-> Two-level cycle
Example B
Follow-up/repl. mat. rel. 1,,Original material:,,,,1000
,,Follow-up/repl. mat.:,,,,2000
,,Follow-up type no.:,,,,01
Follow-up/repl. mat. rel. 2,,Original material:,,,,2000
,,Follow-up/repl. mat.:,,,,1000
,,Follow-up type no.:,,,,02
-> Not a two-level cycle
Example C
Follow-up/repl. mat. rel. 1,,Original material:,,,,1000
,,Follow-up/repl. mat.:,,,,2000
,,Follow-up type no.: ,,,,01
Follow-up/repl. mat. rel. 2,,Original material:,,,,2000
,,Follow-up/repl. mat.:,,,,3000
,,Follow-up type no.:,,,,01
-> Not a two-level cycle
You defined in Customizing that the system should display a warningmessage or error message when a two-level cycle exists.

If the system displays a warning message, you can leave thefollow-up/relationship material relationship unchanged. The system savesthe relationship.
If the system displays an error message, you have to change the originalmaterial and/or the follow-up/replacement material. The system does notsave the relationship.
Alternatively, you can also create the follow-up/replacement materialrelationship for a different follow-up type number.