Id | Title |
WR194 | Site &: Error during status check of the subsequent calculation of value |
WR195 | Error during the status check of the subsequent calculation of value |
WR196 | Enter a positive sales price |
WR200 | ****Messages for Report RWVKU001**** |
WR201 | Enter the starting date of period to be considered |
WR300 | * Messages from Function Grp WBW3: Determination of Cost and Retail |
WR301 | Valuation price of component & in plant & is zero |
WR302 | The option VKUMB-UWERT = 3 has not yet been implemented |
WR303 | Struct. Article &1: Entry Quantity for All Components Is Zero (Rounding) |
WR502 | You are not authorized to revaluate at retail for this plant |
WR503 | No individual plants could be selected |
WR504 | Only one sales org. can be specified here. |
WR505 | Only one distribution channel can be specified here |
WR506 | Art. &1 with standard price: No revaluation not affecting margins poss.! |
WR507 | Count list &4, company &1, date &2 blocked by user &3 |
WR520 | *** Messages about archiving ******************************************** |
WR521 | The key date for archiving cannot be a future date |
WR522 | Archive data inconsistent: no document header found for document &1 |
WRB000 | ******* Messages about Revaluation at Retail via BAPIs. ********** |
WRB001 | Plant &1 does not exist |
WRB002 | Sales org. and/or distribution channel does not exist for plant &1 |
WRB003 | Enter a transaction code |
WRB004 | Invalid transaction code |
WRB005 | Enter a plant |
WRB006 | Enter an item status |
WRB007 | You are not authorized to display data for plant &1 |
WRB008 | No storage locations found for plant &1 |
WRB009 | Success/error log contains &1 &2 |
WRB010 | Enter the date of the retail price change |
WRB011 | No rtl revaluation doc. items selected for &1.&2.&3 with status &4 |
WRB012 | &1 rtl revaluation document items with status &2 selected |
WRB013 | No valid reason for price change exists |
WRB014 | &1 items passed on for revaluation |
WRB015 | &1 items revaluated |
WRB016 | No items revaluated |
WRB017 | The list transferred for entering quantities is empty |
WRB018 | Lock error for material &1: item status changed from A to B |
WRB019 | Lock error for plant &1: item status changed from A to B |
WRB020 | Lock error reading data for material &1. |
WRB021 | WAART_ERROR for material &1: item given status B |
WRB022 | In &1 items status changed from A to B |
WRB023 | All items entered given item status B |
WRB024 | Enter a different item status. Only status &1 allowed |
WRB025 | Error generating an ISO code. Count list will be deleted. |
WRB026 | The count list transferred contains &1 entry/entries |
WRB027 | Revaluation at rtl currently not possible due to subsequent value posting |
WRB028 | Item status &1 does not exist |
WRB029 | Requested table(s) contain(s) no entries |
WRB030 | You are not authorized to change the status of rtl reval. doc. items |
WRB031 | No items currently to be counted for &1.&2.&3 |
WRB032 | No revaluation at retail for plant & because of subsequent calc. value |
WRB033 | Site &: Error during status check of the subsequent calculation of value |
WRB099 | Status of item &1 of doc. &2 changed from &3 to &4 |
WRB100 | Material &1/stor.loc. &2 : document item with status &3 created |
WRBA001 | Selection was not restricted |
WRBA002 | No article found for vendor selection |
WRBA003 | Restrict selection |
WRBA004 | No data found for this selection criteria |
WRBA005 | No stock found for current selection |
WRBA006 | No out-of-stock situations |
WRBA007 | No overstock situations |
WRBA008 | No exception handling |
WRBA009 | Vendor & does not exist |
WRBA010 | Plant & does not exist |
WRBA011 | No authorization for the process for vendors and/or plants |
WRBA012 | No plants found |
WRBA013 | No articles found |
WRBA014 | Error when adding customer-specific data |
WRBA015 | Error when determining current stock |
WRBA016 | Error during instantiation of the BAdI |
WRBA017 | & stock found |
WRBA020 | Standard display variant &1 loaded |
WRBA021 | Plant is neither a store nor a distribution center |
WRBA022 | No purchasing info record exists for this combination |
WRBA023 | Vendor does not exist |
WRBA024 | No suitable material-vendor combination found |
WRBA120 | You are not authorized for this transaction for vendor & or plant |
WRBA130 | You are not authorized for this transaction in plant & |
WRBA140 | No list display possible |
WRCAT001 | Cost allocation profile & not found |
WRCAT002 | Condition group &1 not found |
WRCAT003 | No payment type found for company code &1 and billing type &2 |
WRCAT004 | Billing document &1 not relevant regarding planned rebate variances |
WRCAT005 | Billing document &1 has no rebate arrangement number assigned |
WRCAT006 | Internal error while processing billing document &1: &2 |
WRCAT007 | Error while creating single settl. req. docs for billing document &1 |
WRCAT008 | Error while canceling single settl. req. docs. for billing document &1 |
WRCAT009 | Single settl. request documents for billing document &1 already created |
WRCAT010 | No single settl. request documents available for billing document &1 |
WRCAT011 | Settlement type &1 not relevant for planned rebate variances |
WRCAT012 | Maintain a valid RFC destination |
WRCAT013 | Maintain a valid BW info provider |
WRCAT014 | Connection to RFC destination currently not possible |
WRCAT015 | Maintain a valid BW info object |
WRCAT016 | Single settl. request documents for billing document &1 already cancelled |
WRCAT017 | Billing category &1 not relevant for planned rebate variances |
WRCAT018 | Planned rebate variance for billing document &1 is zero |
WRCAT019 | Condition application &1 not relevant for planned rebate variances |
WRCAT020 | Allocation of rounding differences not possible |
WRCAT021 | Payment type &1 not found. Please verify respective customizing. |