SAP Messages

Id Title
WP513 The EAN(s) has(have) been deleted successfully
WP550 Replenishment: error with customer/plant & , material &, qty & &
WP600 No open PO for GR found, material &, plant &
WP601 Several open POs found for GR: material &, plant &
WP602 Internal error: no data for IDoc & in container
WP603 Int. error: goods receipt processing terminated for material &
WP604 GR check for PO &. Quantity differences exist
WP605 Goods receipt for purchase order &: qty not sufficient for cancellation
WP606 No PO could be created for material & and plant &
WP607 Vendor & invalid (only external vendors are possible)
WP608 Delivery &/& cannot be found for material &
WP609 No unique delivery item found for material &
WP610 GR for delivery &: remaining quantity insufficient
WP611 Quantity not numeric: material &, store &, quantity &
WP612 GR quantity greater than delivery item quantity
WP613 Workitems (tasks) were created for this IDoc
WP614 GR already posted for PO & (final delivery indicator set)
WP615 GR for PO &: remaining quantity not sufficient
WP616 GR check for delivery &: quantity difference exists
WP617 GR check for delivery &: no previous goods receipts posted
WP618 Vendor & from original purchase order cannot be changed
WP619 Material & is a generic material
WP620 Vendor must be entered for movement type &
WP621 No purchase order with number &1 for material &2 exists
WP622 No purchase order for material &3 with delivery data &1 exists
WP623 No purchase order for vendor &1 material &2 exists
WP624 No purchase order for material &1 exists
WP630 Automatic purchase order generation for movement type &1 is not allowed
WP631 Vendor must be entered for automatic purchase order generation
WP632 Internal vendors are not allowed for purchase order generation
WP633 No open PO for GR found, material &, plant &
WP634 Purchase order generation for material &1, as no open PO can be found
WP635 Vendor & does not exist
WP636 Default Customizing for POS goods movement interface for plant & selected
WP637 Customizing for POS goods movement interface for plant & not maintained
WP638 Customizing for plant & stops automatic purchase order generation
WP639 Internal error: incorrect vendor/movement indicator grouping
WP640 Internal error: Goods movement items processed without any result
WP641 Internal error: determined purchase order item does not exist
WP642 Internal error: determined vendor item does not exist
WP643 Purchase order item &1 does not exist for plant &2
WP644 Vendor position &1 for plant &2 does not exist
WP645 Workitem could not be created
WP646 Only partial quantities of the entry quantity can be processed
WP647 Internal error: error data record does not exist in DB table WPLST
WP648 Internal error: Data record not found in internal table &1
WP649 Delivery &1 for plant &2 does not exist
WP650 Valuation amount is automatically matched to the new quantity
WP651 Rack jobber material &1 irrelevant for inventory management
WP652 Purchase order not found for article &1 (Customizing Setting &2)
WP700 Original saved as IDoc &
WP701 This is a changed version of IDoc &
WP702 IDoc & changed
WP703 Amounts in transaction are inconsistent
WP704 Material & does not exist
WP705 Qualifier & does not exist
WP706 IDocs that have been changed exist
WP707 & IDocs saved
WP708 IDoc & not defined for inbound processing
WP709 Reason & does not exist
WP710 Reason & already defined
WP711 Status changed from & to &
WP712 Status not changed
WP713 Open problems still exist
WP714 There is a gap in IDoc &1 between receipt &2 and &3
WP715 Maximum no. of allowed gaps exceeded in IDoc &
WP716 Receipt & is duplicated & time(s) in IDoc &
WP717 Max. no. of allowed duplicates exceeded in IDoc &. Processing terminated
WP718 Controller & invalid in IDoc & for receipt &
WP719 Max. no. controller errors exceeded in IDoc &
WP720 POS ID & in IDoc & invalid for receipt &
WP721 Max. no. POS errors exceeded in IDoc &
WP722 Date/time in IDoc & invalid for receipt &
WP723 Date in IDoc & for receipt & is older than & days
WP724 Receipt & in IDoc & belongs to previous day processing
WP725 Date/time in IDoc & for receipt & set to previous day
WP726 Process terminated for IDoc & at receipt & due to excessive errors & &
WP727 Change document status
WP728 You are not authorized to change sales data
WP729 You cannot go to document display for this document category
WP730 Error reading reason codes
WP731 Error reading intermediate document descriptions
WP732 Field does not exist in intermediate document description
WP733 The discount cannot be greater than the amount in the line
WP734 Payment type & does not exist
WP735 Invalid condition type for discount, tax or means of payment
WP736 & is an invalid payment type
WP737 Transaction type & does not exist
WP738 & receipt(s) changed
WP739 & receipt(s) rejected
WP740 & receipt(s) reversed
WP741 & receipt(s) provided for processing
WP742 & receipt(s) resubmitted
WP743 This will process all line items
WP744 & line(s) changed
WP745 Process complete
WP746 Please select at least one document for processing
WP747 Void transaction & not found in IDoc &
WP748 & void transactions with same receipt number & in IDoc &
WP749 Missing transaction header when post void receipt &
Lines 592301 to 592400 of 607611 entries
1 5,922 5,923 5,924 5,925 5,926 6,077