SAP Messages

Id Title
WL205 Error reading WFM logging for work item &
WL206 Error reading table SWWFBATEXT for language &
WL207 Error reading workflow settings
WL208 Error reading table SWLFBASHOW
WL209 Error reading table SWWWIRET for work item &
WL210 Error triggering default method for object &
WL211 The workflow settings do not allow agent names to be displayed
WL212 The workflow in the remote system cannot yet be accessed
WL213 An error has occurred in this workflow - press F1 for more information
WL214 Selection aborted by user
WL216 Error executing workflow log in remote system
WL217 The logon attempt in the remote system failed
WL218 No destination maintained for logon to remote system
WL220 Displaying detail actions for step " & "...
WL221 Graphical workflow log started...
WL222 Displaying agents for step " & "...
WL223 Work item display for step " & " called...
WL224 Displaying address data for &...
WL225 Displaying object "&"...
WL228 Error in asynchronous start of work item display
WL229 You have not changed the priority of the work item
WL230 All users can process this task
WL231 No "excluded agents" are defined for this task
WL232 Error reading workflow for work item &
WL233 Error formatting log data for workflow &
WL234 There are no entries in the SWWLOGHIST tyble for the workflow instance
WL240 *- Messages for function group SWLU
WL241 Work item &3 currently locked by user '&1' (&2)
WL242 Attachment added to work item
WL243 Action 'Create attachment' not possible for work items in status '&'
WL244 Action 'Change attachment' not possible for work items in status '&'
WL245 You are not authorized to change the attachment
WL246 No changeable attachments
WL247 Attachment changed
WL248 No attachment selected for change
WL249 Action 'Delete attachment' not possible for work items in status '&'
WL250 You are not authorized to delete the attachment
WL251 No attachments that can be deleted
WL252 No attachment selected for deletion
WL253 Attachment deleted
WL254 Work item attachments deleted
WL255 No attachments
WL256 No attachment selected
WL257 No authorization to delete this attachment
WL262 Work item number & is currently locked
WL263 User & is not a dialog user: Forwarding is not possible
WL290 No more information on folders...
WL291 Worthwhile actions only possible on objects...
WL300 Operation '&' between type '&' and type '&' still not implemented
WL301 &
WL302 Event &1.&2 triggered for object(s) in container element &4
WL303 Branching via condition '&'; Result '&'
WL304 Multiple branching via element '&'. Value: '&' (WHEN expression '&')
WL305 Block end
WL306 Static fork with &1 branches
WL307 End parallel branches: &2 of &3 necessary branches completed
WL308 Arithmetic operation '& & &' executed. Result: '&'
WL309 Command for workflow control: Work items for step & were cancelled
WL310 Command for workflow control: Workflow no. & was cancelled
WL311 Command for workflow control: Workflow no. & was suspended
WL312 Work item no. & is not available
WL313 Step no.&4 work item no.&3 workflow no.&2 '&1' - step processed
WL314 Node no.&4 work item no.&3 workflow no.&2 '&1' - node processed
WL315 Step no.&3 work item no.&2 workflow &1 - step type &4: Start
WL316 Position the cursor on a line of the log
WL317 No message for this work item
WL318 Command for process control: Work items for step & obsolete and ended
WL319 Confirmation from work item no. & probably canceled: runtime error?
WL320 Workflow no. & not started: Runtime error?
WL321 Background work item no. & could not be started: runtime error?
WL322 Background work item no. & has been running for more than 24 hours
WL323 Process control command: Workflow & terminated
WL324 Workflow &1 node &2: Multiline container element &3 overflow
WL325 Dynamic fork with &1 branches (multiline element &2)
WL326 End of dynamic fork
WL327 End of static fork (&1 of &2 necessary branches)
WL328 End of static fork (end condition is fulfilled)
WL329 No event maintained in Workflow basic data
WL330 Beginning of a local Workflow
WL331 Beginning of a block
WL332 End of a local Workflow
WL333 End of a block
WL334 Command for process control: Exception '&1' triggered
WL335 Command for process control: Correlation '&1' created
WL364 The runtime data for join node &1 does not exist
WL365 Fork already terminated
WL366 Result of operation '& & &' is a time; type '&' not allowed
WL367 Result of operation '& & &' is a date; type '&' not allowed
WL368 Continuation of Workflow & by &: & work item(s) are to be restarted
WL369 Work item & (type '&', &) cannot be started immediately by user &
WL370 Work item & is being restarted
WL371 Restart of work items in workflow & not possible (see workflow log)
WL372 Restart Workflow &: Subworkflow & could not be restarted
WL373 Workflow & step &: Work item & for step & could not be completed
WL374 Workflow & feedback work item &: Fork already terminated
WL375 Fork from node & has not been released again yet
WL376 Inconsistent workflow definition: Join for fork node no. & not found
WL377 Inconsistent workflow definition: Node/step number & is not available
WL378 Task & cannot be started immediately
WL379 No agent in '&' is allowed to process task &
Lines 589601 to 589700 of 607611 entries
1 5,895 5,896 5,897 5,898 5,899 6,077