SAP Messages

Id Title
WFRE_CON217 No reference modules found
WFRE_CON218 No manual settings/restrictions for selection! No data selected
WFRE_CON219 5.0 Table conversion error! Programm abort!
WFRE_CON220 Undefined error during data transfer occured!
WFRE_CON221 Restrict your selection for reference module assignments
WFRE_CON222 Restrict your selection for reference modules
WFRE_CON223 Select kind of data for transfer
WFRE_CON224 Transmission of Reference Modules completed
WFRE_CON225 Transmission of Reference Assignments completed
WFRE_CON226 Task has been processed sequentially by main program
WF_CONT001 Element name "&1" already used
WF_CONT002 "&1" is not a valid element name
WF_CONT010 An object type must be specified for a reference to a business object
WF_CONT011 A structure must be specified for a reference to the ABAP Dictionary
WF_CONT049 Editor not available on front end used
WF_CONT050 **************** Container editor: classes ***********************
WF_CONT051 Class or interface & does not exist
WF_CONT052 Data type & does not exist or is not active
WF_CONT053 Data type & not supported by workflow system
WF_CONT054 Invalid data type & - Choose a valid data type
WF_CONT055 Specify a length
WF_CONT059 Specify a data type or an object type for the element
WF_CONT060 Choose a data type
WF_CONT061 Specify a structure and a data field
WF_CONT062 Specify an elementary type
WF_CONT063 Specify a type name
WF_CONT064 Specify an object type
WF_CONT065 Specify a class name
WF_CONT066 Class & is not a business class
WF_CONT067 Class & is not a general class
WF_CONT069 Category & is not supported by the workflow system
WF_CONT070 Element & could not be deleted
WF_CONT099 Canceled by user
WF_CONT100 **************** Container instance editor ***********************
WF_CONT101 The number & does not fit into the data field
WF_CONT102 The expression & cannot be converted into a number
WF_CONT103 Field & does not exist in structure & - Processing not possible
WF_CONT109 Select One Line
WF_CONT110 No element chosen
WF_CONT111 This function is not yet implemented!
WF_CONT112 Cannot process data type &
WF_CONT113 Cannot process object type &
WF_CONT114 Nested Tables Can Be Accessed Using Context Menu
WF_CONT120 The specified value is not valid for the element
WF_CONT140 *************************** Input helps********************************
WF_CONT141 The element chosen is not available
WF_CONT150 **************** Workflow Builder ******************************
WF_CONT151 Method &-& does not exist
WF_CONT152 Method &-& is not public
WF_CONT153 Specify a method
WF_CONT200 ****************** PERSISTENCE **********************************
WF_CONT201 Method & is not yet implemented
WF_CONT202 Element & cannot be saved
WF_CONT203 Container &-& was not found
WF_EXPR001 An ABAP elementary type C, N, P or X was expected, not "&1"
WF_EXPR002 Too long (&2) or too many decimal places (&3) for elementary type "&1"
WF_EXPR003 No decimal places can be specified for elementary type "&1"
WF_EXPR010 Number of decimal places (&3) greater than number of places (&2)
WG000 Client missing in header record, external requirement number &
WG001 Order type missing in header record, external requirement number &
WG002 No ISO currency code in header segment (general part)
WG003 External requirement number missing. Set IDoc number
WG004 Vendor/supplying plant missing. Supply source will be determined
WG005 IDoc segment & will not be analyzed
WG006 Qty not entered -> order item for & will be ignored
WG007 Order date missing in doc. header for & . Today's date will be set
WG008 Delivery date in item & req. no & missing. Today's date will be set
WG009 Qualifier & in segment & is not supported
WG010 Empty identifier in segment & will be ignored
WG011 PO with no. & created
WG012 Order header update not successful for external req. no. &
WG013 Trigger update not successful for external req. number &
WG014 Error initializing order update
WG015 No purch. org. found. Req no. & for client &, store &
WG016 Wrong purch. org. & found in order header data for order &
WG017 No purchasing group in doc. header of store order &
WG018 Total line quantities larger than item quantities
WG019 Delivery date for material & cannot be found. Set system date
WG020 Default for document category & not valid. Value reset
WG021 Unit of measure for store order &, material & cannot be found
WG022 Unauthorized Customizing setting: &; Default value reset
WG023 Unit of measure missing. No search allowed. Order item & incorrect
WG024 Missing unit of measure cannot be found without material number or EAN
WG025 Material no. & does not exist
WG026 EAN & not found. Item cannot be identified
WG027 Req. no. &, item & not identified. No identifier found
WG028 Req. no. &, item &: doc. type, vendor and supplying plant not found
WG029 Item cat. & could not be decoded. Choose &
WG030 No supply source can be found for external req. no. &, material no. &
WG031 Create pur. req. without supply source. Req. &, item &
WG032 Different found in supply source determination. Mat. no. &
WG033 Error & occurred in doc. processing
WG034 Error occured in update. No receiving plant entered
WG035 Errors occurred creating store order documents
WG036 Empty document item table transferred
WG037 Purchase requisition created with number &
WG038 No company code found for supplying plant &. No access &
WG039 Error calling dispatcher
WG040 Requested doc. cat. & not allowed. External req. no. &, mat. no. &
WG041 Error buffering order items. Data will be lost if system crashes
Lines 588601 to 588700 of 607611 entries
1 5,885 5,886 5,887 5,888 5,889 6,077