Id | Title |
WFRE_CON217 | No reference modules found |
WFRE_CON218 | No manual settings/restrictions for selection! No data selected |
WFRE_CON219 | 5.0 Table conversion error! Programm abort! |
WFRE_CON220 | Undefined error during data transfer occured! |
WFRE_CON221 | Restrict your selection for reference module assignments |
WFRE_CON222 | Restrict your selection for reference modules |
WFRE_CON223 | Select kind of data for transfer |
WFRE_CON224 | Transmission of Reference Modules completed |
WFRE_CON225 | Transmission of Reference Assignments completed |
WFRE_CON226 | Task has been processed sequentially by main program |
WF_CONT001 | Element name "&1" already used |
WF_CONT002 | "&1" is not a valid element name |
WF_CONT010 | An object type must be specified for a reference to a business object |
WF_CONT011 | A structure must be specified for a reference to the ABAP Dictionary |
WF_CONT049 | Editor not available on front end used |
WF_CONT050 | **************** Container editor: classes *********************** |
WF_CONT051 | Class or interface & does not exist |
WF_CONT052 | Data type & does not exist or is not active |
WF_CONT053 | Data type & not supported by workflow system |
WF_CONT054 | Invalid data type & - Choose a valid data type |
WF_CONT055 | Specify a length |
WF_CONT059 | Specify a data type or an object type for the element |
WF_CONT060 | Choose a data type |
WF_CONT061 | Specify a structure and a data field |
WF_CONT062 | Specify an elementary type |
WF_CONT063 | Specify a type name |
WF_CONT064 | Specify an object type |
WF_CONT065 | Specify a class name |
WF_CONT066 | Class & is not a business class |
WF_CONT067 | Class & is not a general class |
WF_CONT069 | Category & is not supported by the workflow system |
WF_CONT070 | Element & could not be deleted |
WF_CONT099 | Canceled by user |
WF_CONT100 | **************** Container instance editor *********************** |
WF_CONT101 | The number & does not fit into the data field |
WF_CONT102 | The expression & cannot be converted into a number |
WF_CONT103 | Field & does not exist in structure & - Processing not possible |
WF_CONT109 | Select One Line |
WF_CONT110 | No element chosen |
WF_CONT111 | This function is not yet implemented! |
WF_CONT112 | Cannot process data type & |
WF_CONT113 | Cannot process object type & |
WF_CONT114 | Nested Tables Can Be Accessed Using Context Menu |
WF_CONT120 | The specified value is not valid for the element |
WF_CONT140 | *************************** Input helps******************************** |
WF_CONT141 | The element chosen is not available |
WF_CONT150 | **************** Workflow Builder ****************************** |
WF_CONT151 | Method &-& does not exist |
WF_CONT152 | Method &-& is not public |
WF_CONT153 | Specify a method |
WF_CONT200 | ****************** PERSISTENCE ********************************** |
WF_CONT201 | Method & is not yet implemented |
WF_CONT202 | Element & cannot be saved |
WF_CONT203 | Container &-& was not found |
WF_EXPR001 | An ABAP elementary type C, N, P or X was expected, not "&1" |
WF_EXPR002 | Too long (&2) or too many decimal places (&3) for elementary type "&1" |
WF_EXPR003 | No decimal places can be specified for elementary type "&1" |
WF_EXPR010 | Number of decimal places (&3) greater than number of places (&2) |
WG000 | Client missing in header record, external requirement number & |
WG001 | Order type missing in header record, external requirement number & |
WG002 | No ISO currency code in header segment (general part) |
WG003 | External requirement number missing. Set IDoc number |
WG004 | Vendor/supplying plant missing. Supply source will be determined |
WG005 | IDoc segment & will not be analyzed |
WG006 | Qty not entered -> order item for & will be ignored |
WG007 | Order date missing in doc. header for & . Today's date will be set |
WG008 | Delivery date in item & req. no & missing. Today's date will be set |
WG009 | Qualifier & in segment & is not supported |
WG010 | Empty identifier in segment & will be ignored |
WG011 | PO with no. & created |
WG012 | Order header update not successful for external req. no. & |
WG013 | Trigger update not successful for external req. number & |
WG014 | Error initializing order update |
WG015 | No purch. org. found. Req no. & for client &, store & |
WG016 | Wrong purch. org. & found in order header data for order & |
WG017 | No purchasing group in doc. header of store order & |
WG018 | Total line quantities larger than item quantities |
WG019 | Delivery date for material & cannot be found. Set system date |
WG020 | Default for document category & not valid. Value reset |
WG021 | Unit of measure for store order &, material & cannot be found |
WG022 | Unauthorized Customizing setting: &; Default value reset |
WG023 | Unit of measure missing. No search allowed. Order item & incorrect |
WG024 | Missing unit of measure cannot be found without material number or EAN |
WG025 | Material no. & does not exist |
WG026 | EAN & not found. Item cannot be identified |
WG027 | Req. no. &, item & not identified. No identifier found |
WG028 | Req. no. &, item &: doc. type, vendor and supplying plant not found |
WG029 | Item cat. & could not be decoded. Choose & |
WG030 | No supply source can be found for external req. no. &, material no. & |
WG031 | Create pur. req. without supply source. Req. &, item & |
WG032 | Different found in supply source determination. Mat. no. & |
WG033 | Error & occurred in doc. processing |
WG034 | Error occured in update. No receiving plant entered |
WG035 | Errors occurred creating store order documents |
WG036 | Empty document item table transferred |
WG037 | Purchase requisition created with number & |
WG038 | No company code found for supplying plant &. No access & |
WG039 | Error calling dispatcher |
WG040 | Requested doc. cat. & not allowed. External req. no. &, mat. no. & |
WG041 | Error buffering order items. Data will be lost if system crashes |