Id | Title |
WER_UI060 | *****061 - 069: UI - New element name pop-up******************* |
WER_UI061 | New name cannot be initial |
WER_UI062 | New name should be different from original name. |
WER_UI070 | *****071 - 089: UI - Operation success messages******************* |
WER_UI071 | Element &1 saved successfully |
WER_UI072 | Element &1 deleted successfully |
WER_UI073 | |
WER_UI090 | *****091 - 099: UI - Event view messages ************************* |
WER_UI091 | Please select only one rule set at a time from the table |
WER_UI092 | Please select one rule set from the table |
WER_UI093 | Rule set move failed |
WER_UI094 | Cannot move a rule set when there's empty line |
WER_UI095 | Please use a unique rank for the new rule set you wish to add to event |
WER_UI100 | *****101 - 109: UI - Rule set view messages ************************* |
WER_UI101 | Please select only one rule at a time from the rule set table |
WER_UI102 | Please first select the table row containing the rule to be inserted |
WER_UI103 | Please first select the rule that you want to remove from the table |
WER_UI104 | Cannot move a rule when there's a blank line |
WER_UI105 | Please use a unique rank for the new rule you wish to add to the rule set |
WER_UI109 | |
WER_UI110 | *****111 - 119: UI - General tooltip text ************************* |
WER_UI111 | Assign data |
WER_UI112 | See assigned data |
WER_UI120 | *****121 - 129: UI - Condition view messages ************************* |
WER_UI121 | Please select the element you want to modify |
WER_UI122 | Operation can only be performed on the main condition |
WER_UI123 | Operation can only be performed on an element of the main condition |
WER_UI130 | *****131 - 139: UI - Worklist view messages ************************* |
WER_UI131 | Please select only element set at a time from the table |
WER_UI132 | Please select one element from the table |
WER_UI133 | Element is loaded from the worklist |
WER_UI140 | ****Transport Tool Messages (141 to 149) ******************************** |
WER_UI141 | Transport entries for application &1 have been added to request &2 |
WER_UI142 | Application already associated to request &1 |
WER_UI143 | No changes were required for structure &1 |
WER_UI144 | Changes for structure &1 were carried out successfully |
WER_UI200 | |
WE_MSG001 | Assignment object of type & with ID & does not exist |
WF000 | Operation & completed successfully |
WF001 | Workflow component & is not active |
WF002 | The combination of parameter values is not allowed & |
WF003 | Process type & is not available |
WF004 | Process & is not available |
WF005 | Agent <&>& is not available |
WF006 | You have no authorization for process & |
WF007 | Process is locked by another agent/session |
WF008 | Process <&> already exists |
WF009 | Process <&> created |
WF010 | Process <&> deleted |
WF011 | System &:& does not allow workflow sharing |
WF012 | Process type is locked by another agent/session |
WF013 | The process has already been scheduled |
WF014 | Process <&> has been created and scheduled as a background job |
WF015 | Cancellation by user |
WF016 | Error transferring data to MEMORY (object &) |
WF017 | No status log available |
WF018 | Error when reading status log |
WF019 | Process type <&> already exists |
WF020 | Process type is locked by another agent/session |
WF021 | No next agent defined |
WF022 | Error starting job & (see SYSLOG) |
WF050 | There is no appropriate processing rule for process status & |
WF051 | You have no authorization for the next action |
WF052 | State & is not available |
WF053 | Return value & of the function module cannot be handled |
WF054 | Invalid rule - please correct |
WF055 | Agent has changed |
WF056 | Process could not be forwarded |
WF057 | The selected function module does not exist (any longer) |
WF058 | The status mask contains invalid characters <*> |
WF059 | Further processing of this process in dialog only |
WF060 | Process terminated by update program |
WF061 | No further processing in state <&> |
WF062 | Unknown error when adding the object to correction & |
WF063 | Process type & included in correction & |
WF064 | Target process type & contains active rules |
WF065 | The name of the process type must begin with 'Y' or 'Z' |
WF100 | Subsequent agent(s) not available |
WF101 | Distribution list & is not available |
WF102 | Link & is not available |
WF103 | Link & could not be created |
WF104 | Process no longer requires action by & |
WF105 | Role & does not exist |
WF106 | Too many objects linked in role & |
WF107 | Link object type & is not available |
WF108 | Action <&> is not allowed |
WF109 | Type <&> cannot be handled by the workflow send module |
WF110 | The workflow send module does not know method <&> |
WF111 | Process type & does not belong to the error handler class |
WF112 | No states in state stack |
WF113 | Process not yet completed |
WF114 | Object type & has no event & |
WF200 | Document type & exists already |
WF201 | No document types available |
WF202 | Document type & does not exist |
WF203 | Document type & cannot be processed |
WF204 | No SAP objects available for IMAGE LINK |
WF205 | Document type & cannot be deleted |
WF206 | Please choose a document type |
WF207 | Document type & cannot be changed |