SAP Messages

Id Title
WD358 The texts were copied in the other languages
WD359 Active versions of all texts already exist
WD360 Class '&' does not support any workflow program exit interface
WD361 Template &1 does not exist in version &2 - Workflow Builder is ended
WD362 No active configuration for workflow & available
WD363 Customer-own workflows are not allowed to be configured
WD364 Division using null not permitted
WD367 Exception '&' is not used
WD368 Required condition 'complete execution' does not exist
WD369 Workflow definition could not be imported
WD370 The workflow proxy must be an obligatory import element
WD371 Enter search criteria
WD372 Workflow system attributes are not allowed to be edited
WD373 The (local) event '&' is not used
WD377 Indicator "Results Parameter" missing in BOR method &
WD380 Agent & could not be found - Typing error?
WD385 Class '&' must have 'public' entered as the instance generation
WD386 No function entered
WD387 Transfer format/group copied from proxy -> see long text
WD388 Workflow proxy '&' may only be described once (see subsequent message)
WD389 Workflow proxy '&' is described in step '&'
WD393 Function not allowed for step type chosen
WD394 No version selected. Use most recent version (if active)?
WD395 Scan Workflow tasks
WD396 Scan Workflow templates
WD397 Examine client '&'
WD398 Task '&' is used in multistep task '&'
WD399 Inserting workflow definition '&' into current workflow...
WD400 Function '&' not active/implemented
WD401 Workflow definition '&' not in version '&'
WD402 Workflow definition '&' already available
WD403 Workflow definition '&' saved
WD404 Select a step
WD405 Container element '&' is an object
WD406 Line for event '&' was reassigned
WD407 Workflow definition '&' cannot be activated
WD408 Rule definition '&' not found
WD409 Task definition '&' not found
WD410 Workflow container not found
WD411 Task container not found
WD412 Workflow definition deleted
WD413 Define an expression for the comparison basis
WD414 Container element '&' not available
WD415 Specify a container element
WD416 Container element '&' is not multiline
WD417 Multiline container element only allowed for an assignment
WD418 Function aborted
WD419 Step '&' transferred to buffer
WD420 Event '&' saved
WD421 Event '&' not maintained
WD422 Contents of clipboard cannot be moved
WD423 Wait event not specified
WD424 Step already has a successor
WD425 Relational operator '&' not defined
WD426 Node not found
WD427 Node '&' not found
WD428 Selected command is not allowed for this node
WD429 Workflow definition saved and activated successfully
WD430 Place the cursor on a valid position
WD431 Select entries
WD432 Subsequent node not found
WD433 Model results for step '&'
WD434 Function not permitted on selected node
WD435 Selected entries were copied to the clipboard
WD436 Step definition not consistent
WD437 Enter decision texts for all options
WD438 Function aborted
WD439 Workflow definition '&' inserted in current workflow
WD440 Requested operation is not possible on selected node '&'
WD441 Workflow definition contains unspecified nodes (please revise)
WD442 Task definition '&' for step '&' not found
WD443 Event '&' not found
WD444 No object type maintained for container element '&'
WD445 Workflow definition copied
WD446 Source definition is identical to the target definition
WD447 Workflow container does not contain multi-line elements
WD448 Customizing data locked by another user
WD449 Clipboard is empty
WD450 Specify an expression for the time
WD451 Rule '&' does not exist
WD452 Position '&' is not available
WD453 User '&' is not available
WD454 Work center '&' is not available
WD455 Job '&' is not available
WD456 Organizational unit '&' not available
WD457 Requested operation is only allowed on the start node of a block
WD458 Requested operation is only allowed on the end node of a block
WD459 Unit '&' is not a time unit
WD460 Enter a time unit for time interval '&'
WD461 Define events for object type '&'
WD462 Enter an object type
WD463 Specify an element from the workflow container
WD464 Container element '&' not found
WD465 Container element '&' does not belong to object type '&'
WD466 Container definition for event '&' not found
WD467 Organizational object '&' not available
WD468 Select an event
WD469 Select one node only
WD470 Number of parallel branches less than number of required branches
WD471 Not possible to reassign line for event '&'
Lines 587301 to 587400 of 607611 entries
1 5,872 5,873 5,874 5,875 5,876 6,077