SAP Messages

Id Title
WD258 Select the start node of the block
WD259 Node '&' cannot be deleted
WD260 Task '&' is not fully within the validity period of the workflow
WD261 Spefiy the result element first
WD262 Fork maintained inconsistently
WD263 Specify a container element for at least one expression
WD264 Contents of the clipboard cannot be moved
WD265 Expression '&' is not defined
WD266 Syntax error for expression '&'
WD267 Constants must not be entered in this field
WD268 Expression '&' is not a time
WD269 Expression '&' is not a date
WD270 Time interval for workflow start or work item start cannot be negative
WD271 Default values are used for the time
WD272 Generated binding inserted
WD273 Not possible to create a new version in display mode
WD274 Workflow definition of task '&1' cannot be activated
WD275 Control operation selected not allowed on step '&1'
WD276 Expression '&1' invalid
WD277 Enter a value for the date
WD278 Operation not allowed on object and constant
WD279 Second parameter not transferred in an assignment
WD280 Object type '&1' not valid
WD281 Database error '&1' saving table '&2'
WD282 Database error '&1' deleting table '&2'
WD283 Generation of binding terminated with error
WD284 No subsequent function found for selected event
WD285 Element '&' is appended to multiline element '&'
WD286 Enter expression with reference to multi-line element
WD287 Task '&' has no agent assignment
WD288 Expression '&' has an invalid type or reference
WD289 Multiple line expression not permitted
WD290 Result element of container operation must be entered
WD291 Container element & is not multiline -> Appending not allowed
WD292 No further operations may take place while appending a table
WD293 No exception 'Processing obsolete' was modeled for step '&'
WD294 No last message found
WD295 Deadlines active, without dealing with missed deadlines
WD296 No function can be canceled at present
WD297 No function can be restored at present
WD298 Search only possible for task texts or with object types
WD299 Test aborted
WD300 More than five decision alternatives: User decision as list
WD301 Decision text longer than 50 characters: User decision as list
WD302 Import properties or export properties for container element & changed
WD303 Node & cannot be terminated via process control
WD304 The selected WF definition was created in a later release
WD305 Enter a condition
WD306 &% step '&' checked
WD307 Time interval for workflow start or work item start cannot be negative
WD308 Workflow definition '&' activated successfully
WD309 Last workflow change repeated
WD310 Choose a valid index (from 1 to &)
WD311 Database error '&1' reading table '&2'
WD312 No workflow definition exists for this task
WD313 Task & not available
WD314 Activating... &%
WD315 Container element '&' is not used
WD316 Where-used list - Navigate by double-clicking
WD317 &% of the usages of the container element checked
WD318 &% of workflow structure checked
WD319 &% of workflow environment checked
WD320 &% of workflow basic data checked
WD321 When ref. date/time not equal to expression, time interval must be stated
WD322 Document template '&' is not used
WD323 Task does not reference any workflow versions
WD324 Select a version of the workflow definition
WD325 Workflow &1 currently being configured by user &2 -> Display only
WD326 Configuration for workflow & version & saved
WD327 No configuration for workflow & version &
WD328 Specify a container element for storing the document
WD329 Element '&' already exists
WD330 Configuration for workflow & version & deleted
WD331 Agent not found or not allowed as possible agent
WD332 Configuration for step & deleted
WD333 Check whether the current SAP GUI is installed (version &)
WD334 Enter a URL
WD335 This function is only available for workflow templates
WD336 Workflow configuration activated
WD337 Workflow configuration deactivated
WD338 Form '&' is not used
WD339 Choose a document template
WD340 The document template specified no longer exists
WD341 This workflow definition does not have any document templates
WD342 Workflow successfully prepared for ad hoc agent assignment
WD343 Workflow not prepared for ad hoc agent assignment
WD344 This node violates the block structure required
WD345 Element '&' does not refer to the BOR object type WF_DOC
WD346 Rule & cannot be used for this function
WD347 The loaded version cannot be deleted
WD348 Task & locked by Workflow Builder, display only
WD349 Unused container elements deleted
WD350 Function aborted: &
WD351 Condition was deleted
WD352 All container elements are used
WD353 Task '&' cannot be used for screen forms
WD354 Multistep task & is locked, but cannot be loaded
WD355 Workflow completed or has errors - Ad hoc extension not possible
WD356 This review workflow has no ad-hoc agents to be changed
WD357 Ad-hoc anchor already overflowed - Ad-hoc enhancement not possible
Lines 587201 to 587300 of 607611 entries
1 5,871 5,872 5,873 5,874 5,875 6,077