SAP Messages

Id Title
WB2B_TEW081 Enter a business process step
WB2B_TEW082 Enter a business scenario
WB2B_TEW083 Enter a business process step group
WB2B_TEW084 Illegal entry
WB2B_TEW085 Structure &1 is unknown
WB2B_TEW086 You cannot select lines in the header table
WB2B_TEW087 You cannot select lines in the item table
WB2B_TEW088 You can only select a single line in the header table
WB2B_TEW089 You can only select a single line in the item table
WB2B_TEW090 Error in document flow to add-on document
WB2B_TEW091 Trading contract &1 was changed after it was released
WB2B_TEW092 Add-on document &1 could not be read
WB2B_TEW093 Display Add-On document &1 (category &2)
WB2B_TEW094 Global Trade requires class CL_WB2_STEP_FROM_WBGT
WB2B_TEW095 Different master steps exist for the same document
WB2B_TEW096 Indicator "Use Additional Table WBGT" must be selected
WB2B_TEW097 Action was not executed due to the cancellation of the preceding action
WB2B_TEW100 Restrict the selection
WB2B_TEW101 Predecessor of expenses settlement &1 &2 is not obvious
WB2B_TEW102 Error occurred when displaying the document network
WB2B_TEW103 No graphic profile was selected
WB2B_VC001 Item &1: Creation of purchasing configuration not allowed
WB2B_VC002 Internal error occurred while calling function module &1
WB2B_VC003 Material &1 is not configurable
WB2B_VC004 Item &1: Net weight greater than gross weight
WB2B_VC005 Configuration not allowed for item category &1
WB2B_VC006 Item &1: No configuration exists
WB2C000 Error when making an entry in table &
WB2C001 Error occurred during update of table &
WB2C002 Error when deleting data from table &
WB2C003 Internal error occurred
WB2C004 Enter exchange rate &1/&2 exchange rate type &3 for &4 in system setting
WB2C005 No trading contract type transferred
WB2C006 Np hedge type found for trading contract type &1
WB2C007 No business data found at header and item level
WB2C008 No hedge type transferred
WB2C009 No data found for hedge type &1
WB2C010 Hedging index for document &1, document type &2 could not be locked
WB2C011 Hedging index does not exist( GUID=&1, document=&2, document type=&3 )
WB2C012 No hedge Customizing for hedge type &1 requirement currency &2
WB2C013 No business partner exists for hedging type &1 company code &2
WB2C014 Installment payment is not supported
WB2C015 Impossible to determine a fixed value date
WB2C016 Value date in the past, no FETs were created
WB300 Errors occurred when creating the assortment list version
WB301 Assortment lists IDoc &1 has not been created
WB302 Version cannot be created: dynamic reduction was used
WB303 Migration was not successful, HPR change version is not possible
WB700 &1 is/are created
WB701 Make a valid selection
WB702 No data selected.
WB703 No assortment list exists for site &1
WB704 Assortment list type &1 does not exist
WB705 Assortment structure &2 is not used in assortment list type &1
WB706 This selection is not supported
WB707 Selection &1 is not supported; Please use ' ', &2, &3, &4
WB708 No articles were ordered
WB709 Entry of vendor delivery scheduling not possible
WB710 The delivery date must be within the delivery period from &1 to &2
WB711 The delivery quantity total is different to the order quantity
WB712 Enter an order quantity
WB713 The DC delivery date &1 comes before the delivery period for the stores
WB714 The total delivery phase quantity is different to the order quantity
WB715 &1 not possible because schedule lines exist
WB716 The order quantity is made up of the total from delivery phases &1 &2
WB717 Third-party orders exist for the item
WB718 Stock transport orders exist for the item
WB719 No third-party/stock transport order is possible for the material
WB720 Enter the "From" date for the DC delivery period
WB721 Enter the "From" date for the store delivery period
WB722 The plant is a store. DC delivery period not taken into consideration
WB723 Unit of measure &1 is not permitted for material &2
WB724 The purchase price was changed from &1 to &2
WB725 In cross docking, the order quantity cannot be specified
WB726 The order quantity was converted from &1 &2 to &3 &4
WB727 Rounding differences occurred &1 &2
WB728 Perishables planning list created
WB729 No store purchase orders possible for the article
WB730 No assortment list with structure &1 exists for this data
WB731 Changes not possible
WB732 & of & created in item &
WB733 Enter a delivery date
WB785 Listing via layout currently not supported
WB786 Future version is already listed. Date cannot be changed
WB789 A layout check is not necessary when selecting all stores
WB791 BW line item data not complete for rule optimization profile &
WB792 BW stock data not complete for rule optimization profile &
WB793 'Update placement data' indicator not set
WB794 Only the first future version can be listed
WB795 Version &1 is acive and cannot therefore be deleted
WB796 Version &1 cannot be copied
WB797 Fields &1, field &2, and field &3 cannot be selected in &4
WB798 Errors occurred when creating the layout overview
WB799 Version 0000 cannot be deleted
WB800 Enter a valid value
WB801 Data for customer & is incomplete
WB802 No fields selected for update
WB803 Layout module &1 is not assigned to layout &2
WB804 No documents are assigned to layout module &1
WB805 Select one entry only
Lines 586601 to 586700 of 607611 entries
1 5,865 5,866 5,867 5,868 5,869 6,077