Id | Title |
WB2B026 | Enter date type |
WB2B027 | Item Category &1 Is not Defined for Document Type &2 |
WB2B028 | No item categories are maintained for trading contract type &1 |
WB2B029 | Tax classification does not exist |
WB2B030 | Valuation type &2 is defined for batch &1 |
WB2B031 | No batches are permitted in plant &1 for material &2 |
WB2B032 | Neither trading contract number nor item data was entered |
WB2B033 | Data for conversion in document incomplete |
WB2B034 | Sales office &1 is not created for this sales area |
WB2B035 | Sales group &1 does not exist in sales office &2 |
WB2B036 | Currency was not entered |
WB2B037 | No financial document is needed (payment guarantee procedure not entered) |
WB2B038 | Place the cursor on a document |
WB2B039 | Schedule lines cannot be created for main items |
WB2B040 | Schedule lines have already been created for the main item |
WB2B041 | Maximum value exceeded during calculation of net value |
WB2B042 | The value is not copied to all items |
WB2B043 | Enter a unit of measure |
WB2B044 | Material-dependent fields are copied from the material master again |
WB2B045 | The item has not yet been created |
WB2B046 | No data exists. &1 |
WB2B047 | No items exist |
WB2B048 | The values of the purchasing info record are copied |
WB2B049 | No follow-on documents have been created yet |
WB2B050 | The item does not exist |
WB2B051 | Position the cursor on a line |
WB2B052 | No conditions are maintained |
WB2B053 | Errors occurred during creation of follow-on documents |
WB2B054 | Schedule lines have already been maintained |
WB2B055 | Sub-items for the item have already been created |
WB2B056 | There is more than one subsequent item |
WB2B057 | Enter a price unit |
WB2B058 | A material number must be entered for availability to be displayed |
WB2B059 | The plant must be entered for availability to be displayed |
WB2B060 | The goods recipient was not entered |
WB2B061 | Physical deletion no longer possible. Deletion flag is set |
WB2B062 | Batch &1 does not exist for material &2 in plant &3 |
WB2B063 | Sub-items can no longer be created for this item |
WB2B064 | Route will be re-determined |
WB2B065 | No route could be determined |
WB2B066 | The document can only be displayed (status: closed) |
WB2B067 | Unplanned costs can only be entered for released documents |
WB2B068 | The sales quantities do not correspond with the purchasing quantities |
WB2B069 | The check for financial documents was negative |
WB2B070 | The document can no longer be deleted |
WB2B071 | Trading contract & was deleted |
WB2B072 | The document was not completed in full |
WB2B073 | The document is not consistent with the follow-on documents |
WB2B074 | Date is in the past |
WB2B075 | No material number was entered |
WB2B076 | No trading contract was entered |
WB2B077 | No schedule line data exists for trading contract &1 |
WB2B078 | Application &1 is defined for this expense type |
WB2B079 | Combination not allowed |
WB2B080 | The cond. grp contains conditions that do not match the expense type |
WB2B081 | Condition table &1 does not contain the trading contract number |
WB2B082 | Condition &1 (type &2) is not defined for expense type &3 |
WB2B083 | Enter the expense type |
WB2B084 | This condition is not defined here |
WB2B085 | Condition &1 does not exist |
WB2B086 | The condition already exists |
WB2B087 | The condition table is not defined for this condition |
WB2B088 | Tax indicator no. &1 does not exist for country &2 |
WB2B089 | Sales org. &1 differs from the sales org. of reference document &2 |
WB2B090 | Distr. channel &1 differs from the distr. channel of ref. document &2 |
WB2B091 | Division &1 differs from the division of reference document &2 |
WB2B092 | Sales group &1 differs from the sales group of reference document &2 |
WB2B093 | Sales office &1 differs from the sales office of reference document &2 |
WB2B094 | Purchasing org. &1 differs from purchasing org. for ref. document &2 |
WB2B095 | Purchasing group &1 differs from purchasing group of reference doc. &2 |
WB2B096 | Plant &1 differs from the plant of reference document &2 |
WB2B097 | The check found no errors |
WB2B098 | Specify a unit of measure |
WB2B099 | The sales currency was not entered |
WB2B100 | Internal error during reading of document flow, document &1, item &2 |
WB2B101 | No documents for settlement exist for trading contract &1 |
WB2B102 | Vendor &1 does not exist in purchasing organization &2 |
WB2B103 | Entry &1 is still used in table &2 |
WB2B104 | The current status does not allow further processing |
WB2B105 | Enter the plant |
WB2B106 | Data declaration &1 missing in SAPLWB27 |
WB2B107 | The contract has already been released. Status is reset |
WB2B108 | This condition has already been created |
WB2B109 | Enter purchasing and sales quantities |
WB2B110 | Trading contract (&1) and follow-on documents are saved |
WB2B111 | Different organizational data (&1) at header (&2) and item (&3) level |
WB2B112 | Enter a trading contract number |
WB2B113 | The sales-side delivery date falls before the purchase-side dlvy date |
WB2B114 | The selected documents are assigned to different status groups |
WB2B115 | No document data found to match the selection data |
WB2B116 | No vendor-side schedule line data was maintained |
WB2B117 | No customer-side schedule line date was maintained |
WB2B118 | Inconsistent currency information exists in item &1 |
WB2B119 | TC type &2 is not the same as reference TC type &1 |
WB2B120 | Condition type group & was not processed completely |
WB2B121 | Assignment of expenses type &1 to condition type group incomplete |
WB2B122 | Creation of follow-on documents is not defined for the trading contract |
WB2B123 | No trading contract with this external number exists |
WB2B124 | The number is already used in TC ( &1 ) |
WB2B125 | Enter search parameters |