SAP Messages

Id Title
WAHD025 Deleted materials for plant &1: &2 (target)
WAHD026 Deleted materials for plant &1: &2 (successful).
WAHD027 Deleted materials for plant &1: &2 (unsuccessful -> error)
WAHD028 For plant &1, deleted materials: &2 (with data)
WAHD030 No alternative historical data is to be loaded for plant &1
WAHD031 No alternative historical data is to be deleted for plant &1
WAHD040 Plant category &1 is invalid; Permitted values 'A' or 'B'
WAHD041 Use MAHD* transactions for MRP areas
WAHD042 Error occurred in method &1
WAHD043 Test mode is active; a simulation only was performed
WAHD044 AHD for material &1 in plant &2 could not be deleted
WAHD200 *DO NOT USE* Messages for BW-CL Access *DO NOT USE*
WAHD201 Invalid query definition; selection missing or incorrect for &2
WAHD202 Invalid query definition; key figure &2 is missing or incorrect
WAHD203 Invalid query definition; incorrect number of characteristics
WAHD204 Conflict in recipient selection in query definition &1 with DRD profile
WAHD205 To date &1 is invalid (no periods are assigned).
WAHD206 From date &1 is invalid (no periods are assigned).
WAHD207 Query for the period is different to the update period in ECC
WAHD209 Conflict with base unit of measure for material &1 (ECC = &2, BW = &3)
WAHD400 *DO NOT USE* Messages for WAHD Core Interface *DO NOT USE*
WAHD401 You cannot maintain AHD when creating a material
WAHD402 When changing a material, AHD can only be displayed
WAHD403 Internal error occurred when displaying the AHD (see long text).
WAHD500 *DO NOT USE* Messages for WAHDA function modules *DO NOT USE*
WAHD501 Function &1 called with incorrect/missing control parameters.
WAHD502 Function &1 called with incorrect/missing worklist.
WAHD503 Unable to determine period indicators for &1/&2.
WAHD504 Unable to determine fiscal year variant for &1/&2.
WAHD505 Unable to determine factory calendar for &1.
WAHD506 Error occurred determining from/to period for &1/&2/&3.
WAHD507 No historical values found for &1/&2/&3.
WAHD508 Error occurred determining the periods for &1/&2/&3.
WAHD509 No data records were buffered for update.
WAHD510 Error occurred determining the historical values for &1/&2/&3.
WAHD600 No future AHD or MVER data exists.
WAHD601 Select at least one time series to display.
WAHD602 Past forecast data is not displayed.
WAHD603 AHD for material &1 and plant &2 is locked by user &3
WAHD604 Error &1 occurred when calling function module &2.
WAHD605 AHD not active. Data will be shown in display mode.
WAHD606 Enter a from-date later than 01.01.1901
WAHD607 Enter a "to date".
WAHD608 "From date" must be later than "to date".
WAHD609 Plant &1 does not exist
WAHD610 Maintain the period indicator for material &1 and plant &2
WAHD611 Incorrect control parameters
WAHD612 Period indicator missing
WAHD613 Fiscal year variant missing
WAHD614 Factory calendar missing
WAHD615 Invalid period
WAHD616 No historical data available
WAHD617 Maintain the consumption indicator for forecast in Customizing.
WAHD618 Error occurred reading the Alternative Historical Data.
WAHD619 No data found to display/change.
WAHD620 No consumption values available for material &1
WAHD621 Field catalog for SAP List Viewer not found
WAHD622 Incorrect parameters for historical view
WAHD623 Incorrect parameters for forecast view
WAHD624 Display of smoothed values only allowed when displaying historical data
WAHD625 Incorrect combination of historical view and forecast view
WAHD626 Program number &1 not permitted
WAHD627 Enter either a material or an MRP type
WAHD628 No data found to save
WAHD629 Error occurred when displaying the changed data
WAHD630 Data was saved
WAHD631 No data was changed
WAHD632 Fields were recalculated
WAHD633 Material &1 does not exist
WAHD634 Unit of measure &1 not maintained for material &2
WAHD635 No logistics data maintained for plant &1 and material &2
WAO_TRANSFER_PRICES000 Enter a material number
WAO_TRANSFER_PRICES001 Date &1 is invalid. Enter the date in format &2
WAO_TRANSFER_PRICES002 No master record exists for material &1
WAO_TRANSFER_PRICES003 Material &1 is not assigned to a plant
WAO_TRANSFER_PRICES004 Enter the plant
WAO_TRANSFER_PRICES005 Material &1 is not available in plant &2
WAO_TRANSFER_PRICES006 Material &1 could not be transferred into the internal format
WAO_TRANSFER_PRICES007 Unit &1 could not be converted into the internal format
WAO_TRANSFER_PRICES008 No valuation area could be determined for plant &1
WAO_TRANSFER_PRICES009 No company code could be determined for valuation area &1
WAO_TRANSFER_PRICES010 No controlling area could be determined for company code &1
WAO_TRANSFER_PRICES011 Internal error: Function module &1 yields exception &2
WAO_TRANSFER_PRICES012 Profit center &1 cannot be converted into internal format
WAO_TRANSFER_PRICES013 Unit &1 does not match to material &2. It has been changed to &3
WAO_TRANSFER_PRICES014 Profit center local currency not set in controlling area &1
WAO_TRANSFER_PRICES015 No price display authorization in &1 of &2 combination(s)
WAO_TRANSFER_PRICES016 Profit center &1 does not exist in controlling area &3 on &2
WAO_TRANSFER_PRICES017 Quantity &1 is invalid. Enter quantity in format &2
WAO_TRANSFER_PRICES018 Unit of measurement &1 not created in language &2
WAUF_ADD000 & & & &
WAUF_ADD001 Enter either the material or the material group
WAUF_ADD002 Enter either a hierarchy or material group(s)
WAUF_ADD003 Enter either a hierarchy or material(s)
WAUF_ADD004 Enter hierarchy or material group or material
WAUF_ADD005 Enter either the trend factor or the allocation rule for all
WAUF_ADD006 Enter percentage/or absolute value for putaway
WAUF_ADD007 Remaining quantity of material &3 cannot be distributed to DC
WAUF_ADD008 Site &1 is not included in allocation rule &2
WAUF_ADD009 Neither a trend factor nor an allocation rule were entered
Lines 585701 to 585800 of 607611 entries
1 5,856 5,857 5,858 5,859 5,860 6,077