SAP Messages

Id Title
WAB070 Distribution for item &1 is consistent
WAB071 Item &1 has not been distributed
WAB072 Direct settlement with single doc. only possible with settlement type &1
WAB073 Settlement method &1 requires customer settlement
WAB074 Settlement method &1 requires vendor settlement
WAB075 Settlement method &1 is not allowed with settlement type &2
WAB076 Direct settlement with single document only for condition level &1
WAB077 Doc. &1 has pro forma settlement type; no subsequent processing required
WAB078 Sales posting procedure material inventory account
WAB079 Maintain the account determination procedure for SD account assignment
WAB080 Unknown order &1
WAB081 Posting of subsequent settlement
WAB082 Posting for settlement type &1 (&2)
WAB083 First two digits of VAT ID &1 are not a country key
WAB084 VAT ID for vendor &1 missing (required when foreign EU-based)
WAB085 Change of organizational data only for documents with logistics data
WAB086 Sales org. &1 has different company code (&2) from document (&3)
WAB087 VAT ID for customer &1 missing (required when foreign EU-based)
WAB088 Tax departure country &1 does not exist
WAB089 Tax destination country &1 does not exist
WAB090 The supplying country &1 does not exist
WAB091 &1 (&2) &3 is not a valid date
WAB092 No account assigned for net posting of cash discount
WAB093 Internal error during cash management update
WAB094 Unit of measure missing in item &1 for material &2 with quantity &3
WAB095 VAT ID for vendor &1 does not match tax departure country &2
WAB096 VAT ID for customer &1 does not match tax destination country &2
WAB097 Purchasing org. &1 has different company code (&2) from document (&3)
WAB098 No alternative creditor allowed for settlement partner &
WAB099 Payment Recipient &1 <> Invoicing Party &2
WAB100 Alternative Creditor &1 <> Invoicing Party &2
WAB101 Local crcy &1 co. code customer &2 <> Local crcy &3 co. code vendor &4
WAB112 Profit center recompilation for document &1 successful
WACONFIG000 Internal error in method &1
WACONFIG001 Error when reading user input: &1
WACONFIG002 Combination of &1 and &2 does not exist
WACONFIG003 Name entered is empty or already used
WAF001 Could not execute method &1
WAF002 Method &1 and associated module holder &2 deleted
WAF003 Could not create function module
WAF004 Function does not exist
WAF005 Already contained in a different task
WAF006 Function module already exists
WAF007 Enter a valid function group
WAF008 Function group contains more than 99 function modules
WAF009 You are not authorized to change data
WAF010 You are not authorized to display data
WAF011 Lock problem
WAF012 Action canceled
WAF013 Method &1 triggered system exception &2
WAF014 Could not generate device ID
WAF015 Could not generate conversation ID: &1
WAF016 Due to a communications error method & could not be executed
WAF017 Client version unknown on the server; create the mobile component
WAF020 Method & is not yet registered
WAF030 You can only install one version of an application
WAF100 Application requires a different version of the framework
WAF101 Runtime of application (&1) does not match runtime of framework (&2)
WAF103 Application still required by other installed applications
WAF104 Application requires other applications; these have been added
WAF105 This version (&2) of application &1 does not exist
WAF106 Enter a valid user
WAF107 Enter a valid device ID
WAF108 Selected component type cannot be assigned
WAF110 System &1 not available. Check your RFC connections.
WAF111 Error calling the function module in system &1
WAF112 Not all systems available. Restart the job later.
WAF113 Error during function module execution
WAF114 Installation file does not exist. Upload the file.
WAF115 Device &1 unknown in system &2
WAF116 Multiple installation files exist; check the files
WAF117 Check the authorization of user &1 in system &2
WAF118 This component does not support the platform of your device
WAF119 Role &1 does not exist in the system
WAF120 Application is still being used
WAHD000 To Do: Implementation
WAHD001 Period indicator &1 is not allowed
WAHD002 No plant found that fulfils the selection criteria.
WAHD003 No MRP type found for the AHD/PDF scenario
WAHD004 Could not set lock on table WAHD(-OVAL)for plant &1
WAHD005 Errors occurred in function module &1
WAHD006 Further process starts for function module &1 not possible
WAHD007 Materials loaded for plant &1: &2 (successful)
WAHD008 Materials loaded for plant &1: &2 (already loaded)
WAHD009 Materials loaded for plant &1: &2 (unsuccessful -> error)
WAHD010 Enter package size for parallel processing.
WAHD011 Enter server group for parallel processing.
WAHD012 Materials loaded for plant &1: &2 (target)
WAHD013 Materials loaded for plant &1: &2 (unsuccessful -> insufficient data)
WAHD014 Enter from-date
WAHD015 Enter a number of periods
WAHD016 Alternative historical data is already available for &1, &2
WAHD017 From-date must be earlier than or the same as the current date
WAHD018 From-date must be earlier than or the same as the to-date
WAHD019 From-date selected is too early; enter a later date
WAHD020 Date cannot be later than the current date
WAHD021 No materials were found that fulfil the selection criteria
WAHD022 Enter a fiscal year variant for period indicator 'P'
WAHD023 Enter restrictions for the data to be selected
WAHD024 Choose "Only Missing Periods" or "Overwrite Fixed Periods"
Lines 585601 to 585700 of 607611 entries
1 5,855 5,856 5,857 5,858 5,859 6,077