SAP Messages

Id Title
WA867 Event not in event trace
WA868 Work item cannot be displayed
WA869 Background job RSWWDHEX for deadline monitoring deleted
WA870 Background job RSWWDHEX for deadline monitoring not deleted
WA871 Cannot display background job for restarting WIs with temporary errors
WA872 Background job for restarting work items with temporary errors deleted
WA873 Background job for restarting WIs with temporary errors not deleted
WA874 Background job for operating the event queue scheduled
WA875 Background job for operating the event queue not scheduled
WA876 Background job for operating the event queue deleted
WA877 Background job for operating the event queue not deleted
WA878 Event not in event queue (any longer) or already delivered
WA879 Event read from event queue and being delivered
WA880 Error sending event
WA881 No events meeting the selection conditions in the event queue
WA882 Event container does not contain any more container elements
WA883 Event queue deactivated
WA884 Event queue activated
WA885 Background job & not available
WA886 Background job & for operating event queue not scheduled
WA887 Background job & not deleted
WA888 Background job & scheduled
WA889 & is not a defined server group
WA890 Event cannot be displayed
WA891 No application server found
WA892 Data written to shared buffer
WA893 Event queue administration data saved
WA894 Customizing data cannot be transported to client &
WA895 Event queue data selected
WA896 No event is selected
WA897 Event already delivered and cannot be delivered again
WA898 Specify the number of events to be read per access
WA899 Specify a time period to the next read access
WAB001 Settlement blocks not relevant for settlement method & &
WAB002 Direct settlement not possible with settlement method & &
WAB003 Direct settlement using settlement request only for one side
WAB004 Settlement type & not allowed with settlement partner &
WAB005 Remuneration list recipient and settlement partner must be identical
WAB006 Condition determination level and settlement partner must be identical
WAB007 No settlement method vendor allowed for settlement partner customer
WAB008 No invoicing party allowed for settlement partner &
WAB009 No payment recipient allowed for settlement partner &
WAB010 No settlement method customer allowed for settlement partner vendor
WAB011 No bill-to-party allowed for settlement partner &
WAB012 No payer allowed for settlement partner &
WAB013 Parameter control vendor settlement with vendor settlement type
WAB014 Parameter control customer settlement with customer settlement type
WAB015 Settlement block item only if settlement at item level
WAB016 No & selected
WAB017 Report &1 was terminated after &2 &3 (see list log)
WAB018 & & processed with & documents
WAB019 Errors occurred (& & with & documents were processed)
WAB020 Cross company-code operations not together with settlement partner
WAB021 Internal error: BAdI implementation for filter & missing
WAB022 Text for error message &1 &2 not found in language &3
WAB023 Posting with posting rule &1(&2): sales posting &3, condition posting &4
WAB024 Special G/L indicator - sales posting &1 (&2/&3)
WAB025 Special G/L indicator - condition posting &1 (&2/&3)
WAB026 Posting with settlement type & (&)
WAB027 Only conditions are posted
WAB028 Sales posting procedure &1 (&2), post taxes: &3
WAB029 Settlement partner & is not allowed with settlement type & (only D and F)
WAB030 Settlement partner & only with condition level vendor
WAB031 Settlement partner & only with remuneration list recipient vendor
WAB032 Pro forma documents are not relevant for account assignment analysis
WAB033 Deactivating tax code for billing document type & not allowed
WAB034 Change of application status for document type &1 &2 not supported
WAB035 Canceled by user
WAB036 ID object vendor & cat & transferred but forbidden for billing doc type &
WAB037 ID object cust. & cat. & transferred but forbidden for billing doc type &
WAB038 Billing doc. type & disallowed entry via ID object, invoicing party &
WAB039 Billing doc. type & did not allow entry via ID object, bill-to-party &
WAB040 Cross-Company-Code Transactions Not Supported
WAB041 Billing Type &1 for Payment Type &2 Not Allowed
WAB042 Billing Type & only Allowed for Cancellation Documents
WAB043 Sales area data not intended for settlement partner &1
WAB044 Purchasing organization data not intended for settlement partner &1
WAB045 "All Org. Data" only possible with settlement partner <> "Standard"
WAB046 Message log &1 was saved
WAB047 No reconciliation account found in schema &1
WAB050 Report & terminated (see log)
WAB051 Errors occurred. Check log
WAB052 Item cancellation only allowed with settlement at item level
WAB053 Item cancellation only possible with extended settlement method
WAB054 Distribution not possible. BAdI WLF_DISTRIBUTION not implemented
WAB055 Main items are not active for billing type &1
WAB056 Main item &1 does not exist in document &2
WAB057 Distribution items can only be deleted by way of the original item
WAB058 Distribution items cannot be copied
WAB059 Item &1 does not have any subitems
WAB060 Item &1 was already distributed
WAB061 Item &1 is not relevant for the distribution
WAB062 The distribution in document &1 is incomplete
WAB063 Document &1 is incomplete. See log
WAB064 Main item &1 for item &2 is not relevant for the distribution
WAB065 You cannot copy subitem &1 without main item &2
WAB066 Not all items of source document &1 were cancelled
WAB067 Item &1 (document &2) was already cancelled
WAB068 External number assignment not implemented (number range &1 &2)
WAB069 No external number assigned (number range &1 &2 is external)
Lines 585501 to 585600 of 607611 entries
1 5,854 5,855 5,856 5,857 5,858 6,077