SAP Messages

Id Title
WA521 No field restrictions with errors found
WA522 Error deleting a complex field restriction
WA523 All modules must support the same type of interface
WA600 Number range object & not found
WA601 Number for number range object & could not be generated
WA602 Object type & for event & not found
WA603 Object type & not allowed for automatic type linkage
WA610 No entries found corresponding to the selection criteria
WA611 No table entry selected
WA612 Event trace was switched off
WA613 Event trace was switched on
WA614 Status of event trace was not changed
WA615 The selected events were deleted
WA616 The contents of the event trace table were deleted
WA617 Internal messages were deleted from the event trace table
WA620 Instance linkage between & & and & & cannot be deleted
WA621 Instance linkages event & receiver & cannot be deleted
WA622 Linkage number cannot be generated
WA623 Instance linkage between & & and & & cannot be entered
WA624 Instance linkage between & & and & &: Type linkage cannot be entered
WA625 Instance linkage between & & and & &: Type linkage cannot be activated
WA626 Instance linkages for & & cannot be copied to & &
WA627 Instance linkages to task & cannot be deleted
WA630 Type linkage between & & and &: Not possible to change check funct.mod.&
WA631 Type linkage between & & and &: Deletion not possible
WA632 Type linkage between & & and &: Deactivation not possible
WA633 Type linkage between & & and &: Activation not possible
WA634 Type linkage between & & and &: Insertion not possible
WA635 Type linkage betw. & & and &: Not possible to change receiver funct.mod.&
WA636 Type linkage betw.& & and &: Not possible to change rec.type determ. FM &
WA637 Type linkage & & for &: Indicator for type linkage not set
WA638 Type linkage & & for &: Indicator for type linkage not deleted
WA639 Type linkage between & & and &: No entry found
WA640 Type linkage betw. & & and &: Exception & when checking transport object
WA641 Type linkage betw. & & and &: Exception & when inserting transport object
WA642 Type linkage between & & and &: Entry exists with other secondary data
WA643 Type linkages to task & cannot be deleted from table &
WA644 Type linkage &1-&2 <--> &3 cannot be updated
WA645 Type linkage between & & and &: Status "no errors" cannot be set
WA650 Receiver function module & not found
WA651 Receiver function module &: Error determining interface
WA652 Receiver function module &: Invalid name for a function module
WA653 Receiver function module &: Parameter & has an invalid reference &
WA654 Receiver function module &: Parameter & is not optional
WA655 Receiver function module & not identified as RFC-compatible
WA660 Check function module & not found
WA661 Check function module &: Error determining interface
WA662 Check function module &: Invalid name for a function module
WA663 Check function module &: Parameter & has an invalid reference &
WA664 Check function module &: Parameter & is not optional
WA670 Receiver type determination function module & not found
WA671 Receiver type determination func. module &: Error determining interface
WA672 Receiver type determination func. module &: Invalid name for a func. mod.
WA673 Receiver type determination FM &: Parameter & has invalid reference &
WA674 Receiver type determination func. mod. &: Parameter & is not optional
WA675 & linkage entries deleted
WA676 Error deleting obsolete linkage entries
WA680 & & not found
WA681 & &: Error determining interface
WA682 & &: Name not valid for function module
WA683 & &: Parameter & not available
WA684 & &: Parameter & has invalid reference &
WA685 & &: Parameter & is not optional
WA698 Select an event
WA699 Program error occurred
WA700 Event creation not possible for this work item type
WA701 Work item does not exist or cannot be reached from here
WA702 No (active) event receivers exist
WA703 Event receivers of type & cannot be displayed
WA750 ----------------Messages workflow administration
WA751 Table buffer synchronized
WA752 Error synchronizing table buffers
WA790 ------------Events with linkages that have errors ----------------------
WA791 Select an event before &
WA792 Linkage & & to & was set to "&"
WA798 Event linkage not active
WA800 Transaction aborted - no entry deleted
WA801 ----------------------Messages event queue-------------------------
WA845 The event has not yet been delivered
WA846 Data included in request &1
WA847 Error reading event
WA848 Error saving administration data
WA849 The event cannot be delivered in status "&"
WA850 Data has been changed in the meantime - the action is canceled
WA851 Background job & deleted
WA852 Background job & scheduled
WA853 Background job & not deleted
WA854 Background job & could not be scheduled
WA855 Events in event queue and transmission information deleted
WA856 Event queue could not be deleted
WA857 Error reading event queue
WA858 Background job scheduling not changed
WA859 Browser started ...
WA860 Event does not exist
WA861 & not possible for multiple selection (select one entry)
WA862 Restrictions for event trace saved
WA863 Restrictions for event trace not saved
WA864 Select an entry in the event queue
WA865 Event not in the event queue (any longer)
WA866 Event not (yet) delivered, not in trace or created asynchronously
Lines 585401 to 585500 of 607611 entries
1 5,853 5,854 5,855 5,856 5,857 6,077