SAP Messages

Id Title
W8053 &1 errors occurred in the condition evaluation of &2
W8060 Table action "Append" is only possible for single-level expressions
W8063 Reference '&1'('&2') has changed - binding adapted for '&3'
W8064 Conversion error while evaluating expression
W8065 Conversion error while evaluating condition & = & & &
W8066 Value for expression &1 cut
W8067 Text is too long
W8068 Data was saved
W8069 Input not supported for structured elements with data type '&1'
W8070 Reference structure & for expression & is not a valid structure
W8071 Element & has no structure reference, therefore no access to fld & in &
W8072 No access to field & in element & (expression & ) possible w/o structure
W8073 Element & from expression & is incompatible with structure &
W8074 Element & cannot be read with structure &
W8075 Source and target structures have different numbers of fields (&, &)
W8076 Saving element & contradicts structure &
W8077 Access to field & is not possible for multiline element &
W8078 Access to attribute & is not possible for multiline element &
W8079 Structure & has no field with name &
W8080 Structures & and & are not compatible
W8081 Element & does not refer to a structure
W8082 Element value with reference structure & becomes CHAR string of length &
W8083 CHAR string of length & becomes value with reference structure &
W8084 Access with line index () is not possible for element & (one line)
W8085 Access with line index () is not possible for expression part &
W8086 Object type & overwritten by object type & in target element
W8087 Source element & is not available, target element & deleted
W8088 Source & corresponds to object type & and not &
W8089 Time specifications require the formatting defined in user defaults
W8090 Date specifications require the formatting defined in user defaults
W8091 Time specifications are expected in the internal format HHMMSS
W8092 Date specifications are expected in the internal format YYYYMMDD
W8093 Expression '&1' has an invalid length
W8094 Binding for element '&3' adapted to new data type or length
W8095 Element & may not be changed
W8096 Syntax '()' only allows read access to element &
W8097 Element & does not have a line with index &
W8098 Syntax '()' is only possible for elements of the container
W8099 Values in binding have maximum length &
W8100 No container definition available
W8101 Binding for container types & <- & is not defined
W8102 Parameter error calling editor for binding & <- &
W8103 Fast entry cannot be used for entry of individual elements
W8104 Binding definition inconsistent with (called) container definition &
W8105 Container element & is not loop element &
W8106 Constants cannot begin with '%' or '&'
W8107 No binding defined for mandatory import parameter &
W8108 Source & corresponds to object type & and not &
W8109 Reference types '&1' and '&2' are not compatible (expression '&3')
W8110 Syntax error in expression &1
W8111 Parameter error calling editor for expression &
W8112 Specify a reference for expression &
W8113 Result (length &) is too short for source (length &)
W8114 The source field of a date cannot have the length &
W8115 The source field of a time cannot have the length &
W8116 The data type & cannot be converted to data type &
W8117 No definition exists in container &2 for element '&1'
W8118 Binding definition is consistent
W8119 ***** Binding definition: Direction "&", element & *****
W8120 Messages were created when checking the expression -> see log
W8121 Variable does not have a & end character
W8122 Index element & does not have a & end character
W8123 '&1' is not an attribute of '&2' - use the F4 input help
W8124 Conversion of data type & to data type & is not supported
W8125 Object type & does not exist
W8126 Element & is not the specified table element &
W8127 & binding for element & has a critical error
W8128 Binding definition contains errors -> see Check
W8129 Table action not possible on element &
W8130 Table action "Append" not possible when reading an element
W8131 Multiline element & cannot be assigned to a single-line element
W8132 Expression & is an object and not a DDIC reference
W8133 Element & has been defined as single-line but can now become multiline
W8134 Assignment of variable object type & to object type & may contain errors
W8135 Input value & is not allowed
W8136 Expression type & is not supported
W8137 Constants cannot be declared here
W8138 Import elements cannot be processed since no source container defined
W8139 Element & not in source container
W8140 The respective element in & has no value
W8141 No element & in target container
W8142 Expression & refers to container elements that do not incorporate export
W8143 Attribute & cannot be overwritten
W8144 No container defined for &
W8145 Object type & overwrites initial object type of target element
W8146 & is not a valid entry
W8147 Container definition passed is empty
W8148 Declare either a system status or a user status
W8149 Function only allowed for data type CHAR (not for data type &)
W8150 Invalid data type for passing expression &
W8151 Expression type & has no processing for expression &
W8152 Expression & only allows single-line values
W8153 Object type & does not have any key fields
W8154 Element & from expression & is not in container
W8155 Object & could not be instantiated
W8156 Cursor does not show binding direction
W8157 Element & could not be recognized as an object reference
W8158 Value for container element & is initial, no attributes can be determined
W8159 Element & will not be overwritten
W8160 Lines that cannot be processed in the binding definition will be deleted
Lines 585001 to 585100 of 607611 entries
1 5,849 5,850 5,851 5,852 5,853 6,077