Id | Title |
W5076 | You have no authorization to change purchase order & & |
W5077 | PO item & & has a deletion indicator (no changes possible) |
W5078 | Purchase order & changed successfully |
W5079 | Purchase order & could not be saved |
W5080 | Service & does not exist |
W5081 | No purchase order stored in user master under the parameter & |
W5082 | No PO item stored in user master under parameter & |
W5083 | Purchase order & & does not exist |
W5084 | Purchase order & & is not an order for external services |
W5085 | Purchase order & & contains no planned services |
W5086 | No more than 50 service lines allowed |
W5087 | Retrospective adoption of planned services not possible |
W5088 | No purchase order specified in user parameters & & |
W5089 | Specify a cost center for service & |
W5090 | Enter a unit of measure for service & |
W5091 | Line with quantity/unit of measure not possible without service |
W5092 | Purchase order & & has more than one schedule line |
W5093 | This function only possible for items with material |
W5094 | Please enter a quantity |
W5095 | Please enter a delivery date |
W5096 | Please enter a unit of measure |
W5097 | No released service entry sheets exist |
W5098 | Worklist does not contain any entry sheets requiring release |
W5099 | The BAPI_REQUIREMENT_CREATE can only create the PReq in local currency & |
W5100 | You have no authorization to release |
W5101 | Purchase requisition & & does not exist |
W5102 | Purchase requisition & & blocked |
W5103 | Release prerequisites not satisfied |
W5104 | Purchase requisition & & already released |
W5105 | Release outside field of responsibility |
W5106 | Release group & and release code & do not exist |
W5107 | Purchasing document & does not exist |
W5108 | Purchasing document & blocked |
W5109 | Purchasing document & already released |
W5110 | & |
W5111 | Pass on the release code when invoking the method |
W5112 | A general error has occurred in release |
W5113 | Pass on the release group when invoking the method |
W5114 | You have not yet released any purchase orders |
W5115 | You have not yet released any purchase requisitions |
W5116 | No purchase orders requiring release in your worklist |
W5117 | No purchase requisitions requiring release in your worklist |
W5118 | Please enter at least one service |
W5119 | Entry sheet is error-free |
W5120 | Enter a vendor |
W5121 | Only "standard" and "service" allowed as item categories |
W5122 | Allowed account determ. categories: "cost center", "stock", "project" |
W5123 | No changeable PO items exist |
W5124 | Field & could not be changed in PO item & & |
W5125 | No account assignment data exists for this document |
W5126 | This requisition not assigned to a source |
W5127 | No materials assigned to this material group |
W5128 | Please group together only requisitions with same requester '&' |
W5129 | Item adopted in requirement coverage request |
W5130 | This change not possible once release has been effected |
W5131 | Please pass on a valid status |
W5132 | Source of supply cancelled (Please assign new one if necessary) |
W5133 | Overview contains no items |
W5134 | No POs exist or were read that satisfy your selection criteria |
W5135 | No requisitions exist or were read that satisfy your selection criteria |
W5136 | No reservations exist or were read that satisfy your selection criteria |
W5137 | Your data will be lost if you click the "Back" button again |
W5138 | Other error has occurred during release |
W5139 | No service orders available for these selection criteria or none read |
W5140 | Please enter a vendor |
W5141 | Vendor & does not exist |
W5142 | Please enter your password |
W5143 | Error calling 'BAPI_PO_GETITEMS' with return code & |
W5144 | No documents available |
W5145 | Please enter either a short text or a service master record |
W5146 | Please enter either a short text or a material master record |
W5147 | Service & insufficiently maintained - will be reset |
W5148 | No entry sheets can be released with release code & |
W5149 | No service texts exist for purchase order & |
W5150 | Partne role &1 cannot be processed by BAPI &2 |
W5151 | All mandatory header data is missing |
W5152 | Compulsory fields missing |
W5153 | Enter data into table REQUISITION_ITEMS_OLD |
W5154 | Subcontracting item & & will not be processed due to reservations |
W5160 | Quantity conversion from &3 to &4 for material &1 from res. &2 failed |
W600 | *** Link to Task Lists Part 2 *** |
W6001 | Material & does not exist |
W6002 | Hierarchial display levels will be extended |
W6003 | Material type & of material & is not defined for empties |
W6004 | Position cursor on material line |
W6005 | Sales unit of material &, plant & missing |
W6006 | No conversion factor maintained for material &, unit of measure & |
W6007 | Entry in material master for material & and plant & |
W6008 | Bill of material not maintained for material & |
W6009 | No stocks exist for selection |
W601 | Operation created from order header data |
W6010 | Please position cursor on plant or storage location |
W6011 | No items for transfer posting exists |
W6012 | & items posted (material document &) |
W6013 | Restricted-use stock exists for material & in plant & / & |
W6100 | For material &, material type & is not maintained |
W650 | *** Permits *** |
W651 | Warning: Permits still to be issued before order is released ! |
W652 | Order release refused as permits are still missing |
W653 | Warning: Permits still to be issued before order is completed ! |