SAP Messages

Id Title
11381 Contract has different purchasing organization
11382 Contract has different plant
11388 An invoice already exists for this entry sheet
11389 A parked invoice already exists for this entry sheet
11391 Contract item is blocked or deleted
11591 Position cursor on a valid line
11600 Service type blocked
11601 System error during attempted blocking of service type
11681 Values already entered (not possible to delete)
11691 Material/service group in contract (&) differs from that of item (&)
11794 Model service specifications do not exist or are blocked
11879 Service type & & does not exist or is invalid
11880 Service type & does not exist or no valid edition available
11881 Limit may not be less than existing "actual" value
11882 MSS limit & does not exist
11888 Caution! Function consists of screen prototype only
12000 *** SLED/Date of Production *********************************************
12001 SLED of batch &1 changed to &2 in all items
12002 Date of production of batch &1 changed to &2 in all items
12003 Date of production/SLED of batch &1 changed to &2/&3 in all items
12004 Production date of bch &1 (&2) does not match the prod. date entered (&3)
12005 SLED of batch &1 (&2) does not match the SLED of the current item (&3)
12006 Existing SLED (&1) has been changed to &2 by the program
12007 Shortfall of &3 days against remaining shelf life in current item (&1 &2)
12008 Shortfall of &2 &3 against SLED in current item (&1)
12009 Values for type matching printed on printer &
12010 The SLED (&1) must be after the date of production (&2)
12011 Date of production/SLED differs from that of other items in batch
12012 Date of production differs from that of other items in batch
12013 Reference date (&1) must not be before date of production (&2)
12014 SLED in current item differs from that of other items in batch
12015 SLED copied as default value from batch &1 - please check
12016 Date of production copied as default value from batch &1 - please check
12017 SLED and date of production copied as default fm bch &1 - please check
12018 Enter the date of production
12019 Enter the shelf life expiration date
12020 No SLED processing for material &. Data entered is cancelled
12100 *** Batch Master Record *************************************************
12101 Enter the material number
12102 You do not have authorization to display batches of material &1
12103 You do not have authorization to maintain batches of material &1
12104 It is only advisable to enter the stor. loc. if a plant has been entered
12105 Data segment for plant &1 does not exist for material &2
12106 The material &1 is marked for deletion at group level
12107 The material &1 is marked for deletion in plant &2
12108 The material &1 is marked for deletion in storage location &2 of plant &3
12109 Enter the batch number
12110 Enter a plant
12111 Termination due to inconsistent data (&)
12112 Enter a valuation type as the batch number
12113 Batch &1 already exists and is assigned to material &2
12114 Batch &1 already exists for material &2
12115 Batch &1 does not exist
12116 Batch &1 does not exist for material &2
12117 Batch &1 already exists in plant &2
12118 Batch &1 already exists for material &2 in plant &3
12119 Batch &1 does not exist in plant &2
12120 Batch &1 for material &2 does not exist in plant &3
12121 Blank characters are not allowed in numeric batch numbers
12122 You can only copy from existing data when you create
12123 No valuation type exists for material &1 in plant &2
12124 The system cannot create any batches for material &1
12125 Valuation type &1 does not exist for material &2 in plant &3
12126 Inconsistency in classification data => transaction terminated
12127 Class &1 is locked by another user
12128 Creating batch &1
12129 Changing batch &1
12130 Classification for batch &1 has already been created
12131 Enter a class
12132 Enter a period indicator
12133 The system cannot create any batches for material &1
12134 The format of internal date &1 is not correct
12135 Period indicator &1 is not active
12136 Enter a valid date according to your user settings (for example, &1)
12137 Enter a valid date according to date format (&1) - for example, &2
12138 Enter a valid week
12139 Enter a valid year
12140 Enter a valid month
12141 Rounding rule &1 is not defined
12142 Period indicator &1 is used in material &2 -> deletion not possible
12143 Text for period indicator &1 proposed from DDIC
12144 No Customizing entry defined for period indicator &1 in logon language
12145 Customizing table of period indicators is incomplete
12146 Figures cannot be used as external period indicators
12147 You cannot delete the entry in the logon language
12148 The year entered &1 must be between &2 and &3
12149 Batch number contains disallowed special character &1
12150 Batch &1 does not exist in storage location &2 of plant &3
12151 Batch &1 does not exist for material &2 in storage location &3 plant &4
12152 Text processing can only be called if you enter a language key
12153 Release only possible if approved batch record exists
12154 Batch record does not exist (choose 'restricted' batch status)
12155 No change documents are available
12156 No batches match the selection criteria
12157 Enter the reference material number
12158 Valuation type &1 for material &2 in plant &3 does not exist
12159 Place the cursor on one of the field selection bars
12160 Material &1 is not handled in batches in plant &2
12161 Batch &1 of material &2 is locked by user &4 in plant &3
12162 Batch &1 is already locked by user &2
Lines 30401 to 30500 of 607611 entries
1 303 304 305 306 307 6,077