SAP Messages

Id Title
11020 Enter either a contract number or a vendor number
11021 No authorization
11022 Enter either a contract or a vendor
1103 No classification statuses exist for class type &
1104 No functions exist for class type &
1105 No filters exist for class type &
1106 No key exists for object &
1107 Please select the object and class type you want to edit
1108 Please select the object for which you want to create a class type
1109 Please select the object whose key you want to copy
1110 Please select the object whose key you want to edit
11100 Service package $ saved
1111 Please select the object you want to copy
1112 Please select the object you want to delete.
1113 Please select the object you want to edit
1114 Please select the object and class type you want to delete
1115 Please select the object and class type whose statuses you want to edit
1116 Please select the object and class type whose statuses you want to copy
1117 Please select the object and class type you want to copy
1118 Please select the object and class type whose org. areas you want to edit
11188 Contract & & already assigned (input cancelled)
1119 Please select the object and class type whose org. areas you want to copy
11190 No authorization to enter services performed
1120 Please select the object and class type whose text types you want to edit
11200 Specified structure description does not exist
11202 Service type & & already exists
11203 Service type & & does not exist
11204 Reference dynpro of editor does not exist or cannot be generated
11205 Specified structure description does not exist
11206 Structure definition of service type inconsistent
11207 Specified service type does not exist
11208 Text could not be found
11209 Word processing ended with errors
1121 Please select the object and class type whose text types you want to copy
11210 Serious error during import of text module lines
11212 Validity end date lies before validity start date
11213 No changes made
11214 Editor clipboard full (Please first save service type)
11215 Nothing selected for editing
11216 Select end of block
11217 Line function performed
11218 Service type maintenance ended without saving
11219 Specified service type already being edited
1122 Sel. the obj. and class type whose classif. statuses you want to edit
11220 No error found in structure
11221 Last text module must have unit of measure
11222 Only one text module number may be entered per line
11223 Short or long text necessary if text module number not 0
11224 Gap in hierarchy entered
11225 No unit of measure may be specified during splitting entry
11226 No valid predecessor exists
11227 No error found in structure
11228 Entry does not correspond with specified format of text module
11229 Please enter text module in ascending order
1123 Sel. the obj. and class type whose classif. statuses you want to copy
11230 Entry of short or long text mandatory
11231 Hierarchy chain must be closed (no gaps) (Please close)
11232 When you create a service type you must specify an edition
11233 Service type $ $ $ saved
11234 No authorization to maintain service type
11235 Preceding chain not closed
11236 Overall length of structure exceeds maximum allowed (18 characters)
11237 No long text
11238 Service type must begin with text module 1
1124 Please select the class type whose functions you want to edit
1125 Please select the object and class type whose functions you want to edit
11250 Value limit less than value of performed services already recorded
11251 Please specify value limit or specify "unlimited"
11252 Package does not exist
11253 Specified service not assigned to any package
11254 Please enter a package number
11256 Line cannot be deleted (performed services already entered)
11257 You may not enter more than 10 limits
11258 Limits cannot be deleted (services already entered)
1126 Please select the class type whose filters you want to edit
1127 Please select the object and class type whose filters you want to edit
11270 Please enter an overall limit or allow "unlimited"
11271 Overall limit may not be set below current "actual" value
11272 Please assign contracts or allow any services
11279 Please maintain a model set of specifications for limit
1128 & is an internal class type and cannot be processed in customizing
11280 Maintain a service type for limit
11281 Please enter a service type
11282 Specify a value limit or set the "Unlimited" indicator
11300 Enter either a service or a standard service catalog item
11301 Activity description will be changed
11302 Service type specifications incorrect
11303 Service $ will be saved
11304 Service $ already contains reference to this SSC item
11305 No service currently exists for this SSC item
11306 Enter short text and unit of measure or link to standard service catalog
11307 No service package may be added
11308 You can maintain a maximum of 10 limits
11309 Specify a contract number and a contract item
11310 Contract number entered does not exist
11311 Order item number entered does not exist
11312 Contract item entered not a service item
11313 Enter the service type and the edition of the standard service catalog
11314 Please specify a contract item
11315 Vendor of contract differs from current vendor
Lines 30301 to 30400 of 607611 entries
1 302 303 304 305 306 6,077