SAP Messages

Id Title
0T031 Configuration saved
0T032 System &1 deleted
0T033 Configuration was distributed and activated
0T034 Internal error when locally activating configuration (rc=&1)
0T035 System &1 still exists in the TMS configuration and was not deleted
0T036 Configuration editor switched to change mode
0T037 Configuration editor switched to display mode
0T038 Consolidation(s) deleted
0T039 System &1 does not exist
0T040 Configuration was activated in system &1
0T041 System &2 has no transport route with the transport layer &1
0T042 Transport layer &1 does not exist
0T043 Transport layer &1 is not allowed for system &2
0T044 &1 does not exist as a system in the current transport domain
0T045 System was removed from TMS system group
0T046 System was redefined as controller
0T047 Delivery with source system &1 and source client &2 not allowed
0T048 Configuration version &1 not found in system &2
0T049 New systems are transferred
0T050 Delivery with source system &1 not allowed
0T051 System &1 may not supply itself
0T052 Consolidation system &1 cannot be the same as the integration system
0T053 Saved configuration contains errors, see log
0T054 Delivery from &1 to &2:
0T055 System attributes of &1:
0T056 Consolidation from &1 to &3 using transport layer &2:
0T057 System &1 was not found in directory of known systems
0T058 Transport layer &1 was not found in directory of layers
0T059 System name was not specified
0T060 No errors found during check
0T061 No systems found with obsolete configuration
0T062 &1 requests and tasks from other systems closed
0T063 Requests and tasks do not conflict with the configuration
0T064 Error in configuration of &, no cross-system test
0T065 Transport layer &1 has a transport route with integration &2
0T066 Active transport routes copied by controller and activated
0T067 Configuration not maintained
0T068 No authorization for processing after installation
0T069 Processing after installation completed, configure TMS
0T070 Transport layer &1 still being used
0T071 Transport layer &1 deleted
0T072 Configuration incorrect, choose "Check"
0T073 System name &1 is identical to source system of database copy
0T074 System name &1 is not known as source system of a database copy
0T075 No registration of database copies found
0T076 Activate transport profile parameter "multileveldelivery" in &1
0T077 Call to read transport profile terminated in &1
0T078 Source system 'SAP' not allowed for database copy
0T079 Transport layer 'SAP' cannot be deleted
0T080 Write error in database when setting single system configuration
0T081 Transport route(s) deleted
0T082 Systems created in TMS
0T083 Transport layer &1 created
0T084 &1 unknown systems, &2 connections and &3 target groups deleted
0T085 Error when reading client table in system &1
0T086 &1 system(s) deleted that were unknown in TMS
0T087 Editing is locked by user '&1'
0T088 Target group must begin and end with '/'
0T089 Target group &1 unknown
0T090 Test of group &1 not possible, since connection to &2 failed
0T091 Specify a transport target name
0T092 Client '&2' not found in the system &1
0T093 Transport target &1.&2 already exists
0T094 Target group &1 already exists, choose another name
0T095 Client &1 already has a standard transport layer
0T096 Enter a short description
0T097 &1 not found in target group directory
0T098 Target group &1 unknown
0T099 Cannot deliver &2 to target group &1
0T100 *** Messages for testing tasks and requests
0T101 Type of &1 to '&2' with &3 object(s) is incorrect
0T102 Target '&2' of &1 with &3 object(s) is incorrect
0T103 Different target systems of &3 object(s) of request &1 to &2
0T104 Objects in &1 require different task or request types
0T105 Originals in &1 require different task types
0T106 Incorrect type of task &1 regarding object originals
0T107 Testing requests from system &1
0T108 Authoriz. for processing after installation of CTS in system &1 missing
0T109 There is a conflicting delivery with &1.&2 to &3
0T110 Transport layer &1 already exists
0T111 Transport routes not completely distributed
0T112 Transport routes from &1 to &2 not allowed
0T113 Client-specific transport routes not allowed from &1 to &2
0T114 System &1 is locked or is not a real system
0T115 Cannot delete system &1 due to transport routes
0T116 Adjustment of transport routes from &1 adjusted
0T117 Target group &1 unknown
0T118 System &1 unknown
0T119 &1 must have a delivery route from it to be a quality assurance system
0T120 Adjustment of transport routes for the selected systems started
0T121 Display was refreshed
0T122 Changes only permitted in domain controller system
0T123 Configuration is not completely distributed
0T124 System &1 is not a target for modifiable requests
0T125 No clients found in system &1
0T126 QA client &2 in system &1 does not match transport settings
0T127 QA system &1 does not match transport settings
0T128 System &1 has transport routes, but no standard layer for it
0T129 Results from transport route check
0T130 Could not distribute transport routes to any system
Lines 30001 to 30100 of 607611 entries
1 299 300 301 302 303 6,077