SAP Messages

Id Title
0S068 & trace currently processing. Do not switch on
0S069 Internal error - Incorrect RFC trace record
0S070 No ABAP Dictionary information exists for the RFC record
0S071 No explain plan can be displayed for an enqueue trace record
0S072 No explain plan can be displayed for an RFC trace record
0S073 Note that the trace records for the trace file were overwritten
0S074 Switch off the trace or use another function -> Long text
0S075 Check profile parameter rstr/max_diskspace
0S076 Call point is unknown for this statement
0S077 Trace evaluation was terminated
0S078 You do not have authorization to switch on the trace
0S079 You do not have authorization to display the trace
0S080 You cannot display the ABAP call here
0S081 Function not possible - incorrect cursor position
0S082 & is a database procedure
0S083 The SAP work process number & is not current
0S084 Check profile parameter &
0S085 Object name is space - check cursor position
0S086 Internal error - table buffer trace record incorrect
0S087 This function is not possible for table buffer trace records
0S088 Cannot display source code - no program name in trace record
0S089 No identical statements exist
0S090 Internal error: "Statement summary trace list" incorrectly described
0S091 Enter an SQL statement
0S092 & is not a description of an enqueue object -> Long text
0S093 Error during table buffer trace - Key length '&'
0S094 Negative duration occurred; check the system clock
0S095 You have not selected the start of the block
0S096 Table & is unknown
0S097 Conversion error during the detailed display of the table buffer trace
0S098 Internal error during the detailed display of the table buffer trace
0S099 Error while downloading the statement summary data
0S100 Performance trace was already switched on for all users at &
0S101 Performance trace was already switched on for & at &
0S102 Message output deactivated due to errors that have occurred
0S103 Undefined error during detailed display of table buffer trace
0S104 Error activating the performance trace
0S105 Error switching on trace DBUSER
0S106 The performance trace was activated by user &
0S107 Error deactivating the performance trace
0S108 SQL Trace switched off
0S109 Enqueue Trace switched off
0S110 RFC Trace switched off
0S111 Deactivating table buffer trace
0S112 Unknown error while deactivating the performance trace
0S113 Could not open performance trace file
0S114 No trace records found
0S115 Internal error during analysis of trace file
0S116 Analysis of the performance trace was terminated
0S117 Unknown error when summarizing tables
0S118 Error switching on Trace BUF
0S119 Error switching off Trace BUF
0S120 Error switching off Trace TST21
0S121 Enter only one transaction name or one program name
0S122 Currently, transaction names can be at most four characters
0S123 Currently, program names can be at most eight characters
0S124 No filter is set - the performance trace is deactivated
0S125 An error occurred during implicit deactivation of the trace
0S126 The parameter STRACSUM_TAB was not specified
0S127 Incorrect time interval specified for displaying the trace
0S128 Close executed for the performance trace file
0S129 Performance trace file is not open
0S130 Not all call locations can be displayed
0S131 No call location can be displayed
0S132 Unknown error during Close for the performance trace file
0S133 & & & &
0S134 Error occurred when reading trace file
0S135 The evaluation of the Enqueue trace has not been planned yet
0S136 & is not an SAP R/3 process number
0S137 The analysis of the table buffer trace has not been planned yet
0S138 You have not selected a trace to analyze
0S139 You have selected multiple traces that cannot currently be evaluated
0S140 The SQL trace is already switched on for user &
0S141 The RFC trace is already switched on for user &
0S142 The Enqueue trace is already switched on for user &
0S143 The table buffer trace is already activated for user &
0S144 You have already switched on the SQL trace
0S145 You have already switched on the RFC trace
0S146 You have already switched on the Enqueue trace
0S147 You have already activated the table buffer trace
0S148 Display trace records up to occurrence of the error
0S149 The HTTP trace has already been activated for user &
0S150 No active version of DDIC object & exists
0S151 No active nametab exists for &
0S152 Error reading view description &
0S153 Error reading table description &
0S154 Error reading index description of DDIC object &
0S155 Error reading DDIC information for object &
0S156 Structure SQLTDDINFO has changed
0S157 Function not possible - incorrect cursor position
0S158 Object & is not defined in ABAP Dictionary
0S159 The HTTP trace has not been activated
0S160 Error while reading the performance trace file "&"
0S161 File end of performance trace file detected -> See long text
0S162 No trace records formatted before error occurred
0S163 Error when opening performance trace file "&"
0S164 You have already activated the HTTP trace
0S165 The HTTP trace has not been activated
0S166 There is no ABAP Dictionary information for an HTTP trace record
0S167 Cannot display an explain plan for an HTTP trace record
Lines 29801 to 29900 of 607611 entries
1 297 298 299 300 301 6,077