SAP Messages

Id Title
0Q131 DBCON entry &1 not found
0Q132 An unspecified error occurred in DBCON_READ
0Q133 DBCON entry &1 already exists
0Q134 Password container for DBCON entry &1 already exists
0Q135 An unspecified error occurred in DBCON_INSERT
0Q136 CL_DBA_SYS : &1
0Q137 First specify the release of the target database
0Q138 Database connection &1 and schema &2 are functioning
0Q139 Database connection &1 or schema &2 are not functioning
0Q140 &1: The value &2 is invalid, only 0 or 1 are permitted
0Q141 &1: The value &2 is not numerical
0Q142 Script &1 updated for database version &2
0Q143 Database-independent script &1 updated
0Q201 ######################################################
0Q202 ======================================================
0Q204 Dropping column KEY_IDX from fact tables
0Q205 of basis InfoCubes
0Q206 Start date and time: &1
0Q207 End date and time: &1
0Q208 Fact table: &1
0Q209 ===========
0Q210 &1
0Q211 SQL Error &1 in DDL statement in step &2 for
0Q212 Begin: Activating remote info cubes
0Q213 End: Activating remote info cubes
0Q214 Info cube: &1
0Q215 ==========
0Q216 Begin: Completing the work for basis info cubes
0Q217 End: Completing the work for basis info cubes
0Q218 End: Dropping column KEY_IDX
0Q219 (fact table: &1)
0Q220 (fact view: &1)
0S000 Block & does not contain a block header record
0S001 Internal error during trace in block & offset & record type &
0S002 Incorrect entry of date &
0S003 Incorrect entry of time &
0S004 SQL trace evaluation terminated
0S005 SQL trace record block no. & link no. & not correct
0S006 Internal error - function & described incorrectly
0S007 Internal error - field length definition & is too short
0S008 Internal error - incorrect description of SQL statement &
0S009 No trace records found -> Info
0S010 Unknown error when evaluating SQL trace &
0S011 Internal error - trace list incorrectly described &
0S012 Internal error - incorrect field name & in trace list description
0S013 Internal error - incorrect variable name in line & column &
0S014 No trace records exist for the selection criteria
0S015 No more information available for SQL statement
0S016 No identical selects found
0S017 Unable to display an explain plan for this SQL statement
0S018 Variable truncated - length restricted to & bytes -> long text
0S019 Function cannot be used for this statement
0S020 Heading & not defined in SQL trace list
0S021 Error when calling the detailed trace list
0S022 Internal error - no value limitation possible for parameter &
0S023 Please enter the SQL trace period again
0S024 Problem during output of logged variable values
0S025 Internal error - incorrect parameter sy-pfkey : & sy-ucomm &
0S026 Internal error - trace record pair error block & link no. &
0S027 Internal error - record of trace pair missing block & link no. &
0S028 Unable to display ABAP program &
0S029 Trace record cannot be read & &
0S030 Internal error replacing variables
0S031 Statement buffer too small
0S032 Incorrect SQL statement
0S033 Error received from Explain SQL
0S034 Explain SQL not available for &
0S035 SQL trace list editing terminated after & errors
0S036 No explain plan can be displayed for &
0S037 End record missing for last SQL trace record in list
0S038 Insufficient storage space for replacing statement variables
0S039 ABAP source cannot be displayed for this statement
0S040 Function "Replace variables" not possible for this statement
0S041 Function not possible - incorrect cursor position
0S042 Function not possible - incorrect cursor position
0S043 Cannot determine work process types
0S044 Internal error reading enqueue trace record (RC = &)
0S045 Internal error - no enqueue trace record transferred
0S046 Internal error - field is not numerical
0S047 Internal error - incorrect enqueue trace record
0S048 Error reading text fields for structure/table &
0S049 Error & reading lock object &
0S050 Unable to display an explain for this operation &
0S051 Function not possible - incorrect cursor position
0S052 An error occurred whilst changing the option -> long text
0S053 The comparison value specified for the duration is not numerical
0S054 Function not possible - incorrect cursor position
0S055 No statement ID exists for this statement
0S056 You have not selected a trace to switch on
0S057 You have not selected a trace to switch on
0S058 No trace is switched on
0S059 SQL trace is not switched on
0S060 Note: Working version of the & trace
0S061 An end record without a beginning record in the enqueue trace
0S062 You have not selected a trace to analyze
0S063 Enqueue trace is not activated
0S064 RFC trace is not switched on
0S065 Table buffer trace is not switched on
0S066 An error occurred while determining the server list
0S067 Internal error - do not transfer an RFC trace record
Lines 29701 to 29800 of 607611 entries
1 296 297 298 299 300 6,077