SAP Messages

Id Title
0M308 Internal error
0M309 Modification logs have not been updated for any object
0M310 The modification log has been updated for 1 object
0M311 The modification log has been updated for &1 objects
0M312 An error occurred in 1 object
0M313 An error occurred in &1 objects
0M314 Cannot find request/task &1 in this system
0M315 Object is original and has no modification log
0M316 Enter user and date within selection range
0M317 Error deleting modification logs
0M318 You must not update modification logs
0M319 You must not delete modification logs
0M320 The IMG maintenance object &1 is not used in any IMG activity
0M321 IMG activity &1 is not used in any IMG activity
0M322 Processing of modification entry was skipped
0M323 Modification entry was reset to original
0M324 Modification entry marked as "compared"
0M325 Processing error, update tree display
0M326 Table content &1 key &2
0M327 Choose "Without Modification Assistant" together with "Other Objects"
0M328 Status change not possible; first compare or process
0M329 Modification logs of object have been deleted
0M330 Object was not created
0M331 Object created again
0M332 Deleted objects cannot be reset to original
0M333 Modifications were discarded; note corrections are retained
0M334 Error while discarding modifications
0M335 Discarding modification not possible
0M336 Error while displaying usage in notes
0M337 No objects were selected (long text)
0M338 No compare filters were selected
0M339 Reset to original not allowed for migration objects
0M340 Error occurred during migration
0M341 Migration was not completed
0M342 Migration is completed
0M343 object already reset to original
0M344 Entry not written; syntax error in the VIEWNAME field
0M345 Object is still inactive. Activate first before adjustment
0M347 No entry un Table SMODIUSER, but in MOD for &1
0M348 Version display not supported for note
0M350 Error during remote compare
0M351 No objects found for scu0 call
0M352 RFC target incorrect
0M353 User termination
0M354 User &1 does not exist (other clients were checked as well)
0M355 Table SMODIUSER has NOT been updated
0M356 Last changer (&1) must not be removed
0M357 Last user to change object is sole processor; system will close dialog
0M400 Object &1 &2 is already adjusted; resetting not possible
0M500 & & & &
0M501 Enter fixed single values only
0M502 Cannot find relevant entries in table & & & &
0M503 Table SMODIPROJ was updated
0M504 Table SMODIPROJ was not updated
0M505 Cannot find entries with chosen selection critera
0M506 Select a valid line
0M507 Data was not changed; action canceled
0M510 Object list & does not exist
0M511 Object list & does not contain relevant objects
0M512 & is not a modifiable object list
0M513 Object list & is not authorized for output
0M514 Object list & already contains objects
0M515 Error during database operations; NO DATABASE UPDATE
0M520 Error retrieving modification information for the version
0M521 You cannot display the version for this object type (yet)
0M522 Error reading the version directory
0M523 Error reading the transport request texts
0M524 Incorrect function module for the object type &1
0M601 Object has already been edited and refreshed
0M800 Internal error (Expansion of includes used more than once)
0M801 Internal error (Tree structure for includes used more than once)
0M802 Internal error (error in reference)
0M803 Internal error during initialization (&1, &2)
0M804 Simulation initialized
0M805 Upgrade complete
0M899 Function working...
0Q001 Error occurred when saving
0Q002 Data saved successfully
0Q003 Error when determining the database release
0Q004 &1 SQL scripts deleted
0Q005 Error during deletion
0Q006 SQL script &1 already exists
0Q007 &1 deleted
0Q008 SQL script &1 changed
0Q009 SQL script &1 not found
0Q010 Inconsistent program parameters
0Q011 Database system &1 not supported
0Q012 Error in &1
0Q013 Invalid database release &1
0Q014 Unexpected DB return code &1
0Q015 Invalid release/revision combination: &1 &2
0Q016 Invalid release ID: &1
0Q017 Invalid script revision: &1
0Q018 Version entry &1 &2 already exists
0Q019 Data record already exists in table &1
0Q020 Release/revision entered incompletely
0Q021 Select a table column (click on the header)
0Q022 User &1 already processing &2 &3 &4
0Q023 Error when locking &1 &2 &3
0Q024 Error when reading the local data
Lines 29501 to 29600 of 607611 entries
1 294 295 296 297 298 6,077