Id | Title |
0K544 | Field catalog contains more than 99 columns to be output |
0K545 | Field catalog hyperlink handle &1 for column &2 does not exist |
0K546 | Hyperlink handle &1 in output table for column &2 does not exist |
0K547 | Field &1 has different data type (&2) and internal type (&3) |
0K548 | Quantity field &1 does not have a quantity unit |
0K549 | Amount field &1 does not have a currency |
0K550 | Field &1 has a wrong value &2 in FCAT-INTTYPE |
0K551 | Field &1 has a wrong value &2 in FCAT-DATATYPE |
0K552 | Reference &1 &2 is used several times and may cause problems for F4 |
0K553 | Call of &1 within &2 is not allowed |
0K554 | &1 should be called before &2 |
0K555 | Strings can be displayed with 128 characters at most |
0K556 | &1 is key field in the header table, but not in the item table |
0K557 | &1 is key field in the item table, but not in the header table |
0K558 | Field & is tabular and is displayed as part of a table |
0K599 | *********** Messages for import/export layouts |
0K600 | Select at least one layout of client &1 type &2 |
0K601 | Exports only possible from current client &1 |
0K602 | Only &1 &2 &3 may be exported |
0K603 | Layout changes saved successfully |
0K604 | Select a valid entry |
0K605 | SAP standard layouts cannot be deleted (see long text) |
0K606 | You are not authorized to maintain layouts |
0K607 | This report has not been released |
0K649 | ******************** Messages for update of layouts |
0K650 | No update of layouts without text was performed |
0K651 | Tooltip for icon &1 is missing - column: &2 |
0K652 | Tooltip for exception field &1 is missing - column: &2 |
0K653 | Tooltip for symbol &1 is missing - column: &2 |
0K654 | Column heading for column &1 is missing |
0K655 | Tooltip for column &1 is missing |
0K656 | Heading for list is missing |
0K657 | Avoid callback BEFORE_LINE_OUTPUT |
0K658 | Avoid callback AFTER_LINE_OUTPUT |
0K659 | Column headings are suppressed |
0K660 | Tooltip for color &1 is missing - column: &2 |
0K661 | Only the first 99 data rows (number coulmns) are output |
0K699 | *********** Messages for Web function |
0K700 | URL placed successfully into the clipboard |
0K701 | Report name required for generating the URL |
0K702 | The MiniALV Service Does Not Correspond With the ALV Tool |
0K892 | You have not set any delete parameters |
0K893 | Your selection could not be confirmed |
0K894 | You did not set any selection criteria |
0K895 | No appropriate templates found |
0K896 | &1 templates deleted |
0K897 | 'Error in Flush' occurred |
0K898 | For reasons of security, the delete function has not yet been released |
0K899 | Select at least one checkbox for deleting |
0L001 | &1 cannot be changed |
0L002 | Item &1: &2 cannot be changed |
0L003 | No document type defined for contracts from CRM |
0L004 | No document type defined for scheduling agreements from CRM |
0L005 | Document type &1 does not allow time-dependent conditions |
0L006 | No currency could be determined |
0L501 | Condition table &1 not allowed (condition record will be ignored) |
0L502 | No calculation schema defined for scheduling agreements from CRM |
0M000 | Development class &1 does not exist |
0M001 | Incorrect semantics in SQL call |
0M002 | Function group &1 does not exist |
0M003 | &1 is neither a main program nor a subroutine pool |
0M004 | No enhancements defined for &1 |
0M005 | Please choose an enhancement |
0M006 | No enhancements exist |
0M007 | Detailed display is not supported for the selected object |
0M008 | No objects chosen |
0M009 | The function is not supported for the selected object |
0M010 | The selected object has already been reset |
0M011 | Not all sub-objects could be reset |
0M012 | Transaction &1 does not exist |
0M013 | You are not authorized to access Transaction &1 |
0M014 | Include &1 does not exist |
0M015 | Version management not supported for program & |
0M016 | Functional group includes are not supported at this time |
0M017 | No mode available! |
0M018 | Group display by objects |
0M019 | Enter either processor or order/task |
0M050 | Error when writing log file &1 |
0M051 | Error when determining log directory |
0M101 | Manual comparison required, partially mixed automatically |
0M102 | Interim status exists. Manual comparison necessary. |
0M103 | Manual comparison necessary |
0M104 | Upgrade comparison using Modification Assistant is complete |
0M110 | There are odifications of Release <= 4.0. Reset |
0M115 | Modification bracket structure is inconsistent -> Reset |
0M121 | Object is still inactive |
0M122 | No logs available |
0M123 | No versions exist |
0M195 | Please enter a new name! |
0M196 | No UXX includes found with the wrong log entry |
0M197 | The log entry from one UXX include was repaired |
0M198 | The log entries for &1 UXX includes were repaired |
0M200 | Unable to create a new version of report &1 |
0M201 | The original version of &1 could not be positively identified |
0M202 | SAP version re-instated; former current version now has the number &1 |
0M203 | Unable to find any objects corresponding to the chosen filter settings |
0M204 | Internal error: &1 |
0M205 | Modifications to the object have been adjusted |
0M206 | Error adjusting the object modifications |
0M207 | Operation carried out on &1 at &2 |