SAP Messages

Id Title
0K117 No sort defined
0K118 No filter criterion has been defined.
0K119 Last entry cannot be removed
0K120 The style of a cell cannot be changed in check mode
0K121 A new style is assigned to column 4 in row 3
0K122 Value 234.99 and a style passed to column 4 in row 2
0K123 Value 234,99 passed to column 4 in row 2
0K124 Value with syntax errors passed to column 4 in row 2
0K125 The style of a cell cannot be changed in check mode
0K126 Column 2 in row 1 changed to 55 in table
0K127 Filter criteria cannot be changed!
0K130 Error during creation of subtotals
0K159 & & & &
0K200 Program & not found
0K201 Program & used
0K202 Data conversion error in file &.
0K203 & run error
0K204 Selected layout does not exist
0K205 No selection
0K206 HTML download not possible due to missing data
0K210 Select a valid cell
0K300 *** Extract ***
0K301 Extrakt & could not be created
0K302 Extract key was not completely specified (field: & )
0K303 Extract & created
0K304 Extract & does not exist
0K305 Obsolete extract structure. Extract & can no longer be read
0K306 Extract & read successfully
0K307 Extract & already exists and will be completely overwritten
0K308 Enter an extract name
0K310 Extracts deleted successfully
0K312 More seats are occupied than available on the plane
0K316 There could be a function here
0K321 EVENT After - User - Command: Economy class changed if required
0K322 EVENT User - Command: OK_CODE is read
0K400 ************************BDS/Excel/Crystal
0K401 Template must not be deleted. No self-defined template.
0K402 No template chosen
0K403 Upload successful
0K404 Wrong template name, only SAP_OM.XLS or SAP_MM.XLS allowed
0K405 Wrong template name, only CUS_* allowed
0K406 Template name not allowed: &
0K407 Contact your system administrator. The following template is missing: &
0K408 Template already exists. No upload possible
0K409 Wrong template name. Only SAP_* allowed
0K410 No template exists for selected view
0K411 KPro error occurred & &
0K412 Template not found in BDS & &
0K413 Authorization problem & &
0K414 Error due to wrong parameters (BDS) & &
0K415 Process cancelled by user
0K416 Process cancelled due to internal conversion problems
0K417 More than 255 columns visible; switching to Excel not possible
0K418 Volume of data cannot be processed by Excel
0K420 Crystal reports is deactivated on your system
0K499 ****** Messages 500 - 600 only for consistency checks ********
0K500 No inconsistencies were found
0K501 The callback program & does not exist
0K502 Form & for event & does not exist in the program &
0K503 Output table contains no entries
0K504 Header table & contains no entries
0K505 Item table & contains no entries
0K506 The field & & does not exist in the output table & &
0K507 Status without excluding table set in callback routine &
0K508 No status set in callback routine &
0K509 Referred units field & does not exist in the output table &
0K510 No field catalog entry exists for referred units field &
0K511 & & of field & & is unknown
0K512 Ref. field & of ref. structure & does not exist in the Data Dictionary
0K513 Data element & does not exist &
0K514 Data type of field & is different from the field catalog definition
0K515 Maximum list width & exceeded
0K516 You tried to output & columns, but max. & are allowed
0K517 No field catalog passed
0K518 The field & already has a field catalog entry
0K519 Output by a not-released module of func. gr. KKBL
0K520 Program & for layout & does not exist
0K521 Program & for layout & not the same as callback program &
0K522 Program (IS_VARIANT-REPORT) not specified
0K523 No header table/item table link passed
0K524 Header table/item table link not completely defined
0K525 Item table key not completely specified
0K526 Sort criterion & is not in field catalog
0K527 Sort criterion & is not a list output column
0K528 Sort criterion & is a technical field
0K529 No callback program passed
0K530 Field catalog not found
0K531 Callback event & does not exist
0K532 Contradictory callback routines in interface and IT_EVENTS
0K533 Value & is not allowed for the parameter I_SAVE
0K534 Program errors
0K535 The name of the layout to be saved was not specified
0K536 Invalid value & of the parameter I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM
0K537 The field & must be flagged as technical in the field catalog
0K538 Invalid value & of the field catalog parameter &
0K539 Complex output table record type does not allow all interactions
0K540 No field name exists in the field catalog for field &
0K541 Layout parameter program name is missing
0K542 Enter a name for the layout
0K543 No field catalog entry exists for field & &
Lines 29201 to 29300 of 607611 entries
1 291 292 293 294 295 6,077