Id | Title |
0D735 | | Doc. &1 dunned despite insufficient deposit coverage or coll. lock |
0D736 | No dunning notice: Acct balance &1 cleared or still has credit |
0D737 | No dunning notice: Contract balance &2 acct &1 cleared or has credit |
0D738 | | Payment lock &2 entered in document &1 |
0D739 | | Posting lock &2 entered in document &1 |
0D740 | Cross-contract installment plans cannot be dunned |
0D741 | | Check reason &2 entered in document &1 |
0D742 | | Document &1 has collection or clearing payment method |
0D743 | | Contract &1 for broker &2 has dunning locks for dependent contracts |
0D744 | | Document &1 dunned with incoming payment method &2 |
0D745 | Information Sent About Benefit-Free Period |
0D746 | At least one relevant interest lock exists for contract account &1 |
0D747 | At least one relevant interest lock exists for insurance object &1 |
0D748 | &1 dunning groups use the dunning level valid before item transfer |
0D750 | COMMIT set |
0D751 | Program end - database changes made |
0D752 | Business partner missing in the invoice |
0D753 | Contract number missing in the invoice |
0D754 | Error in routines for trigger handling |
0D755 | Product group &1 has dunning procedure type &2 |
0D756 | Not possible to end due to later, incomplete dunning notice |
0D759 | Module is redundant, use &1 |
0D760 | No business partner exists for contract account &1 |
0D761 | No account holder exists for contract account &1 in client &2 |
0D762 | There are multiple account holders for contract account &1 |
0D763 | There are no business partners for contract account &1 in client &2 |
0D764 | You can only create one business partner for contract acct category &1 |
0D765 | You can only create one contract for contract account category &1 |
0D766 | Enter an account view |
0D767 | Enter a clearing variant |
0D768 | Enter account management |
0D769 | | Dunning lock &3 entered in contract &1 for partner &2 |
0D770 | No insurance object assigned to legal relationship &1 &2 in client &3 |
0D771 | Errors occurred between &1 &2 and &3 &4 when deleting lock data |
0D772 | UVG interest calculation (Switzerland) performed: Activity key &1 |
0D773 | XPRA can only run for add-on ID &1 when upgrading from Rel. &2 or earlier |
0D774 | XPRA can only run for add-on ID &1 when upgrading from release &2 |
0D775 | Accts for acct bal. int. calc.: Multiple trans. to partner &1 not poss. |
0D777 | Only enter numbers between -364 and 364 for the number of base days |
0D778 | No full interest period, interest det. w/o posting from &1 to &2 |
0D779 | ******* Messages for Transferring Posting Data ************************ |
0D780 | Enter a contract |
0D781 | Partner/account/contract &1/&2/&3 do not match |
0D782 | Error when moving locks for &1 |
0D783 | Insurance object &1 could not be moved from &2 to &3 |
0D784 | Contract account &1 can only have one insurance object |
0D785 | Change to contract account only possible using master data change |
0D786 | No items could be transferred for broker contract &2 |
0D787 | Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3 |
0D788 | Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3 |
0D789 | Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3 |
0D790 | Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3 |
0D791 | Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3 |
0D792 | Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3 |
0D793 | Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3 |
0D794 | Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3 |
0D795 | Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3 |
0D796 | Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3 |
0D797 | Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3 |
0D798 | Error when transferring posting data: &1 &2 &3 |
0D799 | &2: Multiple partners exist for insurance object |
0D800 | ***********800- 850: Correspondence Log for FS-CD************************ |
0D801 | Correspondence 'Dunning' for GPART: & VKONT: & MAZAE: & created |
0D802 | Invoice &1: Created for partner &2 account &3 contract &4 |
0D803 | Transfer doc &: No item in invoicing table: GPART: & VKONT: & |
0D804 | Posting doc &: Item difference: VVKKFAPOS: & Open Items: & |
0D805 | Correspondence creation: No items found for account: &1 partner: &2 |
0D806 | Invoicing amount &3 not in amount selection. Acct: &1 Partner: &2 |
0D807 | Transfer doc creation: No item in doc. Account: & Partner: & |
0D808 | Transfer doc creation: Error in payt doc no. assignment. Acct: & Part: & |
0D809 | 'Pledgee notification' corresp. created for GPART: & VKONT: & MAZE: & |
0D810 | Account &1 business partner &2 object &3: No invoicing type defined |
0D811 | Acct &1 and BP &2: Invoicing type &3 could not be determined |
0D812 | Execution date of interest run & earlier than last deposit interest & & |
0D813 | Need to recalculate interest for account & currency & |
0D814 | Correspondence 'payment plan change' created for BP &1 VTREF &2 |
0D815 | Account: & Currency: &. Old interest document & reversed by document & |
0D816 | Balance interest calc. for acct & business partner & |
0D817 | Double interest calculation stopped for account & |
0D818 | Error when determining interest &1 &2: Error code &3 |
0D819 | No changes relevant to interest calc. for account &1 business partner &2 |
0D820 | Invoicing lock for insurance object &1 business partner &2 |
0D821 | Deposit account managed in &1. Posting not possible with currency &2 |
0D822 | Tax office certs for &1 &2 &3 are only sent annually (corr. variant: &4) |
0D823 | No data for tax office certification for &1 &2 &3 |
0D824 | Correspondence for tax office certification created. |
0D825 | Unknown error occurred when creating correspondence (obsolete) |
0D826 | Tax office certification printed for &1 &2 &3 |
0D827 | Deposit acct &1 contains no currency |
0D828 | Account &1 business partner &2: No contract account category defined |
0D829 | Invoicing total not greater than zero - BP: &1 Acct: &2 Amount: &3 |
0D830 | Error during reversal |
0D831 | No items found in interest calculation period |
0D832 | Invoicing lock for contract account &1 business partner &2 |
0D833 | Old interest document &1 was reversed by document &2 |
0D834 | Invoice was not created |
0D835 | Document &1 added to clarification worklist for credit documents |
0D836 | Document &1 in clarification worklist for credit documents re-released |
0D837 | Interest calculation for business partner &1, contract &2, currency &3 |
0D838 | Retroactive accounting of interest calculation is required |