Id | Title |
06415 | Please enter a quantity that is smaller than the total quantity |
06416 | Please enter a percentage smaller than 100 % |
06417 | With multiple acct. assignment, enter GR non-val. or cancel GR |
06418 | Can delivery date be met? (Realistic delivery date: &) |
06419 | With multiple acct. assignment, enter distribution indicator |
06420 | No purchase orders exist for item & |
06421 | No further purchase requisitions with open quantity exist |
06422 | No open quantity exists for item & |
06423 | Account assignment data held |
06424 | The account assignment data that was being held has been reset |
06425 | The release status does not allow automatic change |
06426 | Delivery address held |
06427 | The delivery address that was being held has been reset |
06428 | Please do not enter an agreement type for stock transp. scheduling agmt. |
06429 | Please enter an agreement type for a stock transport scheduling agmt. |
06430 | You have no authorization for plant & in the purchase requisition |
06431 | This item can only be changed via the associated planned order |
06432 | This item only changeable via the associated sales document |
06433 | This item only changeable via the associated production order |
06434 | This quotation item already rejected |
06435 | This item only deletable via the associated planned order |
06436 | In case of account assignment, please enter acc. assignment data for item |
06437 | Distr. ind. and partial invoice ind. must be set for multi acct. assgt. |
06438 | Valuated GR not allowed in case of multiple account assignment |
06439 | No company code determinable for purchasing organization & |
06440 | Changes to item &1 not possible due to release of requisition |
06441 | Address or customer number necessary for item & |
06442 | Contract nos. in header and item must agree (please check your input) |
06443 | Material in contract item must agree with material in release order item |
06444 | Plant in contract item must agree with plant in release order item |
06445 | Account assgt. cat. in contr. item must agree with that in rel. order |
06446 | Item cat. in contract item must agree with item cat. in rel. order item |
06447 | Account assignment for item & adopted from reference document |
06448 | This function only possible in the case of service items |
06449 | No variant items exist for item & |
06450 | &1 Of material &2, only &3 &4 are available on desired date |
06451 | Item & is not a standard product |
06452 | Sum of quantities of variants greater than that of standard product |
06453 | Sum of quantities of variants less than that of standard product |
06454 | Not all changes adopted in variant item & |
06455 | No stock transfer items can be entered using this function |
06456 | Price for item & adopted from requisition |
06457 | No items can be released with release code & |
06458 | The purchase requisition contains only deleted items |
06459 | Purchase requisitions are already being processed |
06460 | Purchasing org. differs from purchasing org. & from agreement |
06461 | Enter a purchasing organization |
06462 | RFQ(s) already issued for this item (function not possible) |
06463 | Order already placed for this item (function not possible) |
06464 | Parked invoices exist (function not possible) |
06465 | Please use only plants with different company codes for this transaction |
06466 | Please choose a line that has not yet been processed |
06467 | Item has unknown account assignment (function not possible) |
06468 | Item not assigned to a source of supply (function not possible) |
06469 | Item blocked for order processing (function not possible) |
06470 | Item assigned to a scheduling agreement (function not possible) |
06471 | No items for order processing |
06472 | Vendor sub-range & not maintained for vendor & |
06473 | Vendor &1 does not supply region &2 of country &3 |
06474 | Please specify short text more precisely |
06475 | Please check vendor default data |
06476 | Please specify relevant points unit |
06477 | No unit of measurement dimension yet created for points |
06478 | Unit & is not a points unit (please check your input) |
06479 | Item category '&' replaced by item category '&' |
06480 | Order unit & not convertible into unit & of requisition |
06481 | Please check places after decimal point in prices and conditions |
06482 | Please specify unit of volume |
06483 | Unit & is not a unit of volume (please check your input) |
06484 | Delivery date changed (new price determination process may be necessary) |
06485 | Incoterm & does not exist (Please check your input) |
06486 | Net value in & becomes 0 (please check your input) |
06487 | This function only allowed in the case of service items/limit items |
06488 | Purchase requisition & cannot be released with release code & |
06489 | Currency can no longer be changed |
06490 | Valid revision level & differs from that in the requisition |
06491 | Revision level & not valid until & |
06492 | Confirmation control key & does not exist |
06493 | Cash budget management/budgetary monitoring not active in company code & |
06494 | Price adopted from requisition (please check or reference info record) |
06495 | Please check the price |
06496 | Enter a vendor or one-time vendor |
06497 | No currency assigned to vendor (Maintain master record) |
06498 | Please mark start of block |
06499 | Please mark end of block |
06500 | *** Messages concerning quota arrangement and source of supply *** |
06501 | Quota arrangement maintained successfully |
06502 | Quota arrangement not changed |
06503 | Validity of existing time periods will be changed |
06504 | Function unnecessary |
06505 | Please revise quota arrangement for this period |
06506 | "To" date not earlier than "from" date of following record |
06507 | Enter later "to" date than "to" date of preceding entry |
06508 | Please enter source quota and target quota |
06509 | Specified quota arrangement does not exist |
06510 | According to quota arrangement, it is not this source's turn |
06511 | Please enter material and plant |
06512 | No quota arrangement item exists for the source of supply |
06513 | Quota arrangement period already exists |
06514 | Quota arrangement number and date do not match up |