SAP Messages

Id Title
06315 Country & not defined (please enter a valid country)
06316 Certificate category & not defined (please enter a valid category)
06317 Changing the order unit has far-reaching consequences
06318 Currency & not defined (please enter a valid currency
06319 Amortization "to" date must be later than amortization "from" date
06320 Info record for material & and vendor & already being processed
06321 Vendor & not yet created by purchasing organization &
06322 Please first select a record
06323 Line length of copied text exceeds that of target text
06324 Function therefore not possible
06325 Word processing error
06326 Please enter document number and item together
06327 Communication block for info record incompletely transferred
06328 Order type indicator & not defined for use here
06329 Please reconcile source list records
06330 No change documents exist
06331 Purchasing info record & & & & created
06332 Please maintain external number range for info records
06333 "Fixed" indicator incompatible w. existing source list record &
06334 In the case of a fixed vendor, please enter info record
06335 Purchasing info record & & & & changed
06336 Purchasing info record & & & & unchanged
06337 "Fixed" indicator incompatible w. source list rec. for item &
06338 Use GR-based invoice verification
06339 All source list records OK
06340 Please check units of measure and conversion factor
06341 Info record for vendor & and material & does not exist
06342 Info record for vendor & and material & already exists
06343 Enter reminder days numerically and without gaps
06344 Enter reminder days in ascending order (in terms of time)
06345 "Valid until" date must not be in the past
06346 Pressing ENTER will cause all flagged records to be deleted
06347 Please first select records
06348 Function not defined for use here
06349 Schedule lines not yet printed
06350 Please enter plant for order price history
06351 No quotation price history records exist
06352 No order price history records exist
06353 No quotation price history records exist
06354 Material class differs from material class & from info record
06355 Purchasing organization & not allowed for plant &
06356 No delivery costs can be posted in case of multiple account assignment
06357 Enter a min. order qty. that is less than the standard order qty.
06358 Please enter certificate category
06359 Please enter a validity date that lies in the future
06360 Enter &
06361 Info record of present regular vendor & already being processed
06362 Up to now, vendor & has been regular vendor for this material
06363 Material group differs from material group & from info record
06364 Base unit in material master changed from & to &
06365 Please adjust base unit and conversion factor
06366 Please process this screen before saving
06367 Date entered lies in the future
06368 Last data screen reached --> end of processing
06369 No conditions exist for today's date
06370 No source list records changed
06371 Internal number range for info records nearly exhausted
06372 Last number of an internal number range assigned
06373 Not possible to assign enough internal numbers for info records
06374 Please enter a validity period
06375 Please enter vendor, supplying plant or outline agreement
06376 Number entered not within external number range
06377 Please maintain internal number range for info records
06378 Please make your selection or position cursor correctly
06379 Please enter supplying plant (agreement specifies supplying plant)
06380 Please enter a material
06381 Enter a plant
06382 No source lists yet exist
06383 Order type indicator replaced by order type ind. from agreement item
06384 Material group differs from mat. group & of material &
06385 "From" date must be earlier than "to" date
06386 Agreement item contains a different material group
06387 Agreement item contains a different material
06388 Not possible to set tax code without tax calculation schema
06389 No further delivery planned for agreement item
06390 Please enter vendor or supplying plant
06391 Currency differs from currency & of vendor
06392 No texts exist for language &
06393 Please enter agreement item
06394 Purch. org. incompatible with purch. org. & in agreement
06395 Several acc. assgt. lines necessary in case of multiple acct. assignment
06396 Not possible to set valuation type without company code
06397 Vendor differs from vendor & in agreement
06398 Supplying plant entered incompatible with vendor in agreement
06399 Supplying plant will be replaced by & from agreement
06400 Materials/services for requisition & & already ordered with & &
06401 Purchase requisition & already exists
06402 Purchase requisition number & created
06403 Purchase requisition & changed
06404 Reference purchase requisition does not exist
06405 A purchase order for this requisition already exists
06406 Enter account assignment category
06407 Purchase requisition does not exist
06408 Please enter account assignment
06409 Multiple account assignment cancelled
06410 Sum of quantities >&< smaller than total quantity
06411 Sum of quantities >&< larger than total quantity
06412 Sum of percentages >&< smaller than 100 %
06413 Sum of percentages >&< exceeds 100 %
06414 With multiple acct. assgt., enter distr. ind. and partial invoice ind.
Lines 27501 to 27600 of 607611 entries
1 274 275 276 277 278 6,077