Id | Title |
06215 | Please enter net price |
06216 | Order quantity below minimum order quantity & & from info record |
06217 | Net price in & becomes too large |
06218 | Net price must be greater than 0 |
06219 | Net price for item & adopted from last document |
06220 | Number range & for object $ not defined |
06221 | System error: number range object & does not exist |
06222 | External assignment not defined for number range & |
06223 | Document number & not within defined interval |
06224 | Internal assignment not defined for number range & |
06225 | Number range & nearly exhausted |
06226 | Last number from number range & assigned |
06227 | Number range & for purchase requisitions not defined |
06228 | Requisition number & not within defined interval |
06229 | For this function, please first enter a delivery date |
06230 | No delivery costs allowed without invoice receipt |
06231 | Cash discount percentage exceeds & % (please check) |
06232 | Please adjust conversion factors in conditions |
06233 | In the case of unlimited overdelivery, the tolerance is reset |
06234 | You have no authorization for items without material |
06235 | No conditions determined (no authorization for input) |
06236 | Item & does not contain a purchase requisition |
06237 | No items selected due to missing authorization |
06238 | Not all items selected due to missing authorization |
06239 | Schedule line does not contain a purchase requisition |
06240 | Requisition has different doc. type & and item cat. >&< |
06241 | No authorization to change from doc. type/item cat. of requisition |
06242 | No authorization to change purchase requisition source of supply |
06243 | Internal number assignment not defined (please enter number) |
06244 | Lower price obtained for quantities greater than & & (item &, material &) |
06245 | Can delivery date be met? (Realistic delivery date: &) |
06246 | Here you can enter an external document number |
06247 | Here you can enter an external purchase requisition number |
06248 | Unable to determine a calculation schema |
06249 | Materials for PReq &, item &, already partially ordered |
06250 | PO quantity smaller than requisition quantity |
06251 | Requisition &, item &, assigned to other order account |
06252 | PO item cannot be retrosp. converted into order-dependent 3rd-party item |
06253 | Message generated for outputting does not include a printer destination |
06254 | Order quantity greater than requisition quantity |
06255 | Please maintain period indicators for language & |
06256 | Import data incomplete (Please check) |
06257 | Please specify relevant unit of weight |
06258 | Unit & is not a unit of weight |
06259 | Negative delivery costs not allowed |
06260 | Tax jurisdiction code & not allowed for tax calculation schema & |
06261 | No message generated for output of purchasing document & |
06262 | Please enter terms of payment for vendor |
06263 | Tax jurisdiction & of account assignment adopted in item |
06264 | This function only possible with items subject to confirmation control |
06265 | No conversion possible between unit of measure & and order unit & |
06266 | Order unit adopted from info record in & item(s) |
06267 | Reminder data adopted from info record in & item(s) |
06268 | Multi acct. assgt. not allowed for ind. cust. req. or engineer-to-order |
06269 | This item can only be deleted via the associated sales document |
06270 | Please enter material without split valuation |
06271 | Only texts with status '*' can be adopted |
06272 | Texts with status 'N' cannot be deleted |
06273 | Statistics-relevant deliv. date will not be changed automatically |
06274 | This item is only deletable via the associated production order |
06275 | Purchase requisition &, item &, does not exist |
06276 | Acct. assgt. cannot be changed automatically for requisition &, item & |
06277 | Requisition &, item &, created from production order/network |
06278 | Exceptions have occurred (see environment -> exception messages) |
06279 | In case of several sched. lines, function only poss. from schedule screen |
06280 | Not possible to determine shipping data for material & |
06281 | Please check conversion factors of conditions for item & |
06282 | Order unit set from material master record |
06283 | Different source maintained for requisition &, item & |
06284 | Please either enter net price or refer to info record |
06285 | Info record flagged for deletion |
06286 | Material type differs from material type & of material & |
06287 | Volume rebate group & not defined |
06288 | Volume rebate group & not defined in language & |
06289 | Valuation type & not defined |
06290 | Please do not enter an order type for stock transport order |
06291 | No open purchase requisitions exist |
06292 | No exception messages exist |
06293 | Quantity & less than delivery quantity & |
06294 | Order unit of requisition will be replaced by order unit from info record |
06295 | Order unit from material master set in & items |
06296 | Reminder data from material master record set in & item(s) |
06297 | Order unit of info record changed from & to & |
06298 | Quantity delivered by shipping differs from GR quantity |
06299 | Dates of trade-off zone must be later than those of firm zone |
06300 | Internal error (please inform system administrator) |
06301 | Please also enter a purchasing organization |
06302 | No further purchasing organization data exists |
06303 | Please enter at least one vendor |
06304 | Please enter an info record or vendor and material |
06305 | No info records exist for material & |
06306 | No info records exist for vendor & |
06307 | Info record & already being processed |
06308 | External procurement not defined for material & |
06309 | External procurement not defined for material & in plant & |
06310 | Purchasing info record & & & & does not exist |
06311 | Info record for item & already being processed |
06312 | Purchasing info record & & & & already exists |
06313 | Material differs from material & from the info record |
06314 | Vendor differs from vendor & from the info record |