SAP Messages

Id Title
04154 Do you really want to charge cost centers from the year dot?
04156 Posted-until-date should not be changed, since AFA has been posted
04157 AFA start date is in the future
04158 AFA start date does not agree with first year convention of half-year
04159 Location $-$-$ not in table 499S
04160 Interest payment frequency is not the same as payment frequency --> ?N
04161 Sub-numbers must be created/changed with TI09/TI08
04163 Cum. AFA is theoretical - please check
04170 Total acquisition value differs from sum of individual values
04171 In company code $, plant $ is not in table 001W
04172 Investment key $ is not allowed in plant $ (table 085W)
04173 Special AFA key $ is not allowed in plant $ (table 090W)
04174 System error PG04: Name table for asset master does not exist
04175 Sequential file '$' not found
04176 Field '$' not in asset master
04177 Field '$' cannot be changed
04178 Sequential read error in file SPLD
04179 Direct read error in file SPLD
04180 Positioning error in file SPLD
04181 System error PG04: Transaction $ not in table $
04182 System error PG04: Error READ ASSET $
04183 System error PG04: Error READ VWS $
04184 System error PG04: Error MOD ABEZ
04185 System error PG04: Error SET INDEX
04186 System error PG04: Error READ DOCUMENT
04187 System error PG04: Error SET SEGMENT
04188 System error PG04: Error INSERT SEGMENT
04189 System error PG04: Error NUMBER DOCU
04190 System error PG04: Error in NAMETAB
04191 System error PG04: DT text document in TAB003
04192 System error PG04: Initial document header missing
04193 System error PG04: Error with CLCL ENDVV
04194 System error PG04: Error with TRANS ABEZ
04195 System error PG04: Error with MOD ABEZ
04196 System error PG04: Error with PRE ABEZ
04197 System error PG04: Error with END DOCU
04198 System error PG04: Error with LOAD $
04200 Parameter for C function missing
04201 Attempt to set up connection to & failed
04202 User & has no access authorization for computer &
04203 FTP connection to &: Unable to set binary mode
04204 SAPFTP installation terminated manually
04205 RFC to program SAPFTP failed
04206 Invalid FTP handle
04207 FTP subcommand: Local error
04208 Internal error in SAPFTP
04209 FTP subcommand: Server reports error
04210 RFC destination & could not be created
04212 Unable to install SAPFTP
04213 Data error in FTP copy source
04214 Data error in FTP copy - destination
04215 WIN16: FTP can only be started once
04216 System error VB04: FEX with NUMBER SINDEX
04217 System error VB04: FEX with END DOCUMENT
04218 System error VB04: FEX with INDEX MINDEX
04219 System error VB04: FEX with INSERT DOCU.
04230 System error VB04: FEX with ASSREAD
04231 System error VB04: FEX with ASSWRITE
04232 System error VB04: FEX MACO ADRESSEN
04233 System error VB04: FEX MACO IOFEHLER
04234 System error VB04: FEX MACO ZXFHLSRT
04235 System error VB04: Error with LOAD - program not found
04240 Asset $ is being edited by another user
04241 Record changes locked due to update termination
04242 Record changes locked due to update termination
04243 System error PG04: Incorrect KEY structure when locking
04250 N E T B O O K V A L U E S
04251 D E P R E C I A T I O N S
04252 I M P U T E D V. A. / B O O K V A L U E S
04259 Asset $ - $ in company code $ cannot be deleted
04300 Asset chart printed (return code $)
04301 Asset class $ has different general ledger acct. - please transfer (TI11)
04302 Entry for account $ in table 095 is either missing or incomplete -> ?N
04303 Changed access date falls in a different fiscal year
04310 Requested storage space not available in main memory
04311 Sequential dataset belongs to another client
04312 Mass update is not allowed according to table 089
04313 At least one record in the sequential dataset is too long -> ?N
04314 The sequential dataset contains too many records -> ?N
04315 $ records read from file SPLD; processing -> Enter
04350 Please define text of new asset and press Enter
04351 Asset cannot be split because it has already been posted
04352 Capital improvement cost is higher than total acquisition cost
04353 Error when recalculating AFA - cannot use T194
04354 Fiscal year change with sub-number * not allowed
06000 *** General system messages
06001 Table & record & & & & blocked by another user
06002 Internal system error during blocking
06003 No possible entries displayable here
06004 No outline agreements exist
06005 Contract contains no items for release orders
06006 This function not defined
06007 This function not allowed here
06008 Change document: &
06009 Check the data
06010 Document contains no items
06011 Item & does not exist
06012 Item & already exists
06013 No items exist
06014 No longer used
Lines 27101 to 27200 of 607611 entries
1 270 271 272 273 274 6,077