Id | Title |
04154 | Do you really want to charge cost centers from the year dot? |
04156 | Posted-until-date should not be changed, since AFA has been posted |
04157 | AFA start date is in the future |
04158 | AFA start date does not agree with first year convention of half-year |
04159 | Location $-$-$ not in table 499S |
04160 | Interest payment frequency is not the same as payment frequency --> ?N |
04161 | Sub-numbers must be created/changed with TI09/TI08 |
04163 | Cum. AFA is theoretical - please check |
04170 | Total acquisition value differs from sum of individual values |
04171 | In company code $, plant $ is not in table 001W |
04172 | Investment key $ is not allowed in plant $ (table 085W) |
04173 | Special AFA key $ is not allowed in plant $ (table 090W) |
04174 | System error PG04: Name table for asset master does not exist |
04175 | Sequential file '$' not found |
04176 | Field '$' not in asset master |
04177 | Field '$' cannot be changed |
04178 | Sequential read error in file SPLD |
04179 | Direct read error in file SPLD |
04180 | Positioning error in file SPLD |
04181 | System error PG04: Transaction $ not in table $ |
04182 | System error PG04: Error READ ASSET $ |
04183 | System error PG04: Error READ VWS $ |
04184 | System error PG04: Error MOD ABEZ |
04185 | System error PG04: Error SET INDEX |
04186 | System error PG04: Error READ DOCUMENT |
04187 | System error PG04: Error SET SEGMENT |
04188 | System error PG04: Error INSERT SEGMENT |
04189 | System error PG04: Error NUMBER DOCU |
04190 | System error PG04: Error in NAMETAB |
04191 | System error PG04: DT text document in TAB003 |
04192 | System error PG04: Initial document header missing |
04193 | System error PG04: Error with CLCL ENDVV |
04194 | System error PG04: Error with TRANS ABEZ |
04195 | System error PG04: Error with MOD ABEZ |
04196 | System error PG04: Error with PRE ABEZ |
04197 | System error PG04: Error with END DOCU |
04198 | System error PG04: Error with LOAD $ |
04200 | Parameter for C function missing |
04201 | Attempt to set up connection to & failed |
04202 | User & has no access authorization for computer & |
04203 | FTP connection to &: Unable to set binary mode |
04204 | SAPFTP installation terminated manually |
04205 | RFC to program SAPFTP failed |
04206 | Invalid FTP handle |
04207 | FTP subcommand: Local error |
04208 | Internal error in SAPFTP |
04209 | FTP subcommand: Server reports error |
04210 | RFC destination & could not be created |
04212 | Unable to install SAPFTP |
04213 | Data error in FTP copy source |
04214 | Data error in FTP copy - destination |
04215 | WIN16: FTP can only be started once |
04216 | System error VB04: FEX with NUMBER SINDEX |
04217 | System error VB04: FEX with END DOCUMENT |
04218 | System error VB04: FEX with INDEX MINDEX |
04219 | System error VB04: FEX with INSERT DOCU. |
04230 | System error VB04: FEX with ASSREAD |
04231 | System error VB04: FEX with ASSWRITE |
04232 | System error VB04: FEX MACO ADRESSEN |
04233 | System error VB04: FEX MACO IOFEHLER |
04234 | System error VB04: FEX MACO ZXFHLSRT |
04235 | System error VB04: Error with LOAD - program not found |
04240 | Asset $ is being edited by another user |
04241 | Record changes locked due to update termination |
04242 | Record changes locked due to update termination |
04243 | System error PG04: Incorrect KEY structure when locking |
04250 | N E T B O O K V A L U E S |
04251 | D E P R E C I A T I O N S |
04252 | I M P U T E D V. A. / B O O K V A L U E S |
04259 | Asset $ - $ in company code $ cannot be deleted |
04300 | Asset chart printed (return code $) |
04301 | Asset class $ has different general ledger acct. - please transfer (TI11) |
04302 | Entry for account $ in table 095 is either missing or incomplete -> ?N |
04303 | Changed access date falls in a different fiscal year |
04310 | Requested storage space not available in main memory |
04311 | Sequential dataset belongs to another client |
04312 | Mass update is not allowed according to table 089 |
04313 | At least one record in the sequential dataset is too long -> ?N |
04314 | The sequential dataset contains too many records -> ?N |
04315 | $ records read from file SPLD; processing -> Enter |
04350 | Please define text of new asset and press Enter |
04351 | Asset cannot be split because it has already been posted |
04352 | Capital improvement cost is higher than total acquisition cost |
04353 | Error when recalculating AFA - cannot use T194 |
04354 | Fiscal year change with sub-number * not allowed |
06000 | *** General system messages |
06001 | Table & record & & & & blocked by another user |
06002 | Internal system error during blocking |
06003 | No possible entries displayable here |
06004 | No outline agreements exist |
06005 | Contract contains no items for release orders |
06006 | This function not defined |
06007 | This function not allowed here |
06008 | Change document: & |
06009 | Check the data |
06010 | Document contains no items |
06011 | Item & does not exist |
06012 | Item & already exists |
06013 | No items exist |
06014 | No longer used |