Id | Title |
04052 | Asset record $-$ added to company code $ |
04053 | Asset record $-$ changed in company code $ |
04054 | No change |
04055 | Model record $ either does not exist or has been deleted |
04056 | Model record $ already exists |
04057 | Model record $ created |
04058 | Model record $ changed |
04059 | Asset record $-$ deleted in company code $ |
04060 | Reference asset $ does not exist |
04061 | Input class $ is not the same as reference class $ |
04062 | Reference class $ does not exist |
04063 | If there is no reference record, you must specify a class |
04064 | CAUTION: Asset created without open item management |
04065 | Investment key can no longer be changed |
04066 | No start date for first activation |
04067 | Asset $ cannot be deleted yet |
04068 | No technical data exists for asset class $ |
04069 | Incorrect assignment number selection |
04070 | Planning record $ does not exist |
04071 | Planning record $ already exists |
04072 | Planning record $ created |
04073 | Planning record $ changed |
04075 | Project record $ does not exist |
04076 | Project record $ already exists |
04077 | Project record $ created |
04078 | Project record $ changed |
04079 | Project record $ missing for budget control |
04080 | No amortization possible due to low amortization instalment |
04081 | No manual entry of sort sequence for assets with this active flag |
04082 | Internal number assignment - asset number will be overwritten |
04083 | Asset number $ cannot be assigned externally |
04084 | Number range $ for asset numbers not loaded |
04085 | G/L account $ does not exist $ |
04086 | G/L account $ BUKRS $ not opened $ |
04087 | Document number range not found |
04088 | Special AFA key not permitted - special items already posted |
04089 | Asset is marked with delete flag '$' |
04090 | No authorization for asset master record $ |
04091 | Authorization does not cover all field groups of the model record |
04092 | Change model record possible only if authorized for all field groups |
04093 | No longer possible to change activation ID |
04094 | Tax depreciation area is already active |
04095 | Screen selection for tax-based AFA cannot be deactivated |
04096 | Please check old field contents and press Enter |
04097 | With activation ID $, only account $ is allowed |
04098 | No authorization for plant $ |
04099 | No authorization for business area $ |
04100 | Connect Error: &1&2&3&4 |
04101 | Connection to &: TCP/IP error |
04102 | Connection to &: Time limit exceeded |
04103 | Connection to &: Internal error |
04104 | Component : & error text : & |
04105 | Tables COMPONENT and COMPONENT_DATA are inconsistent |
04106 | Error in decompression |
04107 | Connection to &: Document does not contain any data |
04108 | & & & & |
04109 | Cannot deactivate, since acquisition value is not zero |
04110 | Company code $ is not in table 001 / 093 |
04111 | Business area $ is not in table 001G |
04112 | General ledger account $ not in table 095 |
04113 | No value adjustment account for account $ in table 095 |
04115 | Property indicator $ not permitted with leasing |
04116 | Activation ID must be 'L' for leasing |
04117 | Function not supported in BS2000 |
04118 | Depreciation key $ for net worth tax not in table 090 |
04119 | Depreciation key $ for net worth tax - only type 'N' allowed |
04120 | Assessed valuation key $ not in table 091 |
04121 | Indexing possible only with valuation type 'S' |
04122 | Index series (tab. 094H) must be specified with val. type 'S' (tab. 091) |
04123 | No depreciation key permitted with valuation types 'E' and 'M' (tab 091) |
04124 | Transaction type $ either does not exist or cannot be entered manually |
04125 | No transactions exist |
04126 | Date invalid or incorrect format -> ?N |
04127 | Period invalid or incorrect format (YY.MM) |
04128 | Last year-end closing more than 2 years ago according to table 093 |
04129 | Function code incorrect or not allowed |
04130 | Business area can be used only with inactive records |
04131 | Depreciation key $ not in table 090 |
04132 | Period can no longer be used, since AFA has already been posted |
04133 | Start should not be changed, since AFA has already been posted |
04134 | Depreciation key $ is incorrect |
04135 | Manual maintenance year not permitted or not in table 094H |
04136 | Start change refers to a completed fiscal year |
04137 | Caution: Expected useful life < 1 year entered |
04138 | Cannot change from straight-line to decl.balance method of depreciation |
04139 | With general ledger account $, AFA key $ is not allowed (table 090H) |
04140 | AFA key $ is not allowed in area $ (?N) |
04141 | Declining percentage rate is too high |
04142 | No special depreciation is allowed with this normal depreciation |
04143 | Period not specified with depreciation key $ |
04144 | With AFA key $, percentage rate in table 090 is not allowed |
04145 | Depreciation key $ does not indicate special depreciation |
04146 | Period greater than 5 years for special depreciation key $ |
04147 | Minimum expected usefeul life for area $ key $ exceeded in table 090D |
04148 | Maximum expected useful life for area $ key $ exceeded in table 090D |
04149 | Next entry or press Enter |
04150 | Cost centers sorted by date (old centers possibly deleted) |
04151 | Date cannot be entered more than once |
04152 | Distribution key $ not in table 099 |
04153 | Imputed AFA: Economic life > physical life |