Id | Title |
01854 | No profiles are assigned to user & |
01855 | Composite role & does not contain any single roles |
01856 | No profiles for the contained single roles |
01857 | There is no profile for role & |
01860 | Select role |
01861 | You are not authorized to call the profile generator. |
01862 | Error occurred determining user allocation |
01863 | &2 is a generated profile. Assign the associated role &1 |
01864 | &1 is a generated profile. Assignment is therefore impossible. |
01865 | Profile &2 does not exist in system &1. |
01866 | Profile &2 generated in system &1. Assignment cannot be carried out. |
01867 | Enter a variant name for critical combinations |
01868 | Enter a variant name for critical authorizations |
01869 | Variant & is consistent |
01870 | Variant &1 does not exist |
01871 | Variant &1 does not contain any valid critical authorizations |
01872 | Variant &1 does not contain any valid critical combinations |
01873 | You are not authorized to display authorization profiles |
01874 | No user groups found in selected area |
01875 | User group & was already assigned to the operator & |
01876 | Field & does not exist |
01877 | You are not authorized to display users |
01878 | The result list is incomplete due to missing authorizations |
01879 | Enter an ID |
01880 | ID & already exists |
01881 | & authorizations deleted |
01882 | Use the new version & |
01883 | Variant & contains errors |
01884 | The critical authorization &1 is empty |
01885 | The critical combination &1 is empty |
01886 | Group &2 in the critical authorization &1 has errors |
01887 | Critical combination &1 contains the incorrect authorization &2 |
01888 | & Users not displayed due to missing authorization |
01890 | No values for object S_TCODE contained in authorization & |
01891 | No display authorization for authorization & |
01898 | No changes made. Problems with following users... |
01899 | Following problems occurred with user &: |
01900 | Not possible to add further nodes |
02001 | Function & not currently supported |
02002 | Specify a program title |
02003 | List object has old format - processing not possible |
02004 | Return: & & & & |
02005 | No list generated |
02006 | Save report in editor before maintaining headers |
02007 | "Find" function not possible: No list active |
02008 | Place the cursor on a line & |
02009 | Component selection is possible only with reference to a structure |
02010 | Specify & |
02011 | Component selection not possible for this structure specification |
02012 | Do not use & and & together |
02013 | You are not authorized to save lists in local files (SY-SUBRC &) |
02014 | Line width > 255: Cannot translate column headers |
02015 | Printing canceled |
02016 | 'pfile' no longer supported. Use 'System -> List ->...' |
02017 | No authorization to unpack a list (with RFC) |
02018 | Error when saving the list |
02020 | List cannot be converted |
02050 | Error Saving the List in Local File |
02100 | Unable to display line &1 position &2. Make window larger |
02106 | Error when saving the list in Office (error: &1) |
02400 | Function module & is not flagged as an update module |
02503 | Text elements for program & were not changed |
02504 | Changed text elements for & were not copied |
02505 | Changed texts are active from next start of & in language & |
02518 | Program texts for & currently locked |
02520 | Header identical to title deleted |
02600 | Switch state for switch &1 at index &2 contains invalid values |
02601 | Database operation &1 for the switch states failed |
02602 | The input table cannot be used together with single values |
02603 | Conflict switch &1 at index &2 contains invalid values |
02604 | Database operation &1 for conflict switches failed |
02605 | Input table has duplicate entry at index &1 |
02606 | Conflict switch dependencies for &1 show a cycle |
02800 | Search unsuccessful - no hits found for: & & |
03015 | Warning text suppressed when deleting for the first time |
03101 | You are not authorized to display foreign lock entries |
03102 | You are not authorized to delete lock entries |
03103 | You are not authorized to delete foreign lock entries |
03104 | You are not authorized to execute this function |
03105 | You are not authorized to display foreign lock entries |
03106 | Function can only be executed in central lock server |
03110 | Object currently locked by user & |
03111 | Collision with separate locks |
03112 | Lock table overflow |
03113 | System error during lock operation. Execute diagnostics in SM12 |
03114 | Call parameter error |
03115 | Part collision with separate locks |
03116 | RFC error while reading lock table from the central instance |
03120 | Place the cursor on a valid entry |
04032 | G/L accounts A segment $ deleted $ |
04033 | G/L accounts B segment $ deleted $ |
04034 | Planned asset cannot be activated, since not posted |
04035 | The segment control can only be changed for inactive master records |
04040 | Investment key $ not in Tab.085 |
04046 | Invalid change code |
04047 | Model record $ not permitted |
04048 | Asset record $ with all sub-numbers changed ($) |
04049 | Asset record with document $ changed |
04050 | Asset record $ does not exist |
04051 | Asset record $ already exists |