SAP Messages

Id Title
00860 High-water mark of extended memory management slots since startup
00861 High-water mark of extended memory management slots since last query
00862 Amount currently allocated to EM management slots
00863 Current number of WPs in PRIV mode
00864 No. of dialog WP restarts (because abap/heaplimit exceeded) since startup
00865 No. of batch WP restarts (because abap/heaplimit exceeded) since startup
00884 Cusr: Hierarchy error: A preceding level is initial
00885 Cusr: Level is numeric
00886 Cusr: Number of edit characters and length of inconsistent.
00887 Cusr: Incorrect mask entry
00888 Cusr: Field length in Table CUSR is too long
00889 Cusr: No field length entry in table CUSR
00890 Cusr: Read error in table CUSR
00891 Cusr: No E field exists
00892 Cusr: Entry too long
00893 Cusr: Project number not numeric
00894 Cusr: Project number length exceeded
00895 Cusr: No entry made
00896 Cusr: Project structure not defined in table 206
00897 Cusr: Length of a project level exceeded
00898 Cusr: Maximum project level number exceeded
00899 Cusr: No entry made
00900 Internal error & during database access
00901 DB.$: SQL Error $
00902 DB.$: No entry for preset key
00903 DB.$: No field with names/number $ in $ table
00904 DB.$: Table $ not listed in Nametab
00905 DB.$: Key already used
00906 DB.$: Overlap area to small
00907 DB.$: EOS during line/block output
00908 DB.$: Lines/block mode already active
00909 DB.$: Invalid or missing arguments in the function reference
00910 DB.$: Internal required storage not available
00911 DB.$: Set/Get: No further entry available
00912 DB.$: Set/Get: Maximal amount of cursors reached
00913 DB.$: Set/Get: Reference on invalid cursor
00914 Decompression: Invalid data format passed
00950 Message numbers 950 to 980 reserved for temporary phase for DBERROR
00951 DB error: SQL error & occurred
00952 DB error: No entry found for specified key
00953 DB error: Specified key already used
00954 DB error: Internally required storage space not available
00955 DB error: Incorrect use of the DB interface
00956 DB error: Internal error in DB interface
00957 DB error: Working storage area too small
00958 DB error: Table & in DB interface is unknown
00959 DB error: In Table &, field & is unknown
00960 DB error: Cursor is no longer available
00961 DB error: Reference to invalid cursor
00962 DB error: Access to DB interface unsuccessful
00963 DB error: Access to DB interface not allowed
00964 DB error: Single record access to table & without primary key
00965 DB error: Inconsistency between DB interface and data catalog
00966 DB error: Enough memory for table $ in the table buffer
00967 DB error: Not enough storage space for Table & in table buffer
00968 DB error: Data records of the result in primary key sorting
00969 DB error: SQL error & during & access to &
00970 DB error: SQL error & during & access
00971 DB error: SQL error occurred
00972 DB error: SQL error during logon to the data base
00973 DB error: SQL error during logoff from the data base
00974 DB error: SQL error during data base ROLLBACK
00975 DB error: SQL error during data base COMMIT
00976 DB error: Error during synchronous matchcode maintenance
00980 VB module contains no data
00999 Table extension for compression successful
00DEE KOPurchasing organization
00DEL IFVendor
00DEM TTQty reliab., on-time delivery
00DES TAStatus information(purchasing)
00DEW RTValues (purchasing)
00DEZ AECounter (purchasing)
00DVA SAMaterial structures (order)
00DVB O2Measures: rebate processing
00DVE IFUnits (billing document)
00DVV SAShipping (order)
00DVW PFValues, dur., prices (billing)
01001 No matching user found
01002 User must be saved before assigning task profiles
01003 Object group & saved
01004 Position cursor on an object group
01005 Enter a name for the object group
01006 Object group & already exists
01007 Error maintaining a variant variable
01008 Specify at least one selection criterion
01009 User address copied from SAPoffice data
01010 Transaction & does not exist
01011 No number ranges exist for company code $
01012 Program error (contact SAP)
01013 & is locked by another user
01014 You are not authorized to give all users external security names
01015 You are not authroized to assign start checks to all transactions
01016 Address is locked
01017 No default co. address has been maint. in the system. Create an address
01018 Company address could not be created
Lines 26101 to 26200 of 607611 entries
1 260 261 262 263 264 6,077