SAP Messages

Id Title
00505 Choose a processing option
00506 Choose one object type only
00507 Choose a job first
00508 No job matches the selection criteria
00509 No log exists for job &. Check the system log
00510 Job log list cannot be read
00511 Jog log list is empty
00512 Log entries were deleted for background job &
00513 Failed to fetch parameter &
00514 No background jobs are scheduled
00515 Job sends screen & &
00516 Job started
00517 Job finished
00518 Job cancelled
00519 Position the cursor on a valid line
00520 No entries available
00521 No log entries exist for job &
00522 There are currently no schedules due for release
00523 Schedule for job & has already been released
00524 Schedule for job & released
00525 Start date is in the past
00526 Job & is already finished
00527 Job & is already active
00528 You are not authorized to display the selected jobs
00529 The description of step & cannot be read
00530 Previous job & does not exist
00531 Specify a complete start time/date
00532 Specify only one start time/date
00533 You have no & authorization for the steps of job &
00534 Job & is currently active, so the selected function cannot be performed
00535 "LEAVE TO TRANSACTION" is not allowed in a background job
00536 & of job log failed
00537 Job log is &
00538 Specify a previous job
00539 Specify a start time/date
00540 Choose only one start time/date
00541 Program & does not exist
00542 Specify a program
00543 Test: TBTCR updated
00544 Test: SY-BATCH indicates background processing
00545 Test: SY-BATCH indicates no background processing
00546 Job & is currently being edited. Repeat &
00547 Job & has now been deleted
00548 & of job & failed. Incorrect lock operation
00549 Job & is flagged as 'not executable'
00550 Step & started (program &, variant &, user ID &)
00551 Selected job contains no steps
00552 Select an appropriate job
00553 The selected job contains no variants
00554 Job also cancelled due to process termination. See the system log
00555 Program & cannot be scheduled
00556 Job & was &
00557 You have no & authorization for job &. Please see the system log
00558 Error at & of job &. Please see the system log
00559 Internal error at & of job &. Please see the system log
00560 Logon of user & in client & failed when starting a step
00561 Job & is not periodic
00562 Job & contains no &
00563 Select an appropriate previous job
00564 Job cancelled after system exception ERROR_MESSAGE
00565 Job & contains only one step (delete the entire job)
00566 Specify a time frame
00567 No authorization for displaying the job log for the selected job
00568 No list exists for job &
00569 Flagged jobs deleted
00570 & jobs have been flagged again (total flagged: &)
00571 Only 1 job was flagged again (total flagged: &)
00572 Job & contains no steps
00573 No authorization for displaying lists from the selected jobs
00574 Job cancelled due to system shutdown
00575 & jobs have been deleted
00576 Of the & jobs selected, & were not deleted
00577 Selected list no longer exists in the spool
00578 Internal report for job & has already been deleted
00579 No list exists for the selected step
00580 Total & & &
00581 & & deleted
00582 & & could not be deleted
00583 No & were selected
00584 Block marking has begun
00585 Flags deleted during Goto
00586 The scheduling of job & was saved
00587 Batch request for job & failed. Please see the system log
00588 Deatils about latest start date are not complete
00589 Latest start date is before the start date
00590 Latest start date and start date are more than 1 year apart
00591 Invalid variant &
00592 No authorization for displaying authorizations of user &
00593 At the start of a job step: Unable to set the code page (language)
00594 Job &1 (ID number &2) terminated [User &4:&3]
00595 500-599 reserved for batch processing
00596 500-599 reserved for batch processing
00597 500-599 reserved for batch processing
00598 500-599 reserved for batch processing
00599 500-599 reserved for batch processing
00600 Failed to insert update header
00601 Failed to read update header
00602 Dump in update
00603 Commit during update start failed
00604 Failed to read update module header
Lines 25801 to 25900 of 607611 entries
1 257 258 259 260 261 6,077