SAP Messages

Id Title
/SAPPO/ACR093 &1: Main message (&2,&3) does not exist
/SAPPO/ACR094 &1: RETRY class &2 does not conform to the standard CL_ECH_PPO_RETRY
/SAPPO/ACR095 &1: FINISH class &2 does not conform to the standard CL_ECH_PPO_FINISH
/SAPPO/ACR096 &1: FAIL class &2 does not conform to the standard CL_ECH_PPO_FAIL
/SAPPO/ACR097 &1: RFC destination &2 is incompletey maintained (see transaction SM59)
/SAPPO/ACR098 &1: RFC destination &2: logical destination in remote system is initial
/SAPPO/ACR099 &1: RFC destination &2 refers to system &3, however, must refer to &4
/SAPPO/ACR100 &1: Dialog RFC &2 is incompletey maintained (see transaction SM59) ...
/SAPPO/ACR101 &1: Dialog RFC &2: logical destination in remote system is initial
/SAPPO/ACR102 &1: RFC dialog &2 refers to system &3, however, it must refer to &4
/SAPPO/ACR103 Component for ECH process definition is initial
/SAPPO/ACR104 Component &1: process for ECH process definition is initial
/SAPPO/ACR105 Component &1/process &2: action class for ECH process definition initial
/SAPPO/ACR106 Component &1/process &2: action class &3 does not implement &4
/SAPPO/ACR107 Component &1/process &2 do not exist in entity table &3
/SAPPO/ACR108 Component &1/process &2 from table &3 do not exist in entity table &4
/SAPPO/ACR109 &1: RFC destination &2 has connection typ &3. It must be 3 or I
/SAPPO/ACR110 &1: RFC dialog &2 has connection type &3. It must be 3 or I
/SAPPO/ACR112 &1: Fail class is set but Fail mode is initial
/SAPPO/ACR113 &1: PPO classic orders must have a main object
/SAPPO/ACR114 &1: ABAP_TYPE must always be initial for PPO classic orders
/SAPPO/ACR115 &1: ECH order without a main object: the additional data is missing
/SAPPO/ACR116 &1: Component &2/Process &3 does not exist in table ECHS_PP_PROCESS
/SAPPO/ACR117 &1: ECH comp. &2/proc. &3 does not have an action class (ECHS_PROCESSES)
/SAPPO/ACR118 PPO comp. &1/proc. &2 from table &3 is not clearly assigned
/SAPPO/ACR119 &1: The user that created the PPO order is not set
/SAPPO/ACR120 &1: Error category &2 does not exist
/SAPPO/ACR121 &1: Changed by is set but change time stamp is initial
/SAPPO/ACR122 &1: Inital changed by for set time stamp
/SAPPO/ACR123 &1: GUID of the PPO order is initial
/SAPPO/ACR124 &1: Messages regarding POSNR do not ascend by 1
/SAPPO/ACR126 &1: Main message (&2/&3/&4) occurs in the message log
/SAPPO/ACR127 &1: PPO orders possess the initial time stamp (creation)
/SAPPO/ACR128 &1: Main message (&2/&3/&4) occurs in ECH addendum (log)
/SAPPO/ACR129 &1: 'Create Time' is larger than 'Change Time'
/SAPPO/ACR130 &1: 'Create Time' must be unequal to 'Change Time'
/SAPPO/ACR137 &1: EARLIEST_COMPLIN: Time stamp &2 does not correlate w. date &3 time &4
/SAPPO/ACR138 &1: Settlement permitted from is initial
/SAPPO/ACR139 &1: Retry group &2 does not exist
/SAPPO/ACR141 &1: ECH order is open => Settlement type must be initial
/SAPPO/ACR154 &1: No main message or other messages since CREATE/RETRY
/SAPPO/ERROR001 Error During Creation of the PPO Order (Message &1 &2 &3 &4)
/SAPPO/ERROR002 &1&2&3&4
/SAPPO/FILTER000 Variant has been saved
/SAPPO/FILTER001 The variants have been deleted
/SAPPO/FILTER002 The variants cannot be copied due to restrictions
/SAPPO/FILTER003 Enter selection criteria
/SAPPO/FILTER004 User-specific variants start with capital letters
/SAPPO/FILTER005 Global variants start with /
/SAPPO/FILTER006 Enter a description
/SAPPO/FILTER007 No variants exist
/SAPPO/FILTER008 You are not authorized to create variants
/SAPPO/FILTER009 You are not authorized to manage variants
/SAPPO/FILTER010 You must fully enter the account data
/SAPPO/FILTER011 Account could not be determined
/SAPPO/FILTER012 Include the account data in the filter criteria
/SAPPO/FILTER013 Variant & does not exist
/SAPPO/FILTER014 Default variant set
/SAPPO/FILTER015 Default variant was deleted
/SAPPO/FILTER016 Variant & is locked and cannot be deleted.
/SAPPO/FILTER017 Variant & is locked and cannot be saved.
/SAPPO/FILTER018 Error when accessing database - check consistency
/SAPPO/FILTER019 First specify the object type
/SAPPO/FILTER020 You do not have authorization to delete global variables
/SAPPO/FILTER021 You do not have authorization to create global variables
/SAPPO/FILTER022 First specify a message class
/SAPPO/MSG001 Maximum number of orders may not exceed 10,000.
/SAPPO/MSG002 Message is incomplete or does not exist
/SAPPO/MSG003 &1 &2 &3: Only assign function OR method OR alternative BOR method
/SAPPO/MSG004 Software component must start with 'Y' or 'Z'
/SAPPO/MSG005 Software component &1 does not exist
/SAPPO/MSG006 Business process must start with 'Y' or 'Z'
/SAPPO/MSG007 Business process &2, software component &1 does not exist
/SAPPO/MSG008 Error in FA field assignment (see long text)
/SAPPO/MSG009 &1 &2 is not a dialog method
/SAPPO/MSG010 Error with key entry - refer to long text
/SAPPO/MSG011 Method &1 does not exist
/SAPPO/MSG012 Define one standard worklist for component &1
/SAPPO/MSG013 &1 Error symptoms occurred, see log
/SAPPO/MSG014 Application log does not exist
/SAPPO/MSG015 No error symptoms occurred
/SAPPO/MSG016 &1 does not start with Y* or Z*
/SAPPO/MSG017 Object type &1 &2 &3 does not exist
/SAPPO/MSG018 Method &1 &2 &3 &4 does not exist
/SAPPO/MSG020 Selection area not clear - entries cannot be generated
/SAPPO/MSG021 Object type &1 is already complete
/SAPPO/MSG022 Missing entries were generated for object type &1
/SAPPO/MSG023 Only assign function or method or BOR object
/SAPPO/MSG024 Assign either function or method or BOR object
/SAPPO/MSG025 Interface of function &1 is incorrect
/SAPPO/MSG026 Worklists assigned to system component must start with '/'
/SAPPO/MSG027 Entry not possible if reference is entered
/SAPPO/MSG100 No Authorization
/SAPPO/MSG101 Main message not specified
/SAPPO/MSG102 There are additional messages for the transaction in the original log.
/SAPPO/MSG103 Inconsistency in the application that uses PPO, see long text.
/SAPPO/MSG115 Do not enter view name
/SAPPO/MSG200 *** DIALOG ***
/SAPPO/MSG201 Error during remote access: &1&2
/SAPPO/MSG202 Call up of method & for object was not successful
Lines 23101 to 23200 of 607611 entries
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