Id | Title |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1036 | JOA & does not exist |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1037 | Venture must be operated or non-operated on-billing |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1038 | Equity group &1 has been added to venture &2 |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1039 | An equity group with this valid-from data already exists |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1040 | Enter the cost center or WBS element |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1041 | Enter either the cost center or the WBS element, not both |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1042 | Operator is different from the joint venture operator |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1043 | Valid-from date must lie after &1 |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1044 | Venture and JOA number range intervals are not the same |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1045 | Venture name & is not transferred; internal number assignment |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1046 | Equity group & does not exist |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1047 | Equity group &1 in venture &2 has been changed |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1048 | Enter a valid-from date before &1 |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1049 | Enter a valid-from date after &1 |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1050 | Equity group cannot be changed; postings exist |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1052 | You have no authorization to continue with processing |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1053 | Venture &2 is currently being processed by user &1 |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1054 | No previous equity groups exist |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1055 | No subsequent equity groups exist |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1056 | Check Customizing for JOA class in profile &1 |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1057 | Check Customizing for venture class in profile &1 |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1058 | Partner &1 is already assigned to company code &2 |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1059 | Partner &1 must be assigned to company code &2 |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1060 | In the JV master data profile the defined equity type does not exist |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1061 | You cannot delete; partner &1 is already assigned to venture |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1062 | Operator &1 is diff. to operator originally determined for operator &2 |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1063 | You are switching between an internal and external partner as operator |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1064 | Enter at least one internal partner for this equity group |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1065 | Enter a valid currency |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1067 | Currency already entered several times |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1068 | Venture must be lead by you (with/without taxes) or by a third party |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1069 | Venture &1 was processed with the standard transactions |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1070 | Changes will not be saved |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1071 | If you lead your own venture, the operator must be &1 |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1072 | Operator &1 is not permitted for a venture that is lead by a third party |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1073 | Partner &1 is not in the equity group |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1074 | Company code &1 is not activated for CA-JVA-PRC |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1075 | Joint Venture Accounting is not active in company code &1 |
/SAPPCE/JVAM1076 | No operator is defined for company code &1; check Customizing settings |
/SAPPCE/ORGM1000 | *** Messages 000 - 030 for search help for JVP*** |
/SAPPCE/ORGM1001 | Joint Venture Accounting is not activated |
/SAPPCE/ORGM1010 | Enter a valid assignment |
/SAPPCE/ORGM1011 | Enter a joint venture partner |
/SAPPCE/ORGM1012 | Enter a company code |
/SAPPCE/ORGM1031 | *** Messages 031 - 060 for check report for proj. enterprise structure*** |
/SAPPCE/ORGM1032 | Enter a start date that lies before the end date |
/SAPPCE/ORGM1100 | *************** Messages 100 - 200 for Subproject Reporting ************ |
/SAPPCE/ORGM1101 | End date &1 is before the start date &2 (BUKRS/PARTN: &3/&4) |
/SAPPCE/ORGM1102 | Enter only one additional selection criterion |
/SAPPCE/ORGM1121 | Error calling function module /SAPPCE/ORG_JVP_READ_ASSIGNMT |
/SAPPCE/ORGM1122 | Active plan version not maintained |
/SAPPCE/ORGM1123 | No organizational unit assigned |
/SAPPCE/ORGM1124 | Organizational unit is not clearly identifiable |
/SAPPCE/ORGM1200 | *************** Messages 100 - 200 for Subproject Reporting ************ |
/SAPPCE/PNV001 | Indicator is not defined; enter a field name |
/SAPPCE/PNV002 | Only one item may be reserved |
/SAPPCE/PNV003 | Construction progress reports already exist |
/SAPPCE/PNV004 | Indicator for construction progress report validity is not defined |
/SAPPCE/PNV005 | WBS element & is not valid for construction progress report |
/SAPPCE/PNV006 | No constr. progress report for WBS element &1 fiscal year/period &2/&3 |
/SAPPCE/PNV007 | No construction progress report exists for WBS element &1 fiscal year &2 |
/SAPPCE/PNV008 | No construction progress report exists for WBS element &1 |
/SAPPCE/PNV009 | Cost elements for construction progress reports are not maintained |
/SAPPCE/PNV010 | Cost element &1 is not permitted for construction progress reports |
/SAPPCE/PNV011 | Enter cost element &1 |
/SAPPCE/PNV012 | No cost elements have been transferred |
/SAPPCE/PNV013 | You must enter at least one parameter |
/SAPPCE/PNV014 | Construction progress report &1 does not exist |
/SAPPCE/PNV015 | Cost element category &1 is not permitted |
/SAPPCE/PNV016 | Cost element &1 must have positive value, since cost element category &2 |
/SAPPCE/PNV017 | Cost element &1 must have negative value, since cost element category &2 |
/SAPPCE/PNV018 | Constr.progress report for WBS element &1 and period &2/&3 already exists |
/SAPPCE/PNV019 | You cannot create a construction progress report for period after &1/&2 |
/SAPPCE/PNV020 | Constr.progress report for WBS element &1 already exists for period &2/&3 |
/SAPPCE/PNV021 | Constr. progress report is not permitted; WBS element &1 has status &2 |
/SAPPCE/PNV022 | WBS element &1 is not valid for consolidation for WBS element &2 |
/SAPPCE/PNV023 | WBS element valid for consolidation is needed for WBS element &1 |
/SAPPCE/PNV024 | Cost elem. must be from cost elem. cat.11(revenues)or 12(sales deduction) |
/SAPPCE/PNV025 | Posting date of progress report is before the project start date |
/SAPPCE/PNV026 | Posting date of progress report is after the project end date |
/SAPPCE/PNV027 | Construction progress reports already exist |
/SAPPCE/PNV028 | Posting date &1 does not lie within period &2. |
/SAPPCE/PNV029 | Transaction code &1 is not allowed |
/SAPPCE/PNV030 | Document &1 does not exist in BDS; firstly store in BDS |
/SAPPCE/PNV031 | Construction progress reports already exist |
/SAPPCE/PNV032 | No WBS elements met your selection criteria |
/SAPPCE/PNV033 | Selection not possible; First you must select a row |
/SAPPCE/PNV034 | Error during conversion; Check BAdI implementation |
/SAPPCE/PNV035 | WBS element permitted for performance notification &1 cannot be statistic |
/SAPPCE/PNV036 | Selection not possible; Selected row is not a WBS element |
/SAPPCE/PNV037 | Total service value is negative |
/SAPPCE/PNV038 | First enter an end date in the project definition |
/SAPPCE/PNV039 | First enter a start date in the project definition |
/SAPPCE/PNV040 | No construction progress report found for selection condition |
/SAPPCE/PNV100 | Update error: & & & |
/SAPPCE/PNV101 | Construction progress report &1 has been created |
/SAPPCE/PNV102 | Constr. Progress report for &1 fiscal year/period &2/&3 has been created |
/SAPPCE/PNV103 | WBS element &1 has been consolidated |
/SAPPCE/PNV104 | Data for construction progress report & has been changed |
/SAPPCE/PNV105 | No change authorization for WBS element &1 construction progress report |