Id | Title |
/SAPHT/DRM01486 | Price protectable price must be greater than zero. Correct your input. |
/SAPHT/DRM01487 | For recon bucket lot enter either Mat Doc Qty or Inv Qty, not both. |
/SAPHT/DRM01488 | Unable to download data to local file. |
/SAPHT/DRM01489 | Select only one record for processing. |
/SAPHT/DRM01490 | Unable to find sales order and item for the Purch order &1 and item &2. |
/SAPHT/DRM01491 | Corresponding Ship and Debit records were locked by user &1 |
/SAPHT/DRM01501 | No new bill up due list item can be created for your selection criteria. |
/SAPHT/DRM01502 | There is no bill up due list item for your selection criteria. |
/SAPHT/DRM01503 | No bill up due list item exists or possible for your selection criteria. |
/SAPHT/DRM01504 | Bill-up claim document cannot be created for records of this status. |
/SAPHT/DRM01505 | User &1 is processing bill up due list record number &2. |
/SAPHT/DRM01506 | Select at least one processing option. |
/SAPHT/DRM01507 | You do not have authorization to view bill up due list. |
/SAPHT/DRM01508 | Not authorized to view Billup due list for Sales area &1/&2/&3 partner &4 |
/SAPHT/DRM01509 | Not authorized to prcs Billup due list for Sales area &1/&2/&3 partner &4 |
/SAPHT/DRM01510 | You do not have authorization to process bill up due list. |
/SAPHT/DRM01511 | You do not have authorization to create bill up due list. |
/SAPHT/DRM01512 | Not authorized to crt Billup due list for Sales area &1/&2/&3 partner &4 |
/SAPHT/DRM01513 | Bill up due list record & successfully processed. |
/SAPHT/DRM01514 | User &1 has locked billup due list records |
/SAPHT/DRM01526 | IDoc successfully processed. See log for more information. |
/SAPHT/DRM01527 | IDoc could not be processed correctly. See application log for details. |
/SAPHT/DRM01528 | IDoc creation failed for Customer &1. |
/SAPHT/DRM01529 | Outbound partner profile not found for Customer &1. |
/SAPHT/DRM01531 | IDoc control record creation failed for Customer &1. |
/SAPHT/DRM01535 | Enter the QuantityType for creating a new record. |
/SAPHT/DRM01536 | Enter the PriceType for creating a new record. |
/SAPHT/DRM01537 | Enter the DateType for creating a new record. |
/SAPHT/DRM01538 | Data already exists for Worklistno &1 and PriceType &2. |
/SAPHT/DRM01539 | Data already exists for Worklistno &1 and DateType &2. |
/SAPHT/DRM01540 | Data already exists for Worklistno &1 and QuantityType &2. |
/SAPHT/DRM01576 | The inventory summary record is being processed by user &. |
/SAPHT/DRM01577 | Records being modified by another user. Screen opening in Display mode. |
/SAPHT/DRM01578 | Lot consumption failed. |
/SAPHT/DRM01579 | Data may be incorrect.Locking failure or no records exist. |
/SAPHT/DRM01580 | No Discrepancies found for selected data. |
/SAPHT/DRM01581 | Enter Transmission No. |
/SAPHT/DRM01582 | Enter Tracking Partner. |
/SAPHT/DRM01583 | Inventory reconciliation record successfully created. |
/SAPHT/DRM01584 | Non-reported materials not generated. |
/SAPHT/DRM01585 | These DRM lots are being processed by user &. |
/SAPHT/DRM01586 | Make goods issue qty and Invoiced qty equal. Then change the bucket type. |
/SAPHT/DRM01587 | You do not have &1 authorization for purchase org &2 and partner &3. |
/SAPHT/DRM01588 | Qty on effective date negative. Process by adjusting lots manually. |
/SAPHT/DRM01589 | You do not have & authorization. |
/SAPHT/DRM01590 | Business Partner & not assigned to Sales Area & & &. Correct your input. |
/SAPHT/DRM01591 | Enter Tracking Partner. |
/SAPHT/DRM01592 | Goods issue qty and invoice qty must be same for a price bucket lot. |
/SAPHT/DRM01593 | Available quantity is working out to be negative. Check your data. |
/SAPHT/DRM01594 | Special buy lot created without reference to resale customer. |
/SAPHT/DRM01595 | & Idocs successfully created. |
/SAPHT/DRM01596 | Enter a valid Material-Manufacturer Book Part Number combination. |
/SAPHT/DRM01597 | Enter Plant. |
/SAPHT/DRM01598 | Enter a valid Material-Plant combination. |
/SAPHT/DRM01599 | Enter currency. |
/SAPHT/DRM01600 | Enter Purchase Organization. |
/SAPHT/DRM01601 | Enter lot Price. |
/SAPHT/DRM01602 | Enter a valid Purchase organization- plant combination. |
/SAPHT/DRM01603 | Business Partner & does not exist. Enter a valid Business Partner. |
/SAPHT/DRM01604 | Enter Bucket Type. |
/SAPHT/DRM01605 | Enter Lot Type. |
/SAPHT/DRM01606 | Both Material qty and Invoice qty cannot be empty. |
/SAPHT/DRM01607 | Enter complete price information . Enter & . |
/SAPHT/DRM01608 | Manufacturer Book Part Number & not found. Enter a valid value. |
/SAPHT/DRM01609 | Lot(s) successfully created. |
/SAPHT/DRM01610 | Lot(s) saved. |
/SAPHT/DRM01611 | Partner and Tracking Partner combination not valid. |
/SAPHT/DRM01612 | This lot is being used in Inventory Reconciliaton. Cannot be deleted. |
/SAPHT/DRM01613 | Record has been updated by other DRM processes. Cannot be deleted. |
/SAPHT/DRM01614 | Record(s) deleted. |
/SAPHT/DRM01615 | Record(s) successfully undeleted. |
/SAPHT/DRM01616 | Partner & not assigned to Purch Org & and Plant &. Correct your entry. |
/SAPHT/DRM01617 | Save modified lots before proceeding. |
/SAPHT/DRM01618 | Enter Unit of Measurement. |
/SAPHT/DRM01619 | Unit & not maintained for Material & |
/SAPHT/DRM01620 | Inv.summary record for same key is being processed. Cannot effect release |
/SAPHT/DRM01621 | Interval overflow for number range. |
/SAPHT/DRM01622 | No customer found. |
/SAPHT/DRM01623 | Select IDOC to release. |
/SAPHT/DRM01624 | No IDOC to release. |
/SAPHT/DRM01625 | & IDOCs processed successfully. See log for more details. |
/SAPHT/DRM01626 | Please select only one record. |
/SAPHT/DRM01627 | Duplicate check not possible for transmission &. |
/SAPHT/DRM01628 | No possible duplicates exist for transmission & |
/SAPHT/DRM01629 | User &1 has locked staging records of transmission &2 |
/SAPHT/DRM01630 | Updates to LIS info structures failed. Processing terminated. |
/SAPHT/DRM01631 | No error lines exist for transmission & |
/SAPHT/DRM01632 | Insufficient Quantity in lot for consumption. Cannot cancel IR record# &. |
/SAPHT/DRM01633 | Contract & is already active for the line item &. |
/SAPHT/DRM01634 | Contract & is approved. |
/SAPHT/DRM01635 | Some of the Contracts are not approved. |
/SAPHT/DRM01636 | Contract & line item & is rejected. |
/SAPHT/DRM01637 | Some of the Contracts are not rejected. |
/SAPHT/DRM01638 | Contract & is already approved for the line item &. |
/SAPHT/DRM01651 | All the Sample Records in the transmission have not been released. |
/SAPHT/DRM01652 | Price of the created lot is 0. Make necessary changes using Lot Maint. |
/SAPHT/DRM01653 | Price protection status is incomplete. Lot cannot be deleted. |
/SAPHT/DRM01654 | Inventory summary record processed successfully. |
/SAPHT/DRM01655 | Select a Valid record for Processing. |
/SAPHT/DRM01656 | IR Record & cancelled sucessfully by & on & . |