Id | Title |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_GLO_040027 | Select one file only. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_000000 | Object does not exist. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_000001 | You have not fulfilled the prerequisites for this step. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_000002 | Maintain table &. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_000003 | Select at least one step. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_000004 | You do not have the authorization required. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_000005 | Select valid step |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_010001 | Entry ineffective due to object type selected --> Enter |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_010002 | Error in DYNP_VALUES_UPDATE: Return-Code &. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_010003 | No input values found. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_010004 | Select a business object first. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_010005 | Select an object first. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_010006 | Enter a valid value. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_010007 | No program exists with the name '&'. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_010008 | No interfaces could be found. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_010009 | Create report & as a customer DX object. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_010010 | Select a method for the business object first |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020001 | Characters permitted: A-Z, 0-9, '-', '_'. First character: A-Z |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020002 | Name '&' already in use. Choose another name. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020003 | Position the cursor on a source structure. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020004 | Enter a positive value. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020005 | Error when managing hierarchy |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020006 | You cannot delete an entire subtree. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020007 | You cannot delete the top level source struture. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020008 | Select source structure to be appended first. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020009 | Target structure is the same as the structure to be appended. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020010 | Target structure located in the subtree of the structure to be appended. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020011 | No changes were made. You do not need to save. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020012 | Specify a field length > 0. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020013 | Field length must be between & and & characters long. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020014 | Field length must be & characters or longer. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020015 | Error when uploading file '&' (return code &). |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020016 | Check that all fields have been completed. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020017 | The missing field name in the &. column was replaced by '&'. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020018 | The field name '&' is unacceptable and was replaced by '&'. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020019 | The field name '&' is used more than once and is replaced by '&'. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020020 | Position the cursor on a structure or field. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020021 | Position the cursor on a field. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020022 | Select the field to be appended first. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020023 | You can only reassign a field within a structure. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020024 | Position the cursor first. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020025 | The name '&' is unacceptable and must be changed. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020026 | A table/structure with the name '&' already exists in the data repository |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020027 | Specify a field name. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020028 | Source field '&' appended. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020029 | Name '&' must be changed as it is part of name of target structure '&'. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020030 | Select one file only |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020041 | Position the cursor on a structure. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_020043 | Error generating node |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_030001 | No target structures could be found |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_030002 | Position the cursor on the line to be changed. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_030003 | No source structure is assigned to target structure &. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_030004 | A source structure is already assigned to target structure &. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_030005 | Position the cursor on a structure. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_030006 | No source strutures could be found. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_030007 | There are no errors in the structure relations. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_030008 | There are errors in the structure relations. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_030009 | You must assign a source structure to target structure &. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040001 | Position the cursor on a field. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040002 | No source structure is assigned to target structure &. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040003 | Assign a source field first. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040004 | Error when inserting or creating a fixed value (RC = &). |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040005 | Error when inserting or creating a translation rule (RC= &). |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040006 | No source field is assigned to the target field. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040007 | Delete all source fields but one first. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040008 | Position the cursor on a structure or field. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040009 | Assign at least two source fields first. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040010 | No documentation could be found. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040011 | All source fields have been assigned. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040012 | No suitable input values could be found. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040013 | Warning: Source field is longer than target field. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040014 | Auto field mapping complete. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040015 | Specify a source field. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040016 | Specify a fixed value. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040017 | Specify a translation. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040018 | Specify a user-defined routine. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040019 | A source field is required for rule '&'. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040020 | No source field can be specified for rule 'fixed value'. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040021 | Conversion program generated successfully. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040022 | Generation cancelled. Reason: & |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040023 | Enter a valid value. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040024 | Reference structure could not be found. Enter. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040025 | Position the cursor on a structure. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040026 | Reference field does not exit: &-&; adjust manually. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040031 | No target structures could be found |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040032 | Warning: No external segment name found for segment '&'. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040033 | No default reservation exists for this field. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040034 | Default reservation restored. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_040035 | Reference structure & does not exist as a target structure. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_060001 | Specify input files first. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_060002 | Define source structures first |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_060003 | Define source fields first |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_060004 | Specify an output file first. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_060005 | Function is only available using Windows. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_060006 | Value '&' already assigned. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_060007 | Warning. File '&' created on the application server. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_060011 | Position the cursor on a node. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_060012 | File '&' is already specified. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_060013 | File '&' is already being used in another object. |
/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_060014 | Position the cursor on a file. |