SAP Messages

Id Title
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE756 Condition maintenance is not possible at the moment
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE757 Client is not the same as client in condition maintenance session
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE758 The scale field for dimension &1 in row &2 is initial
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE759 All scale fields for row &1 are the same in row &2
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE760 Removal of lock &1 on lock server failed
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE761 Condition record may not be processed (transport-relevant)
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE762 Authorization for display is available, but not for changes
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE763 There is no display authorization for at least one condition record
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE764 No authorization for creating this condition record
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE765 There is no create authorization for field &1
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE766 There is no change authorization for field &1
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE767 There is no display authorization for field &1
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE768 Authorization to display is available, but not to change (See SU53)
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE769 Condition record can not be displayed because of authorization (See SU53)
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE770 No authorization to create this condition record (See SU53)
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE771 The condition record cannot be displayed because of authorization
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE772 Input help for condition type restricted: due to authorization (See SU53)
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE773 &1 &2: Locks not set by &3 in trusted mode
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE774 &1 &2: Locks not solved by &3 in trusted mode
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE775 After-import mode: no default values and field checks
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE776 Field value &1 for field DBACTION_TABL does not have expected value
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE777 Usage &1 and maintenance &2 cannot both be supplied
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE778 Usage &1 is not known
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE780 Buffer for attribute conversion in &1 not filled
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE781 Cannot create record because similar records cannot be locked
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE786 Application &1 of maint. group &2 are not identical to I_APPLICATION &3
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE789 Condition maintenance group &1 is not valid
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE794 Selection criteria for field &1 is too general (-> restrict further)
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE796 Condition inactive due to missing authorization (see SU53)
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE800 Import parameter &1 during call of &2 is inconsistent
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE801 Condition reference data from initialization does not exist in call &1
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE802 Maintenance of condition record not permitted because condition reference
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE805 Context search field &1 not supported
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE806 Changing context search field not possible
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE850 ** Interaction Layer [850..999] **
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE851 The interaction layer has not been initialized
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE852 Specified application &1 does not exist
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE853 Complete parameter &1
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE854 Specified maintenance context &1 does not exist
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE855 Not all columns have the same value in each line.
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE856 This instance for the interaction was already initialized
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE857 Transferred value &1 is not a valid editing mode
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE858 Formatted Customizing for application &1 in /SAPCND/T688C was not found
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE859 The working set item with VARNUMH &1 does not exist in the working set
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE860 Field name &1 is not known
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE861 Condition type &1 &2 &3 does not exist
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE862 Condition table &1 &2 &3 does not exist
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE863 Semantic type for &1 &2 &3 &4 initial line is not permitted
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE864 Condition maintenance is not permitted for semantic type &1 &2 &3 &4
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE865 The session is not currently in the change mode
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE866 The status of the current change mode is not known
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE867 Transferred processing mode &1 is invalid
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE868 Select a condition record
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE869 No scales can be maintained for this condition record.
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE870 Scale area was not initialized
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE871 Usage cache does not contain data for usage &1
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE872 Condition type &1 for application &2 and usage &3 not found
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE873 Condition record &1 was read from archive and from the database
/SAPCND/MAINTENANCE874 Reference data for VARNUMH &1 is inconsistent
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA000 * Test function modules and reports for creating master data *
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA001 Condition record is successfully created.
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA002 Condition record(s) not created due to time period overlap.
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA003 Condition record(s) not created due to errors (see log).
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA004 Primary key (VARNUMH) must be filled.
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA005 Condition record is successfully deleted.
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA006 Record values mismatch between API and database for field &1.
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA007 Condition record in DB not selected by the API
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA008 No Condition record for change selected
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA009 API creates &1 and not &2 condition records
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA010 No Condition record for delete selected
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA011 The BADI &1 does not have active implementation
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA012 The application &1 is not registered for ABAP Unit test
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA013 The usage &1 is not registered for ABAP Unit test
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA014 Condition maintenance group &1 does not have any group items.
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA015 Application &1 returned wrong condition maintenance group &2
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA016 Usage &1 did not participate in change condition records testing
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA017 Condition record created by API not present in database for &1 &2 &3.
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA018 Errors in condition record maintenance (see log).
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA019 Overlapping condition records not detected for &1 &2.
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA020 Error release status not set for overlapping condition records for &1 &2.
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA021 Overlap condition records detected as expected.
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA022 Overlapping condition records not resolved for &1 &2.
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA023 Release status not reset after resolution of overlap for &1 &2.
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA024 Overlap condition records resolved as expected.
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA025 Overlap functionality cannot be tested due to error in condition record.
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA026 Scale table &1 is not initial for application &2 usage &3 for scale dim 0
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA027 Scale table &1 is initial for application &2 usage &3 for scale dim > 0.
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA028 Record values mismatch between API and database for scales field.
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA029 Mismatch between the API and DB in &1 table
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA032 Condition maintenance not rejected even though KOPOS is greater than 1.
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA033 Condition record was selected in change mode even though KOPOS > 1.
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA035 Cond. record was not deleted successfully from the condition table
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA036 Cond. record was not deleted successfully from the condindx table
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA040 Creation of condition record with scales failed for application &1
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA041 Runtime for &1 of &2 condition records is &3 microseconds.
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA043 Maintenance of cond. rec. was possible even for wrong key CT field
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA044 CT key fields check not possible as the test cond. record has problems
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA045 CT ky fields could be changed for existing condition record
/SAPCND/MASTERDATA046 Not all error messages were detected in validity window tests
Lines 20101 to 20200 of 607611 entries
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