SAP Messages

Id Title
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS402 Test run only
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS403 &2 entries generated in /SAPCND/CONDINDX for condition table &1
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS404 No missing entries in /SAPCND/CONDINDX for condition table &1
/SAPCND/DB_ACCESS405 Error while generating data object for &1
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE000 &1 &2 &3 &4
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE001 Serious Errors in Data Selection
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE002 Object could not be generated
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE003 Error During Method Call
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE004 Error when adding
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE005 Entry already exists
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE006 Error when deleting
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE007 Condition table generated successfully
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE008 Max. No. of Steps per Application Exceeded
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE009 Maintain all key fields
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE010 Customizing for data determination blocked by other users
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE011 Entry is marked for deletion
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE012 Maintain data completely
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE013 Generation status of table &1 not correct
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE014 Determination step &1 does not exist
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE015 Determination procedure &1 does not exist
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE016 Access &1 does not exist
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE017 Determination procedure &1 already exists
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE018 Transport request could not be created
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE019 Maintenance of object not possible
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE020 Entry may not be postponed
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE021 Enter name of condition table in accordance with namespace
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE022 Choose a permitted name for condition table
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE023 Field is not defined in application &1
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE024 Enter a name for the det. procedure in accordance with customer namespace
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE025 Enter a name for det. procedure in accordance with SAP namespace
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE026 Name of determination procedure is initial
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE027 Usage &2 is not permitted under application &1
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE028 Maintain field 'Prioritization for evaluation'
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE029 Delete field 'Prioritization for evaluation'
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE030 Processing Terminated
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE031 Priority & assigned more than once
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE032 An error has occurred
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE033 Choose name of condition table with permitted symbols
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE034 Generation log could not be displayed
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE035 Error! Data not saved
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE036 Data is incorrect
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE037 Defaulted values imported
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE038 Combination of application and determination category not permitted
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE039 No authorization for data determination maintenance
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE040 Documentation cannot be displayed
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE041 Data inconsistencies in a Customizing table
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE042 Unpermitted symbol in the description
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE043 No authorization for displaying data determination
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE044 Determination Step &1 has not yet been assigned to a condition type
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE045 Condition type &1 does not exist
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE046 Select one line only
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE047 No access sequence was assigned to condition type &1
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE048 Access sequence &1 does not exist
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE050 Enter a condition type
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE051 Condition type &1 does not exist
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE052 Enter an access sequence
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE053 Access sequence &1 does not exist
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE054 Condition type &1 already exists
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE055 Access sequence &1 already exists
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE056 Condition type &1 is not in the customer namespace
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE057 Access sequence &1 is not in the customer namespace
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE058 Condition type &1 is already being used in another step
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE059 Maintenance of access sequences is not permitted in this client
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE100 Determination procedure deleted successfully
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE101 Deletion of determination procedure terminated
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE102 Determination step deleted successfully
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE103 Deletion of determination step terminated
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE104 Data saved successfully
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE105 Deletion of access terminated
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE106 Access successfully deleted
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE107 No change found! Data not saved
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE108 No authorization for generating condition table
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE109 No authorization for maintaining condition tables
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE110 Condition table &1 was not deleted
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE113 Condition table &1 cannot be deleted in external namespace
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE114 Condition table &1 is still being used, and was therefore not deleted
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE115 You do not have the authorization to delete condition tables
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE200 Change the category of field &1 to C
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE201 Include field &1 as the field for determination
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE300 * Messages for Customizing BAdI implementations
/SAPCND/DD_CUSTOMIZE301 Do not forget view or view cluster maintenance for selected filter
/SAPCND/DD_MAINTAIN001 Object could not be created!
/SAPCND/DD_MAINTAIN002 Serious error in method call!
/SAPCND/DD_MAINTAIN003 Error! Command could not be executed!
/SAPCND/DD_MAINTAIN004 Function not supported!
/SAPCND/DD_MAINTAIN005 Serious Errors in Data Selection
/SAPCND/DD_MAINTAIN006 Documentation could be displayed
/SAPCND/DD_MAINTAIN007 Transaction type &1 does not exist
/SAPCND/DD_MAINTAIN008 Condition table &1 does not exist yet
/SAPCND/DD_MAINTAIN009 Condition table &1 not completely generated
/SAPCND/DD_MAINTAIN010 Item category &1 does not exist
/SAPCND/DD_MAINTAIN011 Maintain the transaction category
/SAPCND/DD_MAINTAIN012 Data saved successfully
/SAPCND/DET000 Exception occured
/SAPCND/DET001 Resource bundle &1 is not readable
/SAPCND/DET002 No pricing procedure passed to ConditionFindingManager
/SAPCND/DET003 The condition table is missing. Access &1 &2 &3 &4
/SAPCND/DET004 Document field &1 is missing in the appl. field catalogue (access &2)
/SAPCND/DET005 Table field &1 is missing in condition table &2 (access &3)
/SAPCND/DET006 Document field for access &1 (appl. &2, usage &3, name &4) is missing
Lines 19201 to 19300 of 607611 entries
1 191 192 193 194 195 6,077