Diagnosis A sale or financial movement transaction is selected twice for the shortor over calculation. This causes an incorrect short or over amount. During the short or over calculation, the totals transactions (Trx)define the relevant sales and financial movement transactions with theirkey. System Response The key is given in the message parameter and can contain the followingparameters (some might be empty) separated by commas (,):
- Store
- Business day
- Transtypecode
- POS Number
- Department
- Cashier
- Transaction Currency
- Transaction Index
- Tender type code and tender currency in case of sales transactions, or
financial type code, financial currency, debit flag and item number incase of financial movements transactionsProcedure
- Check if the scenario to calculate the expected amount is set correctly
in the Customizing.
- Check if you have duplicate totals, sales or financial movement
transactions on the abouve key fields.
- Check for overlapping selections. For example:
Check if there is an overlapping key in the totals transaction. Forexample, totals transaction A has a time duration from 8:00 to 10:00.Totals transaction B has a duration from 9:00 to 11:00. Sales from 9:00to 10:00 will then be selected by both totals transaction. Check if a totals transaction contains more than one tender type withthe same payment type code.