SAP Message /MAP/M613 - Influencing factor &1: event &3 for infl. factor &2 is not a closure

Influencing factor &V1& is of the type "number of sales days". Theinfluencing factor &V2& of the type "event" is assigned to influencingfactor &V1& to take account of location closures.
If influencing factors of the type "event" are used to take locationclosures into account, the events assigned to these influencing factorsmust be of the type "closure" (C).
This is not the case for influencing factor &V2&. The event &V3& that isassigned to it is of a different type.

System Response
Processing is cancelled.

Assign an influencing factor of the type "event" that actually has aclosure assigned to it to the influencing factor &V1& to take account ofclosures.