SAP Message /MAP/AD01081 - Change in row &1 cannot be made (see longtext)

You have planned a successor for a released assignment in row &V1&. Inaddition, you have already planned another successor for this successor.The assignments cannot overlap but there must also be no gaps betweenthem. The change you plan to make to the direct successor to a releasedassignment would cause exactly this however.

System Response
The action cannot be carried out as it would lead to an inconsistency inrow &V1& with the planned successor in row &V2&.

You can delete the successor assignment in row &V2& and then the plannedsuccessor assignment in row &V1&. Alternatively, you can save first,which will give the current assignment the new status (planned forscheduling). The next time you enter the transaction, you can thenmanipulate the successor assignments.