SAP Message /MACCRM/BASIC017 - No processing mode found in action container; see long text

You have not entered a processing mode for the executed action in theaction container.

Contact your system administrator.

Procedure for System Administration
You have to enter a processing mode for the executed action in theaction container.
To do this:
Go to the Customizing activity Define Action Profiles and Actions
Select the action profile where your action was created.
Choose Action Definition in the navigation tree.
Select the action that caused the error.
Choose Processing Types in the navigation tree.
Change to edit mode and choose Change Definition (pencil icon).
In the dialog box, choose Create.
To create a container element, enter the following data:
,,Element: MODE
,,Name: MODE
,,Description: Processing Mode
,,ABAP Dict. Data Type: /MACCRM/T_MODE (ProcessingMode for Multiple-Asset Contract)
,,Initial Value: One of the following values: A (Cancellation) or C(Creation) or S (Simulation)
Save the container and the action definition.